Visitor Reflections

Aerial view

This page is a transcription of reflections written in the book at the entrance to the labyrinth since 2013, or put in the comment box since 2020. Written reflections are transcribed here about twice a month. This page contains no reflections during a period in 2019-2020 when an unhappy person repeatedly removed the comment book until the book was replaced by the comment box.  New comments might not be added here when the typist moves on, and this website might disappear when the website fee is not paid.  Hopefully  the labyrinth will live on for a while, but nothing lasts forever. 

Italics (like this) indicate words that were not written by visitors to the labyrinth. If the transcription shows the last name followed by an initial (“Katie J”) then Katie provided only the initial of her last name. If Katie wrote her last name in full, the transcript provides only the first letter of her last name followed by an underscore: “Katie J_” (because Katie might not want her full name on the internet). Mis-spelled words have been corrected (unless the mis-spelling seemed deliberate), periods and commas have been added, and obscenities deleted. If you do not find your comment here, someone removed the paper with your comment. The forward slash "/" indicates a line break in a poetic text. Many people drew hearts (), smiley faces (), or peace symbols (☮), and a few people drew a symbol for"om" (), yin-yang (), infinity (∞), ☼, ★, or ☾.

The transcribed comments & reflections:

(This entry was stamped on the front page of the book in early April 2013:) 

You are never alone. Life is an opportunity. Feel it. Live it. You are capable of anything. Do not be afraid to show gratitude, no matter what it will always help you grow.  We are all connected, and you are my divine. Through love we can raise our vibrations and bring this world to a higher place. We are timeless. Together we are everything. Namaste. KJ

Jaebone March 30 2013

Eva! 3-31-13. Shmanks a lot. Dan & Friends.

April 1. Lovely

4-2.   I walk in beauty

Bob 4-3-13.  well done

April 4. I’ve been to 5 labyrinths on 3 continents, none nicer than this one. It feels like it grew here.

4-7-13. Amazing. Hope to see it grow. Found this while walking on the path. C.

I like it a lot. We like it a lot. No questions.  Charles Raymond R_

Walking life. Windchimes. Hamdodia. Old chair good. B. B_

Enno. Marin B_

Jason O_

Crazy eyes munchkin freshballs.  Paul S_

Young tree the sol psyientist 4-7-2013 Heady Vibin’ Steady Tribin’

4-8-13. Amazing & fabulous. My Cherokee blood felt the heart of the Hopi. With love, Cathy K_

4-8-13. This is a wonderful gift. Eric W.

9 April 2013. Thanks! – Flagstaff Resident

4-14-13. Great idea in a great location, also love the windchimes. – Josh

4-12-13. Thanks! Across the dip.

4-14. Sarah & Jessi

4-15-13. – Jessica, Damon, Kyle

4-20-13. Tyler B_

Why is dry ice so cold?

Roni C_ 4-14-13. It was like I was in a dream.

Claire N_

Jamie B_ 4-14-13. Was a long experience but nice.

Adam D_ 4-14-13. It was a fun thing experience I ever had.

Max & Lance, 14 April 2013, and Princess Jessica & Charizard (sorta)

April 15. Quinn S_ Had a fun walk. Was a great experience. Loved it.

Creighton H_  DWAMM!!!

Marty Y_ A crazy experience. I think I’ll try to take a co-worker here for a crazy first date. If she says Yes!

4/19. Amy & Nhi & Grok & Whiskey

4/19. Kiersten & Emma ♥

4/21. Jenn & Piper ♥

4/21. Tara & Brad being silly and wondering when we’d meet David Bowie.

4/21. My first time. KML

4/21. Kelsey & Vince “Who farted”

4/21. J.A. “First time!” Forget the past and move forward!

4/22. Happy Earth Day. L.M_

4/22. Happy Earth Day, Labyrinth! May you treat me well!  C.L_

4/22. What a beautiful gift. Thank you. SMB

4/24. Jared K – Perfect

4/25. Phil L. exceptionally necter.

4/27. Beautiful place. Alma M_

4/27. great and peaceful experience – Johnny & J.

4/27. Thank you for the project, it’s beautiful, love it.

4/27. What a treat!!!

4/27.  I was sad to come to the end. Nice meditation

4/27. Thank you. What a gift.

4/27. Thank you I enjoyed it very much.

4/27. intimate sharing.

4/27. Thank you for this gift Paul & Maryanne

4/28. What a nice surprise to find. Thank you.

4/28. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey. ☺

4/28. So complex yet so simple, just like life.

4/28. Vince

4/29. Sofia – so beautiful and peaceful. ♥

4/29. Beautiful energies here, what a learning experience. ♥ Karleigh

4/29. Kyle “DOBIS”

On shroomz! This is dope. Thanks.

4/29. Kelly I love youuuu. ♥ Thanks Mah

4/29. Rick Dream big and take time to enjoy the small things in life.

Enjoy your journey.


4/29. Miles of smiles. ♥ I love dave h.

4/30. Billy Pilgrim & Oden, Illium New York. Very nice experience, nice work. The man & dog in a maze.

4/30. Thank you

4/30. The only way that we can achieve the biggest of our dreams is faith. Every moment is perfect.

4/30. Simply a beautiful experience. Haley.

4/30/2013. Hi I’m Lex. Beautiful Day. See you again. Pretty vibes.

4/30/2013. One day I will find myself and find peace along the way. KN

5/1/2013. Our reality is subject to our own paradigm. What we believe is true.

5-1-13. Jared K. Everyday is Christmas, that is the real “secret.”

5-1-13. Rick D – Stop worrying Start living.

5-1. Pretty contemplative, unusual for me….

5-1-13. This is why I love Flagstaff. Thank you. Codie B_

5-3-13. Magical place in a beautiful town.

5-3-13. A place that will call me back to a place I love.

5-5-13. Beautiful day. Jenny G_

5-5-13. our adventure day! ♥ Sierra P_

5-6-13. Everett. Good job.

5-6-13. Awesome

5/7/13. Fascinating. I know I went someplace and I came back and yet the whole time I was right here. Thank you for this beautiful opportunity to explore both inner and outer landscape. Blessings on all who walk this path in peace. Andy G.

Robert M S_

Jesse & Dozjinh H_

5/10. Marcella D_

5/10. Anna – very neat

5/11/13. Cinque. Thank you.

5/11/13.  Laura T_ was here….

5/11/13.  “Here” is a subjective term … I may or may not have been “here” at all.  – Laura T_

5-11. Skyler

5/12. The popes walking the path on mother’s day.

5/13. Stumbled upon this gift during a trail clean up… what a sweet surprise. Shawn B_ and Lizette M_

5/13. Karleigh & Coleman. Great first experience here.

5/14.  (Insert meaningful quote) – Elyse

5/14. Austin

5/14. Just what I needed. A moment to contemplate.  The world slipped away. Malene & Yoki.

5/16. Thank you, Mr Flute!


JA. Chuck Y_

5-16. Beautiful inspiration. Andrea R.

5-18. Codie B. & Zach C. ♥

5-21-13. Another great surprise in beautiful Flagstaff enjoyed & appreciated by visitors from Australia. Susie, Luca, & Mischa

5-23-13. So happy this is here. Thanks for the adventure. Megan S_

5-25-13. Enjoyed our walk – Allen family

5-25-13. Brittany

5/25/13. Peaceful, wind chimes, great effect

5/26/13. We all do get to where we are supposed to be – trust the twists and turns getting there. ☺

5/26/13. Thank you Flagstaff!

5/27. Thank you. Dengharie B_

5/27.  Much better thanks

5/28. d.P. A much needed moment to reflect

5/28/13. (Jason) A nice stroll through the magical place.

5/29/13. Duncan & Alissa ☮ & ♥

5/29/13. Chelsea Michelle ♥

6/2/13. Jamie N_ ♥ ☺

6/2/13. Dexter & Pyron & Ma f*ckin Brod

6/3/13.  Angela K_ ♥

6/3/13. Jen R_  Thank you ♥

6/3/13. Gracias

6/4/13. What a gift. After spending months building a labyrinth out of rocks and downed limbs, this is really quite something. – Love it. – Lathina

6/4/13. Cameron C_

6/4/13. Tacia ☺

6/4/13. Will

6/4/13 6:07 PM. Chelsey S.A.B.C.

6/4/13 6:07 PM Elias S.

Kelly S_ June 2, 2013

I lost the game. ☺

June 6 2013.  Nothing comes to mind. My mind is tied in time the feeling is natural. This state of bliss is highly unusual I find my mind is soon unraveled with the taste of basics. Sat patient and keep on untangling.

June 8. HAMM setting intentions for summer

6/10/13. Hi, me & my dog polly are going in. See ya later. – Sam

June 12, Brandon. Cool pile in the center! ☺

June 12. nice little bonding with my family ♥

June 12 2013. Kept calm and carried on. ☺Amanda ♥

June 12, 2013. We are more than the sum of our knowledge.

June 13, 2013. Just what we needed. ♥ Taylor & Keara

6/15/13. Lovely. Simply lovely. Amy, Anne & Annette

6/15/13. Nicely done!

6/15/13. Fay & BH ♥ xoxo ☮

6/15/13. Walked through with a joint in my hand and a beautiful friend. Needed this day and I couldn’t be more thankful. High off weed & oxygen… feelin

Madrone 6-16-14

Erika. Thank you so much for this labyrinth which so greatly benefits our community.


Epiphany 6-16-13 Love

6-16-13. This is the most beautiful energy labyrinth I have ever walked. I’ve walked several in Florida, Flagstaff, Alaska & California. J.M.

6-16. Energy from life: we communicate. CH

The D_ Family ♥ 6-16-13

6-16. Spicy ☮ ♥ nmjobs

06/17/13. Thank you. An amazing & peaceful experience. Calming. Beautiful. ♥ Kirsten ☮

6/16.  Boomlan

Me and meiler we don’t know the day but we think its 2013 sometime. ☺

Raelynn June 17th  2013

Fun-f*ckin-tastic – love you…. Not

Nice blend of male & feminine energy – peace in and follows through acceptance. MG 6/19/13

So blessed to have people that care about community and spreading the love. Maddy

Kinsey Science Summer Camp was here, June 20th 2013: Adeline, Atira, Kyler, Sam, Chase, (“The shift is upon us.”), Chris, Jose, Sarah, Tia, Brook, Kenyon Kariss, Kaitlyn, D, Skylar, Kaylen, Nessa, Suby, Page, Henderson

June 21st. Keith and Mike walk the mujuckin labyrinth

June 22. ♥ Sue and Julie found the labyrinth. ☮

6/23. Andy & Lara

6/24/13.  Blessed be Nicolette! ☺ Carpe diem Benjamin Button! & Happy Days to all you candy lovers!

6/24/13. Alexa

6-24. Back again. ☺ Cameron C_

6-24-13. Came to get my mind off everything – Rebecca R_.  I walk in spirit to hope one day life would not be so hard for me. ☺

6-25-13. First time and liked it, very relaxing, peaceful. ☺ Jay

Thank you it was very nice! Saige

Kellie & Noelle 6/26 ☺ ♥

6-27-13. Beautiful first time labyrinth experience. Can’t wait to get married in one this winter! Julie and Ron

6-26-13. Very pleasant discovery – Thank you. ☺

6-29-13. What an amazing adventure! – KM

6-29-13. Just what i need for those times when things get too much, a safe place ♥

7-3-13. Sweetwood Fleetwood It’s what I do. It who I be.

7-4-13. As I turned the Corner towards eternal bliss I realized there were a few more corners to turn prior to arrival! ☺

Freedom ain’t free.

Swoles me goats smagel crawdad – Hamtodia!!!!

7-7-13. Celia and Julie B_ and Hanna W_

7/13/13. #13 is my lucky number, after running this urban trail for 4 years I finally came across this creation. So awesome! It’s going to be a good day!! D J_ & Koozie

It’s the believing that gets you the result you want, not the action.

July 11. Lyn. Fabulous journey!

7/15/13. I’ve walked many labyrinths… this has one of the best feelings of any of them. I will be back many times. Thank you for this. KR M__

7/17. life is so good. Love life & it will love you back!

Look ahead for hope. Look behind to know where you came from. But look where you are. Be present. Be yourself and be sure. Read and write your own story!

Hello Stranger, My day was hectic and I stumbled across this. It was really a way to clear my mind and reflect in the solace offered by this labyrinth. I hope it helps you too. Also, do not ever give up. Like this labyrinth, your life is forged by you and you go at your pace. You are a beautiful individual and I hope you find yourself, even it is not here. Do not forget to smile either.  Love always, Bethanie ♥

Things scattered about – pain and grass, rusted trash, all these things scattered about. I take this journey on my way out which I knew nothing about. But it’s OK its just fear. All that I need is everything here.

Like attracts like.

July 18. (child’s scribble with label written by an adult:) Jasper’s labyrinth.

Yo Yo Yiggety!

You are here. Congratulations.

Thank you for the respite from the trail. Freedom of the mind will always prevail. Jonathan T_

Ariana T to go on new adventure.

I was able to experience this site with my sons and my daughter along, a good day, Take care, love, A.

7/23/13. Thank you. Pine Forest summer camp. The kids left shells & gems.

8/2/13. Job well done! Perfect idea. Thank you MV and PB. Lovely synchronicity & moments to pause. HMH

The sun is but a morning star.

7/28/13. Today I encountered the labyrinth located near my home in Flagstaff. This labyrinth helped to give me a new understanding and perspective on the simpler things in life. When I first entered the labyrinth I felt nothing. The signs seemed to explain that it helps relax and focus your mind. Within minutes my mind was enlightened and all other thoughts and worries simplified. This process helped me not take for granted things that could be taken away tomorrow. Life is a beautiful thing which can be hectic and I left that this labyrinth helped to focus my heart and soul. Thank you. – Brian L.

I keep coming back to this special place & it warms my heart each time. Today I share this visit with my special lil’ sis. XO -  Jordan

Hey guys this is an awesome place to come. This showed me how many great things there are in love. I shared this moment with my big sis Jordan.  Gina loves this. ♥

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -unknown

8/2/13. Attended by a talking crow & a brewing thunderstorm. Can’t wait to celebrate Julie & Ron’s wedding! ♥ Katie

SSShe wasss a day tripperr. N__

“Now alone with my last friend in the world, I have found happiness.”  Robert

Safety corridors for the wild, calming pathways for the domestic. Hard work, life enhancing love in both. Thank you for these moments, creativity. It all ripples out as well as in. HMH & P 8/4/13

Aaron & Cheryl ♥  July 22 2013

“Smoke weed.” F* yes. ♥

Black red and white power!

Aug 8 2013. Ruby, Julie, Mark, Miles

Rick – Just peace, happiness, and love!!!

Fidel E_ - Enjoy life and everything that comes with it.


Cecie H_

I have started coming to this labyrinth as a way to meditate and now it has become part of my spiritual well-being. Each time I complete a circuit I find my connection to it grows stronger and I depart with a feeling of peace and solace. I like to leave gifts in the labyrinth to bring a sense of wonder to all others who walk it. I come here often so maybe you’ll meet me here one day. – Anjel.

27 Aug 2013. Peaceful dawn after 3 days of rain. Blooming here today: scarlet gilia, scarlet gaura, orange mallow, snakeweed, thinleaf four o’clock, redroot buckwheat, pale aster, purple aster, wild geranium, goldenrod, wild chrysanthemum, white yarrow, wheeler’s thistle. Jah bless!

JMC 9/12/13

Inside these words of thought, I feel a connection to my fellow man. I feel a road must be traveled that has been changed by those who proceeded before me. – Flynn R_

9/25/13. My first labyrinth! It’s very intriguing & I hope to check out more. Thank you for making this. Tick W_

Izak H (6 years old), Dylan (5 years old), Gabe (9 years old), The J_ Fam. Sep 28th 2013

LCA 9/22/13. I love the maze, it brings me inner peace.

Where is David Bowie?! I want my money back!

I am Harper B_, a kid 9/28/13

We are feeling some serious good vibes! ♥☮♥ Greg N_, Emily E_ 10-6-13

It is fun and adventurous. 9/22/13

Victoria P_ ♥☮J

9/27/13. This is my second time here in the past two days. I came with different people. This is where I come to get inspiration. I am a writer & an artist. I love coming here to think. Natasha ♥. 

What if humans could fly? The travel agencies would collapse. It would start out as an experimental procedure. People would try to shut it down. The people who would survive would be the people in small towns like Flagstaff. The world would change. Thanks to Link for the idea.

Seven years ago today my mom died. I am 18 now. I thought this would the perfect place to get away. I’m glad to share this moment with 2 of my best friends, RIP Tonya Fay B_

10/7/13. came across this beauty today.. bless every beautiful soul that steps on this land, and may peace & serenity follow your spirit. – Megan R_

John & S_ Oct 8th 2013

Love all beings, including yourself.

10/8/13. beautiful sharing this experience with our daughters. Our day and journey made special. Thank you! – The F_ family

We were here from LA & LV. Andrea 10/11/13

Brandi G_ was here from LA to LV. God bless you.

10/12/13. Take the world but give me Jesus.

10/14/13. A peaceful lava labyrinth. Thank for the construction. D. Wright.

10/16. “From ever darkness I may bear will the power of light & glory come from within that I may live in everlasting life with the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

10/17. Remember, we humans are small in this big big universe. Stay humble. Marcy E_

10/18/13. This life to declare your promise, my soul now to stand. Thank you.

10/18/13. This place is a symbol for my life. Every time I feel like I’d close to my goal my life path takes me further away from it. I’m making a lot of life decisions that are going to correct more than just me. I hope I’m making the right ones.

10/19/13. Very beautiful. My father has helped in creating this amazing thing. Tovia – peace & love.

10/20/13. Life is beautiful.

10/20/13. Peace and beauty surround us – open your eyes and self to them for they are also within.

10/21/13. Monday. This experience was very nice and serene. Especially love the wind chime. Spike.

10/21/13. Thank you for this man-made healing place amidst my favorite natural walk in Flagstaff, Sawmill Trail. Lin K_

The young jedi once said to the rabbit: “YOLO” – David, Ben, Tyler

10-24-13. New to Flagstaff. Found the labyrinth while running “lost” on the trail. Great surprise – will come back often. Gina G.

10-24-13. – had a crappy week and wanted to walk the trail, strangers told me to go to the labyrinth, this is my new calm place. – Ronnie

10-25-13. Who in their plans had the forethought to create a place as this, for those who are troubled to lay their troubles aside, who are in thanksgiving come to walk and meditate on these blessings? Whoever you are, from my heart I send blessing to return for your thoughtful effort in this creation. SKR

28 Oct. I felt walking the labyrinth was amazingly peaceful. It was nearly magical. I love the energy here and most definitely plan to return. – Taylor

I love how the labyrinth takes you on a journey. It represents our lives and how it takes us in all sorts of directions – the beauty in this, however, is that every step of the way is filled with hope and discovery. We reach our destination in time, but realize that it was the walk the adventure that was more meaningful. God had a plan for each of us – one filled with adventure and discover – trust that plan – trust that path – trust the light set forth ahead of you – understand that there is hope, that you are beautiful – and that you will find peace. CG

Life is a beautiful thing – cherish it, love it, discover it. The labyrinth represents how you have a path in life, take it as you go, trust God, because in the end he will lead you to what you desire. – Brianna D.

10/25/13. Today I felt self-doubt and thought a walk would clear my head when I found this labyrinth. I walked it, meditated, and felt at peace with my self again. Magic. Ashley J_

10-26-13. Surreal walking through a labyrinth that appeared small, but wasn’t. Beautiful. Celeste T_

10-26-13. Stumbled upon this place. Sometimes I forget how beautiful nature is! Thanks for the reminder Flagstaff! One day I hope to become as lovely of a person as your are a town. Glad I could share this experience. – Kelsey T_

10-26-13. Labyrinth for life! Carly & Korey & Justin  (11-4-13).

10/27/13. Found while walking along; peaceful full of positive vibes; nice to sit and just listen to the sounds around you. Will come back often. Paola Y. Peace, love, positive vibes. ॐ ♥☮

10/27/13. This place was extremely peaceful. All the quietness there is amazing. It’s a great place to think and let go of all the problems in life. J

11-2-13. Kaina Kayla & Sara #sharks

11-3.  I am the fire, the wind & the sea. I will surround you like a spreading disease.

11-3. Michael, Ian, Brandon really enjoyed the spot.

11-4. Love is what is important

Loved the vibes here.

Embrace the transition. There’ll be another one at the end. ♥ J & whatever else.

One life. One love. – ash

4 Nov 2013. I enjoy watching the labyrinth change with the seasons. Looking forward to the first snow. Peace to all who pass here.

11-11-13. Julya & Jack were here.

11-11-13. Adventures of Travel Bear. Travel Bear was here.

13th November 2013. On exchange at NAU from Australia. Flagstaff, you never disappoint in terms of your beauty! – Kate

13.11.13 (this is how we write it in Australia) Every day is a glorious day. ♥ Rhiannon.

David & Katie G_ 11-17-13

Blessings on our wandering souls. Walter 11/16

11-14-13. warm sun, cool bench, wind chimes, slowing feet, still, active minds.

Nothing is permanent. Only love is eternal. Bring yourself back here again again, it is your home. Peace. Be happy.

Dec 3, 2013.  I’m 21 years old and I cut myself for the 1st time 3 weeks ago. I was at my lowest point and felt so alone. And afraid. But there is so much beauty all around – like this simple labyrinth – how can I not see love in it? I have rediscovered my joy and found my loving friends. I am thankful for them in this season. ♥ BRS

12-13-13. Yesterday was hard on me emotionally but coming here reminded me that even in your worst days, remember to appreciate all that you have. Tell those who mean the most to you how special they are. Some are waiting to hear it. ♥ RRS

Awesome!!! “rocket to the moon whistling our favorite tape trying to get a closer view” – Renee & Paul

Life is a journey, make it beautiful. Be strong, chin up. Have hope, faith and ever give up.

12-13-13. Friday the 13th first trip to the labyrinth. Going to graduate in 1 week. Great way to end my semester. Thanks. Rachelle. 224

1-19-14. Here with Newton my puppy! Great vibes although things would be better with David Bowie. Cassidy W_

1-19. You must always have faith in others, but most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.

1-19. Went on a stroll with a friend and found this hidden ‘maze.’ Brought me peace and good vibes.

1-20. Won the lottery! – Derek Jeter

1-20. “We’re going to be late.”  “That’s OK.” – Don S.

1-20. “the only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.” – Charlie Ross

1-20. “I wrick turtle’s.” - Marl H.

1-19-2014.  I found this while on a journey with a good friend of mine. Today is Sunday and I know the Lord brought me here for a reason. You are important and loved. You’re beautiful and wanted by him. So smoke some herb, love others, and pass on the good vibes. Life is too short for hate. With all the love I possess. Annie P.

1-20-14. Steve, Lauren, Ihai & Kaura ventured to the center of the labyrinth and found exquisite solace in the 0.25-mile of complete silence. Travel Bear was here!

1-20-14. 4:36 PM

What a mystery! So strange. Much enjoyment. Praise the Lord. For the Lord is my Savior. Philippians 4:13 T & T & M & M

01/04/14: 1+4+1+4 = 10 = 1 = one with God. “The God conspiracy” by Osho. “The far agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. Love is simple! David

1-23-2014. Live is difficult. We must accept that. When you can accept that, the fact the life is difficult then becomes irrelevant. Life, then in a sense becomes easy. Kelan, in the end everyone will be happy. That is what I truly want the most. Love, Vinh L_

1-24-14. An analogy shared by a good friend… Many people view the heart as a cup that is filled with love, spreading the love sparingly so as not to run out. What is forgotten is that love is an endless reservoir… an ocean, that cannot be depleted. So, your heart can always be full of love to be shared… There is NO limit.   I love you and you are always with me as am I with you. You are infinitely great. Kelan.  PS Your dog is eating a tree right now. ♥

I ♥ Lauren & Jessica – Caitlin ACC 5/15

Jessica 1-25

Welcome to the labyrinth. Lauren 1/25

1/28: Nirvana, Zen, locked in, the zone. All of these things come from one place. It’s a mind state. There are no pills no magic chants, nothing truly special that you have to do to reach these places. I have mecca built. It’s alive in my head. A sandy shore. A palm hut. Nothing on the inside other than a comfy chair to think and a sink with fresh water. It’s always sunny here. It’s the place I go when the rest of the world seemingly turns its back. And I never felt closer to my place than right now. The labyrinth clears your head. It reminds you that you can try to map out where you are going, try to look ahead. But as soon as you take another step, you’re looking a whole new puzzle. The labyrinth doesn’t make me feel lost and hopeless like the name might suggest. It reminds you that all you need for a new look on life is one more step. CTR.E 1/28/13

To think I first ran from my apartment and bolted down the Urban Trail to run away. Away from my problems, my fears, my inadequacies. And to my surprise, I find this place. I won’t lie, at first I thought the sign was college joke but what a pleasant surprise to find it wasn’t. I always tell myself I know it takes two to tango, that requires two people to argue. But I let the one I love most dance alone. How silly I am to have never noticed all this time. I believed I was the only one hurting but in fact I was causing it. I thank the labyrinth, the pleasure walk down corridors were a blessing, and once I reached the middle and the wind chimes started chiming as I gazed upon the trinkets, I came to realization. I am not alone. – Mimi, February 7, 2014


2-14-13. The only “wrong” way to live is doing what makes you unhappy. $

SJ & KP (in a heart)

2-15-15. My soul is at peace. ♥

2-15-14. Sometimes you have to step back and look at things from far away to figure them out. I’m going home. ♥

2-17-14. Peace. TC AC JC SC LA JT LL CM CM

Live life with no brakes. 2/18/14 JX AS

Look up. Take a second and look at the stars; look at the clouds. Dayum! AS & JX

Out running J  Jess and Carly

2-19-13. Aaron M.

2-21-14. Kathryn U. ♥

2-21-14. Rebecca C.

2-16-2014. That was interesting! Sean M.

C____ family 2-20-14. had fun Tommy & Maggie

2-21. cmm ☮ - smoke da herb. Great time, beautiful day

2-21. NFH ☮ the hills are alive.

2-23-14.  I stop here every run to look at the scenery, beautiful. Tyler C, Tinsley Z_

2-23-14. “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Ryan McN.

Shouts to my boy. Daniel “Dougie” L.

YOU MATTER. – ash ♥ xoxo

“The littlest birds sing the prettiest songs.”

I’m here, you’re here, Malibu is here! Britney C & Doug H 2/21/14

Thank you for a wonderful journey. Mine was filled with quietness, reflection, and truth. Not often do I find many experiences that fulfill those qualities. We are creatures of the earth but very often I forget this. I love being surprised and amazed by others, and this journey definitely accomplished that. Thank you again. Best, Corley B, 2/23/14 Phoenix AZ.

Namaste  - CBS

You’re still breathing. That’s enough.

Worst labyrinth ever. F***.

The final day of February 2014

After reaching the center, it began rain and snow at the same time. I am cold but it is beautiful. Thank you for providing a sacred space for me to sit and reflect.

3-2-14. Madrone & Sharma ♥ New adventures & imagining possibilities.

Marya P. I think this is pretty cool.

Alpine 8 completing trash cleanup along the trail.

Sophia T. 3/21/14. Chad T., Kayla T, Brandon T.

To walk through this maze and to see the love of my life. I thank her for never giving up on our love.

Sue C. 3/23/14. To share with family – what a great find. Thanks to all for all.


2/1/14. Arise O Lord, lift up your eyes, don’t forget I’m helpless. You lead me to waters and pastures so green. You pour out your oil & chose goodness & mercy for me. I will not be afraid.

Do whatever you want, you don’t need approval. Do it for the rest of us that are too afraid. DJ 2/20/14

I wouldn’t say I’m in a spiritual bond with Satan, I’d call it a relationship. Floppy was here 02-28-14

Awesome Maze! Sheila B_

No matter what happens, keep moving. This too shall pass. – A

I love H!

We are created in perfect ways. You control your destiny. Accept your greatness.  Chad 3-2-14

Came to show a friend how I escape from the madness in a beautiful place. All my love, randy 3-4-14

Timothy R_

3-7-2014. Never been up here before, but I came here with my friends thinking it would be nice story to tell Chloe, a girl I like. Got to the center of the maze and left a Satyr token card from Magic the Gathering and the ticket I got from a hypnotist show I saw at the beginning of my freshman year. Left ‘em, prayed, and then I got a text from one of my underclassmen from high school who I consider a little sister. I love her so much like family. Frank F_

3-7-14. Today I took my best friend from Scottsdale here. I always like to leave something in the center. This would be a great place to geocache. NH

Dom & Mir 3-3-14 4:17PM This is cool!!! First timers over here.

Magic! 3-8-14 1:00 PM. Iris

3-8-14 33:33:33 Just make sure your dragon looks both ways. White lemon head

3-9-14. Brandon, Alana & Enrique. Alana wanted some papers to roll but she didn’t. Enrique chooses to follow the path, not because it’s easy but because it’s the right thing to do. Brandon, he took pictures and thought it’s nice.

“Cookie” remember what matters to your heart!!

Chuck 3-11-14. Cool

Walk. –Alex

Sometime the path walks you. *click finger snaps*

PRAY!! Life as you know it will blurrr! Tell you this – I’ve been through it. Chris & TS love all!

3-12-14 9:48AM. Every step is peace. Complete awareness & compassion makes it so wherever you go, it is home. Johnny E. J_

 3-15-14. Kai-El  Amazing walk with 2 great people. – Kai

3-15-14. Jamie H_ ♥♥ CJS you are my thoughts and are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. I love you.

3-16-14. 3 AM. The path is lost. I hear them I CANNOT SEE! It is lost. I will be them soon. They are me. Help

3-17-2014. Disoriented at first, but transforms into enlightenment. Like I went from screenshots to panoramic view. Eye opening. Remember how to breathe. In… out… release… - Hailey

3-17-14. Theseus killed the minotaur, but broke his father’s heart. – Hannah

3-20-14. Happy Spring Equinox! Me & my 2 kiddos came to enjoy the labyrinth experience. Jodi B_, Benny & (scribble)

This world is strange, but it’s home so I guess I AM STRANGE. Jocel ♥ 3-22-14

Been here done this, Jerry Y_ Jr. is my name. I exist… really 3-22-14

3-18-14. Nice Robin aka Fugaz.

3-20-14. Amazing time! We found this place and so great, we took part in it. loved it. Was a fun adventure.

Mario & Bre. ♥ 3.27.11 to 3.20.14 till the day after forever! ♥

3-23-14. We love you labyrinth. Thank you to the founders, creators, & caretakers. ♥ Jodi & Ella & Ben & Manzi the dog

3-25-14. This was an amazing experience & just what our relationship needed. Thank you all so much for creating & maintaining such an amazing opportunity for new memories. – C_ & Zach

3-27-2014. Cool & relaxing. – JD

3-28. very relaxing – found this by accident & now I’m in love! Peace & respect ♥

3-28. Peace. Love. Serenity. ♥

3-31-14. First time here & my thoughts are endless. Relaxing.

3-28-14. When life gives you heartache, stay strong. When you’re afraid of what others think, do it! Be strong. Be courageous & have hope. Let your inner self out and take a leap of faith. ♥

3-30-14. It was nice to get out of the house and feel a little bit of the world instead of through a computer screen. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how beautiful the world is. – Trevor W.

Today I woke up next to my best friend and went to my job that I love and he took me here right after. I got a free drink from a customer. The sky is blue. I’m healthy. I’m so thankful for my life. This place is wonderful. ♥ - Shania V_, 3-30-14

3-30-14. Just remember it’s the little things that matter. Anthony V_

After a while I got this pen to work and I would like to tell you why I left Donatello in the center. I purchased him as a child and that keychain was my rock, my salvation, my redemption. As a child my stepfather mentally, physically, and sexually abused me the keychain represented something I idolized and wanted to become. I held it every night and went to sleep always thinking tomorrow would be better, I will be better. I finally have the courage to part with it because I have come to terms and found forgiveness in my hear. To whoever picks it up I it does same for them. Signed, a mended heart

4-22-14.  Today is a lovely day here in Flagstaff AZ. I am here with Brittany B_ J and I’d like to thank her for this cool little experience. Great, thanks! Andy R_

4-25-14. Yo this is Chris & Robo! We are really high right now. J Material things don’t matter.

Good times make good friends.

I’m tripping balls right now, this paper is morphing as I write. WTF is a labyrinth.

Megan, Andrew, Jenny, Karine * John were here. We love nature and Flagstaff ♥ J #versace

Thank you, this place brought peace to me. After reading some of what people here said, I think everyone who comes here feels the magic in this place. Love is the key to everything, the meaning of life. Love yourself, love others, love everything. Appreciate the positive. Accept the negative. And be happy for the next breath you take. – M.C. K_ 4-27-14 5:27PM

I accidentally happened upon this place with a friend and a dandelion and I finally knew my wish and blew: I wish that my life manifests into a labyrinth that whichever path I choose finds me in bright, positive, beautiful places like here. I love you J ♥ Elyse J

5-3-14.  I stumbled upon this place in the afternoon when I looked up and saw a group of people walking in strange ziz-zag patterns looking at the ground. At first I thought I was witnessing some strange cult but walking closer revealed to me the labyrinth.  I kept thinking the whole time that I want to bring a dear friend of mine here to experience it with him. I think I’m still holding out hope that in such beautiful places as this he could fall in love with me.

Today Elyse M_ & Torey Z went on a wonderful adventure! More to come…

5-3-14. Dropped acid…

This is Little Allis. I just read the bottom of the box. I just want to say hullo!!! So have a great life.

Just like life there’s many turns and curves but in one way or another we will get to the center.

May 28th 2014. Visited labyrinth. Have a good life!

May 17, 2014. We as a whole society are here together forever. We as a whole impact each other’s lives every day. We help each other grow and learn, throughout our lives. Thus as a whole we can make a difference in the world Vernon E_ & Terry E_ G_!

Date unknown – time who cares.  This is Jaded 2 Faded checking in with da homie Tyler K. We are totally awesome creatures and the frustrations of stacking those rocks totally proved that we can conquer if we don’t give up. So it if falls, re-beautify it your way. J  ♥  always. Jaded.

Sunday May 2014. Venna and Takeshi ♥

Let’s go rangers!

5-20-14. Ditto.

That was fun. I have to poop. Peace out labyrinth.

May 25 2014. I feel it man. – Cody & Ryan

May 26, 2014. Today I decided to wander. And with my wandering, nowhere to be, nothing to do… I found this labyrinth. Thank you to whoever made this. This was a lovely break from a hectic life and a hectic mind. Enjoy the little things in life! ♥ Kelsey.

Nice day. Matt & Beth.

Smile inward. The meaning of life is your meaning to the spiral of light. Get off on life.


Goodbye labyrinth from Atina

Love y’all, you are awesome Gizelle.

That was hard! Gia

Strength & breath.

(The note "did you believe you would find the answer here?" was placed in the central circle about July 1. The "Yes" was added July 3) 

July 4 2014. Happy Independence Day!

Beautifully situated, thoughtfully designed, as evocative as Chartres. Thank you. E_

Jillian C_, David C_, from Thatcher AZ

Beginnings, endings.  R.M.C_, Grants NM. Thanks.

Thank you father, mother, grandfather, God.

I love Flagstaff, its beauty, outstanding human beings and all it has to offer, most of which are free of charge. What a great example we set for the rest of the world on how to live soulfully. ☮

I thought it was a maze, but still really cool. Thank you whoever made this. Good shit.

Thanks to whoever put this together. Namaste from Vegas. ♥☮

7-6-14. Thank you. D & S

7-8-14. What is life?  ☮♥ J BB from Phx.

7-14-14. Take time to “be” in the moment with your kids. Enjoy those smiling faces. Beth. J

Thank you. This has shed some light in dark areas of my life. Just… thank you.

Life is given and we should live it as a gift. Hold every breath, sight, and thought as if it could be lost tomorrow.

Don’t be afraid to reflect! Be brave my friends!

Live your truth! Keep on believing in magic and love to your fullest capacity. ♥

The entire time I walked the labyrinth. I thought of a beautiful woman. She has a great bright personality and her name is Jessica.

July 11, 2014.  Great idea. Beautifully done. Thank you.

July 14, 2014. What a beautiful place, makes me appreciate the little things in life. Walked with my nephew and sister. Family is life – Sarah ♥

July 14. Alexander (age 5)

In out around above other way it’s a peruption.

14 July 14.  When I was in there I saw most of my birthdays. They were great. I never realized how good my life was till now.

7-16-14. I tend to hate being alone with my thoughts but this was simply amazing. I shouldn’t be afraid and must move forward with this beautiful life. G.C.

Here with my family on a beautiful July bike ride. Thank you. The U___’s

Hi i’m one of the U___’s.

This place is sacred, thank you, it was a magical experience. I will be back soon. Much love. Nick

Peaceful place to meditate and enjoy within your soul. Thanks. Kara A, Mario R, Julia R, Ceci A were here 8-2-14

I promised to love you. I promise to never leave you. I will be by your side for all my days. Will you marry me?  G.G.G. 

(immediately below on same page) Jerry: Thank you for who you are for me, for showing me there’s more to life, and bringing me here. This was a great experience. I promise to be best wife you’ve ever had.  Lea

(next page)

My love is more than any can give. Will you marry me? GGG

Depths of the earth are in her hand the strength of hills is her. (omitted illegible sentence) How long will ye plot mischief? We shall all be slain… (omitted 2 illegible sentences) Say to my soul flee as bird unto your mountain high?

(written in margin beside the previous entry, in a different handwriting. Perhaps a response to the previous writer?): Everyone is struggling. I am too. You are not alone.

Aug 2, 2014.  Cecilia Q_ from Puerto Rico.

This place felt different, peaceful, where everything is welcome. Giving only what I had on me. I hope this place continues being a magical place, and the guardian wizard stay strong and live. Samantha

Thank you. High Priestess Shamalamadingdong

Jess & Pamela – loved it

Performed a spell at 12 and backed the f*** out.

Stephanie V_. Ready for new beginning. Pray for Mario V_ and his family. Hope to make it back one day to see where I’m at in life.

Made the decision to get off heroin. The walk really calmed me down. Always live every day like it’s your last. Go in Peace.

Sandy, Kim, Jason, Sean, Owen & I came to this hallowed ground and found the truth. Be always true to yourself.

Found a new piece on the walk over here, know this is gonna be a damn good day. Gonna go shrooming up on the Peaks today. This place is AMAZING! Did acid here a while back, was the funnest shit I’ve done in a while. Peace be with ALL. – Shawn

Good vibes. This place is amazing. Gina S

8-2-2014. Mario, Phoenix. Hope God answers my prayers.

Jason, Sean, Jared, Whiteboy

Lorie – Life

Michaela, if you think you know where you’re going, you don’t. – Madeline

Does she warm the room when he comes? Or does he just know how to leave when it gets cold?

G_ should be my name.

Wilderness begins in the mind.

Be grateful for the energy.

Try new things, be adventurous. – Jacob

There can be found virtue in vice, and vice versa. But we must step wisely tread lightly for the lines can be thin, differences uncertain, and when we mistake one for the other they can be equally as treacherous. JDC 5 Aug 2014

Most people live through simple deceit but the masterful deceive by being exactly as they appear, for there is no truth in appearance. – JDC 8-6-14

Thank you for building this sacred place. I find peace and power in the stones each time I the path. Blessed be. – Anjel

You are you and that is enough. You are love.

We learn to walk so won’t have to crawl. We learn to fall so we will how to stand.  Our spirits shine we may traverse the dark. The moon grows dark so we may appreciate the light. We learn to be together so we don’t have to be alone. We learn to be alone because in the end we always are. JDC 8-9-14

 For every moment of supreme confidence there is a moment with total lack thereof. JDC Aug 10, 14

“There is a way of being wrong which is also sometimes necessarily right.” – Edward Abbey,  Know that there is always an opposite to balance the chaos of life, a day to a night, a darkness and a light. Hold happiness and sadness in equal awareness. And know that in the end everything will be alright.  No act of kindness no matter how small goes unobserved.   We are all one. August 12, 2014

“I see God in their suffering eyes, which are reflected in mine.” So I will serve with Kayla’s conviction.  Note: Kayla Mueller (of Prescott and NAU) used these words to explain why she was going to Syria to help victims of the Syrian civil war; she was kidnapped by terrorists in Syria on 4 August 2013. Kayla was murdered by the terrorists in Feb 2015 (5 months after this commenct was written). She was 26 years old. 

September 2014. This place has brought many great experiences. ♥ Kassi

It is a good luck charm for me. Derek B_

Pretty cool place. J Dreaa ♥

This place is pretty tight J Janelle

 Fun adventures are waiting. ♥ Jordan, Thomas, & Katrina

I've spent an evening with my soulmate here. And I can say that I loved every second here. Sep 7, 2014 DH

Spent the trip to labyrinth with my soulmate whom I will make mine soon enough. I love this place & plant to mofe here soon. I left a heart-shaped made of sunflower seeds because it's all I brought with me. Have fun guys. Sep 7 2014 CE

I love her so much. DH (arrow pointing to CE's comment).

♥ HBGM J Kristen J & Shannon C.

Jeremy & Lassa

There is a light that shines from without. /This is the light that shows us the way. /There is a light that shines from within. /This is the light that shows us where to begin.  JDC 9/10/2014

Don't let them take your smile. J

Life is good. La vida es bella. ♥

Immortality is a foolhardy quest /self defeating /There is no more life without death / than there is death without life /one is necessary to the other /To end all death /would be to end all life.  JDC 9/19/14

9/20/2014 Erika, Harrison, & Banzai.  We love coming here - again & again! 

I will always love you. Love & light. 

Don't you worry about me. I'm livin' in the future. 

Don't know why I'm like this / So much possibility /So much hope /So many ways /something else could have happened... The silence is the worst. 

Gramma  so blue sky, son and daughter of us. Your seed sheds But you are still here. The heavens are here. JC

It is the difficult moments that define us /when we are weak we find our strength /when we are lost we find our way /when we fall we learn to rise above.  There is nothing that can stop us /if we continue to dream.  JDC 9/21//2014

Took my sister to meditate in the center.

The sound of the windchimes was beautiful.  J

There's nothing left to say anymore... She's right in saying that. Who knew you could f** up so many times in a year and 10 months. No apologies will win her back, no words can even save a friendship. Sometimes things happen for a reason but I just wish this hadn't.  I think that out of all the things I have ever missed, whether it's baseball, my family, or my friends, I definitely miss her the most.  She's right... there really is nothing left to say anymore and until I find the words again I will always feel completely lost. S ___

Lately all I've been thinking is how everything is my fault... all the pain I've been through, every person that's hurt me, every migraine and headache I've gotten. So many people have hurt me and the only common factor in any of the situations has been me. If I'm the only common factor it has to be me that's the problem, right? I feel like I deserve all the pain I've been through. I feel like I don't deserve to be happy, I don't deserve my friends that hold me together when all I feel is broken.  AB

9-29-2014  Today I came here with my second family because I couldn't be with my first & foremost. Can I admit something? I thought I was with some really good friends last year and they ended up leaving me. So is it bad that I'm scared the same thing is gonna happen again? I know they say the love me and will always be be here fore me but there's still a part of me that's afraid of getting hurt of left behind. I'm usually very open about just about everything but I'm afraid that's gonna hurt me again like last year at about this time. That's why I miss my family and my mom most of all. Family is forever. RIP Tanya Fay, extraordinary wife and mother. Proverbs 3. 

Why do I use the word "I" so much. Why.. all I want is there to be an Us or We. All I want is there to be US, a group I can call my friends that I can trust. For now I feel like we are a group and we are all becoming closer every day. I am so happy to have found some friends. I don't want to disappoint any of them or be disliked or create conflict at all. I would hate that to happen... or my roommate who is becoming another brother and I want him to be happy and I want to be fair... I will do anything to show them, all of you if you reading this, I really want to stay in your lives and you in mine... I will do anything to make sure that happens because I'm not losing my best friends again. I know this sounds desperate. The thing I love most in this world is to see a smile on all the people around me. That is more important than my own happiness, but at the same time I am happiest when others area, thank you all for showing me this place. Let's stay friends. Daniel A. L. 

I'm sorry to the people I've hurt. I'm sorry. I sorry grandma that you had to go through this. I will miss you. 

I will become a better person. I will learn to love myself. I will learn to be happy. 

Bless it! 

Bertes 10-7-2014 & Maggie 10-7-2014. I love you. 

10-10-2014 Stephen G. S. Thank you! 

It's nice to come to the labyrinth to do something besides smoke and drink and waste your life away. Refreshing. 

Take in all things given from the universe. No question is why to the stars. Make a wish.... watch... them come true.  And always give thanks along with praise to all things greater, You & Me. 5/30/95 Awake. 

10-10-14. Today I was reminded that the shortest, most straightforward path you can take is not always as rewarding. 

SHARE THIS EXPERIENCE with people from other places. It will remind you of the first time you were here. Brandon P_ 

Allie - imagine life as beauty. This place defines it. 

There are few words to describe the transformational beauty of the labyrinth. It is as if I have died and had a beautiful rebirth. I forfeited my soul to be cleansed by the labyrinth. We've gone so far. Just around the riverbend. What if we were canoeing? Resting by the side of the river. Something magical in my backpack. Hahaha.  Love, Us - The Magical Mystery Tour. 2014 October 11th 

Love every single person on this planet unconditional like you love yourself unconditionally. Peace, Frank A. 

Don't base someone off their looks. Get to know them. 

Be yourself. QKD

Let your passions show you who you really are. Andrew S.

My eyes have been opened. - Hanalei A_ 

On the road of self-discovery others must be found before you can truly understand yourself. Caily C.

We are all human. Love everybody.

The warriors & the god squad were here!! Megan, Daniel, Jake, Johnny, Seolona, Casey, John H_, David C. 

My wife was arrested in Bellemont Pilot truck stop for trespassing and I'm stuck out here with no wife. Its' not fair. I love her so much and I fear I'm going insane. Silverwolf and Frostmoon ♥ 4ever. Patrick L. R_ and Paula A. R_ just trying to get back to Reno NV to get our baby girl! Life's not fair. I miss her. I'm nothing without her. 

Annelise, Anastasia, and Ethan were here on 10-18-2014, Fun!

10-18-14 Suz, Astrid, & William. 1st time since the opening with classical musicians playing. Just as magnificently & serenely sublime this time too, just different. Wonderful Wonderment. 

Anyone in need of unconditional love and companionship, No matter what you are going through, know that you are loved and special. All we have in this world is love, please know I love you. - Namaste. 

Creation and destruction spring from the same source. Oct 22, 2014

Oct 25, 2014 Mai kahi pae a i kahi pae. 

10-25-14 Loyanisquatsi

10-25-14 Love

I wish I was brave enough to do the things I've always wanted to do. Become a photographer and travel the world, go to Europe by myself, meet a boy and fall in love. Maybe one day I will.  Katie 10/25/14

Alexis and Jillian were here 10-26-14  Loved it!

10-31-14 Samhain Blessings - honoring this time of change, this time of time of darkness returning. ♥

Silver wolf and Frostmoon ♥ 4ever. 

Nov 1, 2014 I really want a cheeseburger. -Sam 

Nov 1. We sit in the calm of dusk, on this bench, together. Watching the clouds pass by, there is happiness and peace. The storm is passing and sure enough, the sun will shine again. All our love. M&D ♥

Nov 1st 2014. Tried. The word that had more meaning than Happy. Past, present, and no future hit my mind. You know words - use them. You have a brain - think. You have a heart - love. 

And let yourself see with eyes unclouded... - M

As the wind blows and the sun shines I sit and listen to the bell chime. It was the first of November, I think you remember the night before, it was long burnt and embered. Bowls o' plenty, water bottle empty. This day need be easy, relaxation comes simply. A pabst blue ribbon blows in the wind. And the sunshine of silence, as the bell chimes in. - Uriah 

Today I listened to the earth. I'm learning how to breathe. Let go and be happy and let the wind take away my worries. I'm learning how to calm down and how to love.

This is truly beautiful. Take the path and clear your mind. - A. Russell Nov 9, 2014

I just don't know... c.m. 11/11/14 2:52PM

It's my life. EZ EAR 11-11-14

On acid. Kardel, Caleb, Jaden

11-14-14 Steven G. & Kaina G. love the labyrinth. 

Toby ♥ Alexis Nov 17 2014

Life takes you in many different directions. it all comes to the right place.  Nov. 14 Hunter & Hicole #HLEL96

Just relax and breathe. -M

We love tequila A♥V 11-18-2014


I'm having the best acid trip. x0x0 Ariana

I prefer holy trinity all god unique interaction but it's a start. 

B_ be trippin'.

I would rather my spark burn out in a fiery blaze than to let it smolder in the ashes. 

Dec 2014. Soaring in the skies that had always been beyond his reach, he felt like a champion, feet kicked the ground, arms bound in the feathers of his father's labor, which a little while later would be ashes, vapor.  Cumbersome limbs, he heard the wind speak every time he made his wings beat. His father flew before him, and so the course was set. He said "Don't fly by the waves because your wings will get wet. But don't fly to high that the sun melts the wax, stay on my path son, follow my tracks. But Icarus, enamored with the feeling of flight, had to soar higher, get closer to the light. Beneath him was the world he left behind in search of better things, but to achieve that freedom he sacrificed everything.  /Icarus, come out of the sky, you're flying too high. /Icarus heed your father's word, this isn't your territory. /No one even noticed when he fell and hit the sea. /If he needed help, would he have asked for it? /Probably he thought he was invincible, but on principle he burned. /So we who have never flown could learn from what he did. /If we burn, you burn with us. 

Awesome!!! x3. 

On 3 Dec 2014, a jury did not indict the NY police officer who put Eric Garner in an illegal choke hold. Garner's last words: "I can't breathe."  If I can't breathe, you can't breathe. If you can't breathe, I can't breathe. Breathe. 

Today I learned that you may be expecting to go one way, but end up in the complete opposite direction. It's okay to have to step over puddles & duck under trees, because life has twists & curves & it's okay to take a wrong turn. When you struggle, you need only walk the path in your mind & remember that you always have a center, you always have a home, & you always have someone that loves you. Bee 12/14  PS Santa Claus is having a photo shoot below. 

Today's experience filled me with calmness & closure. I have many wonderful memories in this space, shared with wonderful people. Flagstaff & this labyrinth have taught me a lot and will remain in my heart forever. Until next time... XO Jordan 12/14

My name is Flynn. I'm on my 11th tab and today I walked into the woods broken and left confident. 

Jan 1 2015. Just returned to Flagstaff from the tropics and found a foot of fresh snow on the labyrinth. So peaceful. So lovely. The world is grand. Life is good. 

I feel like you built this labyrinth just for me. Wow. You must really love me. But you have not met me. Well, it's a small town, maybe you have met me. But how did you know I would come? Thank you anyway. 

Jan 8 2015, just after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill of die for. And no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace...  

Jan 9, 2015. Je suis Charlie. Je suis Achmed. I am not afraid, at least not personally. But I am afraid that tens of thousands of people will suffer and die - most of them Muslims killed by Muslims - before Muslims and the rest of us find a way to live together in love. 

All you need is love. I need love too. So does everyone. 

 Jan 11. What a muddy mess at the labyrinth today. It cannot be walked. Instead I stand here quietly and imagine walking it.... Hmmm, that works, kinda.  I'll return when it is frozen. 

Namaste. You are a beautiful being of light. Feel your soul and breath ignite in violet flame. We're all the same human consciousness expressing itself in so many ways. Lovely. You are here alive for a cosmic transformation. Be here now. I love you. 

Josh S_, Carlie B_ (official pen donor). ♥ This place is awesome. 

Josh, round 2

Jerni A_ was here. 

Jacqueline G_

Carlie B "get lost to find yourself" ♥

Better than what I expected. Anna J

Make 5 ft tall - ha-ha. Reese J.

The labyrinth is like life itself. From moment to moment your direction, your path is changing. It is a long journey, but it's up to you to make the best of every moment no matter which direction you may be headed. 

It's a pile of rocks! I walked immediately to the center. Get over your poetic h_s_ J

Harper B. J I ♥ Willow Bend. 

Live every day to the fullest!!

May the Great Spirit guide you on whatever journey you go on. 

3 notes found at the center on 8 Feb 2015:

Make good memories with good friends and you'll have a good life. - C. G. 

Julie W_ ♥

Nick S_ and Rachel S_

McK_ says be happy and always smile.  J

Kelsey was here.

VL & TB 2/14/15

E & T at night

A true respite from the day-to-day scramble. Thanks to the creator. The journey was the destination, as always. 

Back for a second time with still the person I love most. The snow was a nice touch to it all. will be back again. A.H. 3/8/2015

Chris B_  3-17-2015

I don't even go here. - Fazzi

Peace to the homies!

Caitlin, Freddy, Alexis, Kim. First time tripping. 

♥ my ride or dies

To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind wall. Draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life. ♥

 Jesse James & P_ Katherine 2015

March 17, 2015. The labyrinth enters its third spring. Happy anniversary to all. 

March 18, 2015. Bless this land. 

March 20, 2015. Have great day!

March 21, 2015, Beautiful sunny clear Spring day - Happy New Year! Having church of the Labyrinth with family and friends. 7th day advent. 

Kellie G_. March 21

Carol & Paula 

March 21. A place to relax and escape.

March 21, 2015. First full day of spring. The labyrinth brings peace... Or, I bring peace, and I leave it for you. PB

March 22. A wonderful experience simple & true.

3/22/15 The raven's call, the rising sun, a lone jogger on the trail. 

March 22, 2015. 12:50PM Ben A_.

Friend, I have lost the way. /The way leads on. / Is there another way? / The way is one. / I must retrace the track.  / It’s lost and gone. / Back, I must travel back! / None goes there, none. / Then I’ll make here my place. / The road leads on. / Stand still and set my face. / The road leaps on! / Stay here, for ever stay. / None stays here, none. / I cannot find the way. / The way leads on. / Oh places I have passed! / That journey’s done. / And what will come at last? / The road leads on.   -- “The way” by Edwin Muir 1887-1959)

3/27/15 Came here with my daughter to spend some time together. Thank you.

Grace, Ezra, Mom (written in child's block letters)

Thank you. Everyone enjoys this trail. 

March 28 2015. Meow. It's really hot! Herro... I'm lost. 

March 28 2015 (sketch of view looking east from the bench). 

March 28 2015 

Adam A_ 

March 29, 2015: I am from Cali, but I must admit, 'Zona is where it's at! Stuffin' in the 'Zona! follow @francis_howay on insta! holla @just.sanchez too! 

3/30/15 Visiting from NE Pennsylvania. Nice work - love the natural space and materials used. 

(small rock pillar and chalk-on-rust, 30 March 2015:)

I really need this job! Oh Great Spirit, so may it be! 

☮ To whomever may read this. It was written March 30th 2015. Hello! I take this walk, like you might, to understand myself, who I am, my worth, my limitations. I enjoy the quiet that the night brings, the peace it sets, the beauty the moon brings. Understanding tonight that as an Artist I am lost and blessed at the same time. Blessed with the ability to see beauty. Cursed with forever wondering. Know you are loved, blessed, and not alone. ♥ Love yourself always. Bless this world. 

If you feel unloved, I ♥ U! Bring with your energy ♥!

31 March 2015. I've visited about once a week for 2 years now. Always a new experience, always changing, always the same. PB

1st of April 2015: For a moment, I found peace in a lifetime where peace is almost nonexistent. An artist found inspiration. A muse when I had lost it. Love the earth, yourself, this energy! ♥

Embrace the beauty this world gives you. Man is lost without being able to appreciate it. I come here to clear my head. When I need peace, I find it here. Love lots, A stranger, a sister the Artist. 

April 3rd 2015. The jackal and the bear.

April 3rd 2015. My best friend and I came today at 3:40 and this place is so beautiful and peaceful. Enjoy it. J  Damiana, Isabell

My name is Jade. 

This maze is nearly eclipsed tonight. What a sight... unless I go blind. - Savanah & Spencer

This was awesome and I almost left my ipod there. (Sorry guys I took it back) 

4-4-2015. Duncan, Julie, and Jake. What a wonderful place in the heart of the city. Very nice. 

April 4th 2015. My labyrinth virginity was taken tonight. ♥  SK

We've been looking for this for days. We finally found it. J

April 5th 2015. good friend and I took a day of hiking... discovered this! Crysta & Isai

April 5th 2015. Walking on a beautiful easter day in flagstaff I discovered this peaceful place. I think I found my soulmate last night, she was an angel, the angel. Life is truly beautiful and amazing. Bye. J Peace to all. - Nick 

April 5th 2015. You start the labyrinth looking at the overall picture. Trying to determine where goes where, if there's and easier way, but then you place one foot in front of the other and begin to walk.   As I walked everything faded away, the overall picture of the maze, the beautiful woman who had brought me to this spot, the world. I started noticing the small things along the way: pieces of pottery, beads, glass, tine. The small broken bits of brick, broken sticks in the path.  Funny, this is like life. The small things, the journey. It is not what is at the end of life's labyrinth that matters; it is the small things, the memories, the journey itself that is the prize. It is the moment I shared with this beautiful woman, watching her hair brush her face in the breeze, the sun glisten on her skin. It was the wind through the trees, the beautiful memory I just made. Life will always be about the little things, and the people we share our adventures with.  - Stacy K. 

April 5th, 2015.  On this beautiful Easter day, I decided to walk the labyrinth for my second time. This time with better company who would take it more seriously. That is the key. Relax... listen to the wind, the birds, the trees swaying, the wind chimes. Let them be your music. ~Enjoy your time...~  It's truly about the small things in life. Let the wind play with your hair as a lover should. Release your inner hippie. Let your worries blow away, just for a moment. Live your life...  ♥ B.

6 guys and a girl came here to find solace in this beautiful perfection! ♥ Billy, Travis, Dalton, Taylor, Nhi, Mikey, 

April 7 2015 ♥ I was really able to think things through. it was very peaceful and quiet. I really enjoyed it. JA. 

April 8th 2015. ☮ Today I have introduced the beautiful and peaceful creation of the labyrinth to a group of awesome individuals. / Let the love be shared. / Let it be felt. / Let it be real. ♥  - K.C., M.P.J, A.C. 

Versace goose egg with a shark toothed aquaberry diamonds. 

April 10th. I'm so cold!! And this is a great place to remember the 90's. Haha. AF

4/10/15 Happy birthday snickers!! AB  ♥

April 11th 2015. Two roommates take a hike. We started as strangers and end as sisters!  ♥ Never understanding right or wrong, but knowing that with each other, we have it all. Enjoy life!! Every step!  ♥ Emily & Carmen, NAU class of 2018.

Kai-leigh, Michael, and our dog Balthazar! 4-11-15 ♥

4-11-15 Smokey B_

4-12-15 Shared the love of the labyrinth with my family today for my birthday. Feel the love around. ♥

4-12-15 Michaelah & Sean ♥ We just found this today. First time on the trail and we love it. Thanks! ♥ J 6-14-2014 ♥

4-12-15 This was a sweet surprise. Thank you friends! Peace out. Sean R_, Derek H_, Rogan G_

4-17-15. The labyrinth rocks man! NAU soccer, Amber M_ #26, AN_ #11, Emma B_#17, Anna G_ #13, Riley P_ #3

4-13-15 This place is so peaceful, just what I needed today. Thank you god for giving us this beautiful place. 

4-18-2015 Walking through the labyrinth was incredibly peaceful and relaxing. It was a memorable experience. J29:11 

4-18-15 5:00 PM sharp. This was a blessful and wonderful experience for me. It felt so good to relax and look back on things from the past and to look ahead for the future. I hope things will truly get better for me, and that I can get the love of my life back. I will always remember this day. Ardell W_

4-19-2015  Came here with my mom and her girlfriend. Left my guantlet. I really want to hang xmas ornaments here. It's very peaceful. Thank you for sharing this experience. xoxo - Mr. Jan

I came here to breathe and get rid of stress. It really works for me. Izzy. 

4/21 Today while walking to the labyrinth I witnessed a woman rock climbing up a cliff and struggling to get to the top, questioning herself. Her guides just kept telling her she could do it, and as I got to  the center of the labyrinth, I watched her hoist herself to the top. She clearly had not done this before. She just said "Wow, knowing how to climb and actually doing it are very different things." I was so fortunate to see her triumph and apply it in areas I'm still learning. - Shannon A.   (note: poison ivy grows on the cliffs next to the labyrinth; there are better places to climb.)  

April 24 2015  We made it. ayye. ♥/ sk8er crew. PS left a marble. Trinity of friendship. Waxing, waning. 

They hate us cause they ain't us. "every n###a is a star." - Wesley's theory

Edia, Abby, Amy, Kira, Lilliana, Otis, Jack, Leo, Karen, Lisa ♥

Thank you! Happy Earth Day April 22, 2015

Came here from NAU with my friend Carlos. We walked the trail and really enjoyed it. Thank you. J Kim & Carlos J, 8:35PM 4/26/15

Open your eyes. Be kind. 27 April 2015

You this has been dope! 

Enjoy. Take time for yourself!   J 

Every day I walk up I give thanks. 

28 de abril del 2015. Vine aqui con mi koreana guapa. Estoy muy agredecio a Flagstaff, a la NAU y a toda la gente que ha hecho de este año la major experiencia de mi vida. Espero que este cuaderno se mantenga aqui por mucho tiempo y que mi mejor amigo Roberto Puente pueda tembien traer a una bichina como he hecho yo. Te deseo todo lo mejor primo.  Muchas gracias a tod0s! - Miguel D_

Emily Yerim N_

Miguel and Yerim forever!!

Why? am I tortured by the outside suppressed / lost in a world, where I'll be gone with the rest / A misfit who was told she's the best / until translation coward life's death.

April 30th 2015. I moved out here from NY about 2 months ago. I've walked along this trail many times before and just stumbled on the labyrinth today. I have been seeking inner peace and forgiveness for the wrong I've done in my past and I have found it. Life is beautiful in all of its aspects. Humans together can create such incredible energy when shared with an open heart and mind. Thank you for bringing such a peaceful spot for everyone to enjoy. May all beings be happy and free. ॐ  Namaste. 

April 30, 2015. It was so so so spiritual. Like f* j* in the a*. Love, Black Velvet

At first I didn't believe it, but it was actually really fun. I'm happy with what I've done. Andul ♥

March 30, 2015. Both love walking the labyrinth. 

4/30/15  Emma and Jenna aka Jemma thinks that this is bllsack. 

(Note left on center rock): Under the light of the moon, I can't see what I'm writing, but to all humans reading this, this is a reminder that you are cosmic energy expressing itself in a physical body. Sit down somewhere and breathe because it's so beautiful to be alive, every cell in your body bathed in golden light. What you imagine is real, smile on this day because you are expanding human consciousness just by being aware of your breathing. Fill yourself with light because it feels good. I love you. Many blessings on your journey. 

5/1/15 Peaceful experience and perfect weather. Meredith. 

To live - to survive, learn to love. To thrive, to learn, to love. 

May 2, 2015. I come here often. I had made a little "sacred space" and it was ruined. I love this place. ♥ I try and help keep it nice but someone keeps messing stuff up. I've planted flowers. Hopefully they'll spring soon. Take care, Elysia

"Enjoy the view." Simple Guide to Happiness. 

View from bench. May 2, 2015: 


5/6/15. Will, Sean, Jay

5/5/15  Ryan & Abby were here! ♥

I'm so high! J Call me! 

05/02/15  Hey y'all, taking a break from finals to say hello! Take college one step at a time and love the life you're given. Conor T_

5-4-2015  ♥ CNL  Life is the labyrinth and the labyrinth is a metaphor for so many concepts. When you begin you can see the goal (the center) so clearly and feel very close to it, as if you are right next it it, but you are really far away. Then when you are traveling towards the center there are times when you feel lost and can't seem to see how close you really are. Ironic. The outermost circles are the farthest away from the goal but then you are actually closer to it than you'll ever be (until you get there). Then after 155.5 Roman paces (for me) the center/goal has been reached. Now what? Circle around in the ceremonial, reverent manner. Kneel, reflect, realize I am here and the possibilities in front of me are endless. Now going back: a different type of journey, not just the reverse of getting there. See it all from a different view. Remember the things I know I can do and how I want to do them. Can't wait to write it all down. Focus on the steps I take and being mindful of the young oak tree growing between the rocks. Back out... Strange, it took more paces coming out than going in. 

5-5-2015  I've stopped on my way back to write this. It's the second half of my journey. Feels a bit like my life. I've already hit the mid point at age 50, and now I'm 64 walking out my days to their conclusion. I'm told that is another beginning, where perhaps I start a second big journey. I must say I'm very thankful to have a guide and guides, to have a companion and companions on the way... Also I'm very glad this isn't a maze designed to confuse, but rather this has a destination, even a helpful purpose, even when it seems the opposite. Thanks! 

5/9/2015... Day #14. Still trapped in the labyrinth. Danny passed out from dehydration. We had to eat him, it was the only choice. Food supplies are dangerously low, who knows who will die next. The voices have gotten louder. They whisper for me to abandon those who are left and come back and drag them away in the dark. The labyrinth calls to one. It's twisting walls say to stop looking for the way out and just make this place into my new home.  

May 9, 2015  Walking thru the maze, found something amazing along the way. Snow fall became dark and mystery - a land of fairies we came across and led us this way and we found...???? Sophia, Chad, and Kayla

May 11, 2015  Be free /Be loved /Be you  /Be great.  /Finally letting go of old problems. All hope for the future. /Be remembered  /Be kind  /Be at peace /Be with others who you love and who love you. -- Be Free. Good vibes. ♥ Patricia & Hannah. yay. 

You can think that darkness is so scary, strong, powerful, and dreadful. You would be wrong. /Fortunately it's not all that way. You simply light a candle and it runs away. /Try to be, and you will manifest misery. Just Be, and you will become something more than you can see. 

I love you. 

5-8-15  This spot holds something stronger than prayer: hope... 

5-12-15 This place is sacred it holds light, peace, and love. We wish you nothing but happiness on your labyrinth adventure - and love for the rest of your lives. Sarah and Tyler. ♥

May 15th 2015, Day 8 now. Morale at an all time low. Talk of mutiny among the crew, rations dangerously low, I fear for the worst. This damned labyrinth isn't worth it. Turn back.... MSK

May 16, 2015. The fastest way is this way. #lovelivethegoblinking - NMBL

May 17th 2015. I ran so far I ran away /From coast to coast /my body swayed /I found myself where I was lost / The labyrinth was the cause /I am not one amidst the world /But a world admidst one. - CK

U /Ha /Lov /Good /Awsome /Better /Wonder /Happy /Sex /No /I /Great = Chad

Sawyer Ward: Family Forever #NeverForget

Someday in May, AM. ♥ Does it really matter? 

When it all falls.. when it all falls down.. We'll be two souls in a ghost town. Larry S_ 5/21/2015

Otelle J

HRIDAYA J  SHAMBHO May 21, 2015... Traveling the states doin' some soul searching... wonderful kind-hearted people everywhere. Some awesome locals picked me up in Sedona and provided much kindness. Told me about here so I chacked it out. Definitely the nicest coolest labyrinth I've seen across the country. Ya'll did a fantastic job creating this space. Heart felt love to all my family and yeah that's you - the human race, we are all one! Speak truth and come from a place of love. We are relatives with one another. You never know how it is going to effect that person, domino effect. So speak truth, help when you can and receive when you can. ॐ ♥ I love you all SOOO much and want the very best for you. Forgive everyone. No one is perfect until we are love love love all we is love. Be love! ... a traveler. 

May 18, 2015.J World War II Navy veteran married to US Cadet Nurse for 66 years. We are now 88 and 89. Good health is priceless! Proud to be an American. We are long hikers who hiked 2200 miles (AT Trail). 

May 19, 2015 I came upon the labyrinth by accident, and I am glad that I followed the signs that led to it. There is a peace here that only the surroundings of Flagstaff can provide. A lot is happening around you as you make the journey to the center, so take each step with care. - Colleen McD_. 

The unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates. The unlived life is not worth examining. -- JKL

Life is a-maze-ing. -- Weston

May 20th 2015, 7:25 PM. Love this place. Hold onto life and enjoy being you. - Chris.

May 20th 2015. Every night and every morn /Some to misery are born. /Every morn and every night / Some are born to sweet delight ' and some are born to endless night. - William Blake

May 20, 2015, 7:25 PM. The labyrinth at sunset is the perfect place to end a perfect day. Elani.

May 21st, 3:03 PM. Hi I have been sitting on this bench for a bit listening to the windchime, cares, and people passing by. The sun just sent behind the clouds making the breeze really chilly. When I first arrive here today, some creepy guy walked straight to the center whilst talking to himself, then turned around and went away... I've been trying to think while sitting here but so many thoughts cloud my head I don't know where to start. I'll continue walking. J Bye,  Sophie

We was here! 4 Pinon J & Zonsoas, EBAH was here. 

Friday, May 26, 2056 -- Hi Matt & Hi Jordan. Peace ☮, Love ♥, Happiness J. Looking back on a long and wonderful life. wondering what's next... our neighbors from Pluto says their time machine is broke and we are stuck back here in the 70's. Oh well, hippies are fun too... 

June 3 2015. Came here searching for a geocache... always find something interesting while caching. J Bloomin' fun!

A year full of joy, laughter, and adventures in beautiful Flagstaff. But most important the love that I found will have an everlasting impact. I love you Yerim. ♥ Thank you Flagstaff. Thank you Arizona, until next time. Aljoscha!!  6-8-15 

6-24-15. Life is Beautiful. I am so incredibly lucky. May we both come back here in twenty years from now with as much love as we have for each other now. ♥ Hunter and Jayelin (love of my life).

June 30th. Last of our magic spiral of string...  chances of leaving the labyrinth are slim... Master Yoda did not prepare us for this...

(on the back of a business card):  Breathe in the beauty of your existence. This card is your permission to be happy. ♥

(on a styrofoam coffee cup): Cosmic Cup of Existence. I am confident that I can can succeed at whatever I choose to do. I know how good I really am. I am a bright brilliant gem of light like the stars. My heart is like the sun, as with the mother I am one on this day! Choose to have fun. Your are living awareness inhale white light right meow. Solar plexus confidence.


June 30th. The moon is nearly full. It's casting a dim blue glow, and the trees are entirely black. Night walks are the best. The whisky is warm, the conversations are good (feminism, video games, toe shoes?). We're going a bit further down the trail. But it was good to gather the spirit of the labyrinth, basking in the light of the faint rainbow around the moon, a cloudy crown for a sleeping goddess. Good night, world. ♥ SJW (& BS & GW, I guess)

July 12. Green trees /and whispering bees /alone in their own companies /Wandering minds /walk unpredictable lines / while the wind rings its chimes /trying not to cry / but who am I? - I am love. 

Alyosha, Emily, Liebe, ♥ 7/21 LOVE

This trip can last a life time, and a lifetime is all we got. - Shayne

Everything, all the time. Z__

March 15, 2037. Where am I? I was flying to work in my spacecar then got into a space accident and woke up in the center. 

I feel a real connection with the world! J  June 23, 7:04 PM

I stumbled on this place while on a journey to find myself. I found here something beautiful, peaceful, and full of love. I realize how - that's who I am actually. Life if rough, doubt is your enemy. Live a life worth dying for. I wish happiness, peace, prosperity, and enlightenment to every human who walks this earth. We are all amazing creatures connected to each other through the power of nature. Don't gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is worth more than silver or gold. 7/9/2015 Kevin

Pain is temporary. Glory is forever. - Alston, fashion enthusiast, aspiring photographer, 7/9/15

(written in child's handwriting): Hello my name is Cayden and I like turkey. Hello my name Anthony.

Tao Te Ching #36.  If you want to shrink something /You must first allow it to expand. /If you want to get rid of something, /You must first allow it to flourish. /If you want to take something, /You must first allow it to be given. /This is called the subtle perception of the way things area. /The soft overcomes the hard. /The slow overcomes the fast. /Let your workings remain a mystery. /Just show people the results. 

Aug 3. One of my favorite authors once compared life to a labyrinth. And we search for a path to follow as a means to seek a great perhaps. Some of us have grand moments spent well. Others have small gestures that make life bearable.  But whether we seek a great perhaps or seek only to find a quick way out, we all must remember that people will come & go. We will walk alone - a lot. But all we can do is make the best of every m7oment and be at peace with who we are and how we act. - Dice. 

Thank you for this a-mazing maze.

Veni, vedi, vici. /Veni, vedi, vene. 

Why am I so lonely? The labyrinth keeps me full of just enough energy to (illegible word). My girlfriend decided she was a lesbian and I am Me. How do I cope? I should kill myself. (illegible sentence) This must be done. Soint. 

(written in child's handwriting):My name is Sabrina. I have one dog. I had fun. ♥ ♥ J J J

Aug 6th 2015. Cameron Charles S____, Mommy loves you more than -JW- Always. Laronia, Glendale New Hampshire. 

August 8th 2015. Whoever started this is pretty great. 

Thank you for the Peace. TB 8/10/15

Adon was here /Brandon was here /Cecilia was here /Elizabeth S____ /I smoked weed here /Chplah was here / Joe was here. 

Piere. 369. ♥ "215"

Gwendolyn Ruth M_____ was born still on July 19th, 2015. The only time she was alive was in me. I died with her that day. Kiss your babies. Infinity is not enough. 

(inside a heart): Q.H. & L.C. 8-14-15 @ 3:10PM

Aug 8 2015. On our nature s***. 

Aug 9. I really liked it. I think you should put a maze in, too. Thanks!

8-9-15  Love.  Love joy.  Darlington were here once Again. J J J

Stumbled on this during my run. This is a pretty cool idea.  Molly

8/15/15 @ 1:01 Alex, Justis, Travis

8/15/15 We came on our way to Sonoma, visited family, enjoyed the labyrinth. J Very cool memory to add to the trip we took to our wedding. Alison ♥

17 Aug 2015 Come here seeking wisdom I cannot find anywhere else. K.

8/15/2015  RIP David Bowie. - JW

8/18/15 Shown new light. -CAM

8-18-15 Had nothing to give for all the path gave me. Thank you. Love, Light. - Randi

August 14th. It's my birthday. I somehow meandered over here and walked with with a friend. We cheated but whatever. It was fun. Leave it to Carissa to cheat a labyrinth. 

My name is Carissa H______. Came out here to bike with my friend. Labyrinth is too challenging to bike. Eat ice cream and happy day. 

8-20-15. Sofia & Abby. Life is what you make it. Love often and stress less. This world is ours. You are infinite and capable of ANYTHING! ♥ always. Abby & Sofia 

Jake, Gabbi, Noe, Nick.  Eat drugs, see god. 

Secret Love.  My knees start to shake /when you're in sight. /My mind is filled with worry, /my heart with fright. /When will this feeling stop? /When did it start? /How can I listen to my mind /without breaking my heart? /I'm so confused /what should I do? /I can't think of anything /except you. /Should I ignore you /or just give it time? /I can't think straight /my heart controls my mind.  -- Nisa

I am not a woman. I am an inferno. I am a tempest. I am venom and fangs and claws. I am lightning and starlight. and I am hell in high heels. 

August 23, 2015. fun to walk & love the scenery. Elysia & Natalie

Visit Aug 23, 2015. Lenny Patrick Lizzie ♥

August 28, 2015 4:20PM. Do what makes you happy. - Max. Everything happens for a reason. Meg

8/29/2015 Happened upon this beautiful spot on a road trip from Oakland CA to Austin TX. Spontaneity can be a blessing! SA, EZ, & JU

8/31/2015 This Friday is our one year anniversary of being together. I know that sounds cheesy, but it is extremely important to me, considering it is my first success with another person. Even though it has been only a year, I feel like we have known each other for a lifetime. We were simply waiting for the right moment to meet. That would be the center of the labyrinth for me. I was wanting/waiting to find you and now that I have you I'll never let you go. I feel like my whole world has changed with you here. Every day is a new and exciting adventure. Thank you for making that happen. I love you. - M to D ♥

I find myself here after the first day of classes of my senior year. It certainly is nice, especially because I've been dating the same beautiful woman. The nicest butt I've ever touched.  D to M. 

In memory of my labyrinth de Lake Avila... Forever I'm yours. Daniel A_____ 15

Sep 2, 1015. Tyler, Noell

9/6/15 All love.  ♥ The Higgins family.

9/7/2015 We stumbled upon the labyrinth and it was peaceful and enjoyable. We hope to come again. ♥ Love, Brianna, Ariana, Krystal, NAU students 

9/8/2015 We came to the labyrinth from prior knowledge of its beauty. We hope to share this gift's energy with anyone with the patience and sense of adventure who chooses to visit this place of peace. ♥ Alex  J You are never alone ♥

I came here one evening with a very dear friend. ♥ Thank you for being a beautiful and inspirational step along this magic journey we call life.  B.B. Spread love and understanding wherever you go. ♥

It's so amazing and beautiful!

(note left in center) Just be. Life is letting go of fear. The purpose you serve in this universe is simple. It is to be yourself. Non one else can do this job for you.  So trust and LOVE and express your unique authentic self. There is no right or wrong. 

(note left in center) Don't be afraid of yourself. 

The man who lives by hope dies of farthing. Benjamin Franklin 1737

I am very displeased that there is no David Bowie. David Bowie would improve this whole experience. Please get David Bowie. - Jordan & Summer Sep 18, 2015

Shay 4:57 Lonny Sept 2, 2015

Zach & Autumn. We had the best timen out here.  ♥  10/11/14 (sic)

Stay blazed! Sep 12, 2015

J  Happy!

Thank you! ♥

You need to risk it /to get the biscuit.  September 13, 2015

Give a smile to someone.  J

Ms Henderson's class from Kinsey Elementary 2015 walk the labyrinth. We are grateful for our time together in nature. 

Nicole R_______, Ryian J_____, Haley E______, Christian H______ are drunk! Love you all. 

We were here. Atina, Jayden, Goomba, Annette, Chris. 

Thank you so much for everything.

9-13-15 I really enjoyed the labyrinth. ♥ Sydney

9-10-15 Having a wonderful trip on a wonderful day. Jake 

To a wonderful day with wonderful people in a wonderful town. Have a nice trip! Justin H___

9-10-15 The most wonderful day with the best people. Be happy. Stay trippy. 

9-12-15  Today we took a stroll on this beautiful day and walked the path. We collected flowers and pretty rocks along the way to offer at the center. When we were at the center the grasshoppers began to buzz. Interestingly, they quieted after we left. They don't like us. Oh well. We'll return on another day. J

Aliens! Ayeee-liens. 

Breanna B__

How to win Street Fighter 2. Final Boss  ↑→↓baaa↓→↑baaa

Hello from FYS141

Sep 12, 2015 Issy was here

September 12, 2015 Faye was here. --Faye 

Kira Sep 13, 2015 

Emma was here!

9-13-15 This was fun! -Faye

Alyssa was here. --Alyssa

Meagan. I was here. Meagan O. 

September 14, 2015. I am intensely burning bright. I am divine energy and purpose, and so are you. Yet in this tiny litter facet I've created and decided to express myself as, I feel so alone, despite the oneness of the universe. I'm not complaining or seeking pity. I just wonder why I express such sadness, pure sadness over such a perspective. I know when I was reborn into this world, I decided to live life with my chosen challenges of emotional, physical, and spiritual nature. To some degere all of our challenges are very much alike. That is unifying, isn't it? Haha. Anyhow I say ignore the naysayers, even if that naysayer is you! Be who you were born to be. If you don't like who you are currently, change yourself for your personal betterment. I can do it. You can do it. Let's all be as epic and beautiful as we can be. J And thank you, thank you, thank you.♥♥♥ Kayra. 

Peace in my mind and freedom in my soul. 9-16-2015

What would Bob Dobbs do? Get slack. 

♥ 9-18-15  I don't know if I'm going crazy or if the world is actually changing. I feel different from everyone I meet. I feel strange attractions to others. I feel as though I have awakened. I am in the process of awakening. There has to be more to life than what society is feeding to us. I'm tired to working and going to school every day just to be too exhausted to follow my true path. I want to be able to trust people. I wish the world wasn't so cruel. I know I can make a difference. I started to wake up when I met my twin flame. He is married to another. So it's unlikely that we'll ever be together. But he is the reason I started to see the world differently. There's supposed to be a mass ascension on Sep 28. Who else out there feels similar to me? So far, I feel alone in this. --Striving for ☮ ☯

Came across this while walking with my GF. You should build it bigger. Still cool though. Thanks. T&C. 

19-8-16 (sic) Today we smoked Salvia divorinum 20x. We were caught off guard by some small children and their Dad. We got over it & smoked a bowl but now I think we shall continue our journey. Goodbye marshmallow stan. I'll bring you back a snowcone. 

(drawing found in center 20 Sep 2015):

(two paintings found in center 21 Sep 2015):

Dana K__berg 9/22 or 23/2015

SS W_____son 9/22 or 23/2015

Sep 18-20, 2015. Pickin' in the Pines, 10th anniversary. perfect weather, great bands, wonderful town. Will be back next year.

September 24. Hey Brought my Love to see the labyrinth. -Shay & Zach

9/25/2015. Climbed the rocks and skinned my knee. It was pretty cool though. Good job!

9/24/15 Gunner & Nicole ♥

Walk, have fun, be quiet. Brian D_____ 9/24/15

Um, yeah um.... this is cool Austin A____ 9/24/15

September 25. "Decorate your own soul and plant your own garden, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."  

Jasi and Mackenzie were here! It is a beautiful day out! Enjoy! - 9/26/15

Listen to the rhythm of silence. Jeanne was here to begin her completion of her 58th year. ☮

September 27, 2015 "A good friend listens to your adventures... A best friend makes them with you. -- Margaux and Lauren were here. 

9/27/2015. Coming here always renews my hope. A_ C_ P_

9/27/15 The only thing standing in the way of your success is you, so make this life count! ♥♥♥ VS

9/27/15 Cherish the moments you have with the people who mean the most to you, because you never when they won't be in your life any more. CH_

(Night of the blood moon total eclipse)

9/27/15 Super-blood-moon eclipse hike that's off to the moon on acid what an amazing experience except I just had to smash a spider with my phone. That was awful.  The first time I saw an eclipse I was really young, like six. My parents explained that a shadow was coming to cover the moon. While they told me this, I watched the blinking lights of a plane flying towards the moon and I assumed that the plane cast the shadow. Something like a large guided blanket coming to obscure the moon. SJW. 

It is truly daunting to experience the vastness of a shadow cast on the closest foreign body to our planet. A shadow in the night to snuff out our light. A peek at the beyond. 

Sept. 29, 2015 (child's scribble) "Amos", Caretta, Mama, & Arlo. Great peaceful spot. God bless. 

Sept. 30, 2015. Be peaceful & happy /Safe and free from injury /Free from fear, anger & anxiety!  ☮♥J Cindy & Jack

Love For Ever and Forever shall love. 9/30/2015 ♥ Mark, Maili, Jade, the birds and bees. 

September 30, 2015  Colleen McD_____ & Jacob W___ 2 months before our wedding day ♥

9/30/15  I could willingly waste all my time here - Haili ♥

10/01/2015 First time walking a labyrinth & it was awesome. Gorgeous weather with a gentle breeze activating the chimes. We'll be back. - Barb, Tom

Bought her favorite food, got my favorite candy, and took her to experience the labyrinth... a perfect night. Oct 1. -- Sergio & Ali

Took my grandparents to come see the labyrinth on a gorgeous windy day! The chimes are so nice. I may add some! - ♥ Meg 

October 3rd 2015. I'm from Tucson and I cheated. I'm sorry. But I felt bad, so I actually did it. Very cool. 

Hello Clerice, it's me... I have come to stay and take your wife. Oh yes she will be mine. Your dad? dad? dad? dad? Love Nick T_ 10-9-15

May the force be with you. #labyrinthlife

The chimes rang softly. Walking the labyrinth slow to the center & back. - Emily & Sarah

October 3rd. brought my family. Dad couldn't finish. Jen S_ ... but Mom did make it! Thanks for introducing us to the labyrinth, Josh! 

Such an amazing night. experienced things we have never seen at labyrinth. Grey L ♥ & Sive 

October 5th 2015. Sing from your heart, love is an infinite power. -- Lauren & Sean

October 5, 2015. I hope everyone who reads this is having a good day & an even better life. You should only eat tacos on Tuesday. Remember that forecast we watched. 

Oct 7, 2015.  Walking labyrinth for first time, seeking peace, clarity and healing. Love and light to all that read this. Bridget. 

Oct 7, 2015 Rule of roadkill: if you can put it in a skillet, kill it. Reid & Austin.  

The endless flow that is the power of mother nature allows us human beings to live and create on this earth that we call home. Let us not destroy our home with unnatural life and things that destroy our planet. -- Austin  

Oct 7th. Alex & Bri were here. Peace, love, pine trees. 

October 8. Happy to be back in Flagstaff. J ♥ Jen 

Brought Mom & Morey to the labyrinth for the first time ♥ Meg

October 9th, 2015. There is something about silence. When all the world is screaming, shut you eyes and just listen to your heart and magic. There is power in letting go. I love him.  Forever. I promised. DLF

October 9th 2015. We are victorious! J Happy Birthday Liz!  I win & they lose! (cool maze, I saw a spider AND a lizard.) Left a tiny t-shirt. "peace & love... & titties"

Oct. 9 2015. Whoop whoop. - LW

I'm with guy on next page. I die. 

Oct 9 2015. Everett. Day 1: We start in to the labyrinth.  Day 8: We are attacked, one member dies. Day 37: We made it to the center to make a wish. 

10-10 Deez nuts map. start... finish. Got him. 

Oct 12, 2015  We are one we are the universe be yourself be everyone

fianke dank

The Maj was here lowkey. Take globs, not dabs. #gexfaded

Make a mess. /force your breath. /let the sunshine /grant you rest. - Kevin PS Stay trippy mayne!

Family over all else J___ A_

I am the light & the beacon /you can ask ya deacon. 

10/13/2015  Big Daddy CLD. - Walk a righteous path and all good things will lean your way. 

Peace & harmony with family. Facebook / 

David farted and ate all the dates.




October 14th, 2015. Every time I'm feeling down, the labyrinth seems to restore peace back in my mind and soul. A message to anyone who comes upon this... I wish you all the best of luck in life. Let's heal our wounds together, love unconditionally, laugh at the littlest things, fight for one another, and continue to grow. I love you all. Anthony M_____. Namaste. 

It's so cold I can barely write. Tperks Nanis  10/20/2015

Maddie & Abri

Hi. Don't bring your gun to town son. Don't bring your gun to town. Johnny Cash

Don't fall like I did... 4 times.  hahaha! 

Walk with a humble mind. Living in the present is life. Peace, love, happiness. 

This world is a place of peace and a place of @#$% madness. 

Oct 22, 2015. ☮   CR ♥ AD. Yay! Peace & Love & S*** dude. 

Do you know about the chamber of secrets?  /Yes   /Can you tell me?  /No... but I can show you... 

Once upon no time there was a kingdom of miniature gnomes who wore blueberries as hats and had pet mice on. 

Alex 10/22/15 Nate. Tripballs. 

(Note left at center, addressed to Megan & Zach): 

Where am I?  /If you cross the labyrinth, you die.  /Lift the.  /This is what it. yeh. /There's a lot of crows!  /Acid is awesome.  /I can't write  ... its harddddddd to be labyrinth guys. Pencil.

October 24, 2015. Tequila sunrise/NAU homecoming day. On my run today, I saw drunken college boys (definitely not men, but dickless  boys) at the labyrinth. They broke the metal box that holds the visitor comment book, smashed the sign, and took away the comment book. How pathetic. A loser is someone who tries to destroy something that other people find beautiful. A loser thinks that being destructive makes him powerful, but it makes him weak and pathetic.  A winner is someone who tries to make the world a better place. A winner always succeeds because by the very act of trying, the winner does make the world a better place.  

Oct 26, 2015. Passing thru on this fine day. The sun shines, life abounds. Peace. May loving people happen upon this place and keep it alive and respected. 

10/26/15 I am tired of pickin up so much weight and trying to carry it. Time to let go. 

10/26/2015  I am the absence of light  /I am the darkness you fear  /I am the voice of desire /That whispers in your ear.  /I am the feeling of self-doubt /that you can never fight   /I am the evil that slithers  /into the darkness at night.   I am the serpent. -- Locust Dawn "I am the serpent"

10/28/15  We're all climbing to the same mountain but some folks are taking a delusional route. Whether its inherited or from the place they were born of imposed on them by rugged conditions, some folks don't deserve a position of leadership... We're on this planet together...  

10/28/2015. Dropped by on my way home unsure how to feel about what's going on in my life. I think I may fail college but I don't want to. 

"Chaos precipitates change" - Deltron 3030

Have an awesome girlfriend. She really cares. I makes me glad because no one has ever cared for me like she does. 

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." -- Alan Watts

This is hell.

10/31/15, 10AM. Getting our mind right for the "Tool" concert tonight on this Halloween 2015. - Truz Reflection...

(note left at center) Dear you, In this crazy thing we call life, I want you to know that you are enough. You are incredible! You are made of so much more than you think you are. You are made of power. You are made of light. You were made to make manifest those feelings and mysterious brilliances that you glimpse in yourself when you are truly at peace. To all those spectators who watch you of for all those who don't... Do it for you, because you are worth it. Inspire, Love, Help, Lift, and Encourage.  Love, Me

(note left at center) Namaste. My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within me. In sharing these things, we are united, we are the same, we are one. 

(note left at center) Hello, this is my first time at the labyrinth.  Circumstances change, material possession lose their luster, and all you are left with is who you are and the relationships you have built. What seems like a disaster today might be forgotten before you know it. Live like it matters. 

Nov. 1, 2015.  Grateful for the peace and serenity of this moment. 11:45 AM

I came and this is the only mark I leave other than footsteps, both soon to disappear. With gratitude. November 1, 2015. 

Nov. 5, 2015, I came across this while I was walking. Today was a hard day. I don't really know where I am walking or why but I feel lost. Falling, faster & faster towards the cement. I feel as though I am alone all the time. Like I can't breath. I feel as though I am surrounded by people who don't care about me. I try to do stuff for people. If they need me I want to be there. Though I feel like if I were to ever need them, or to tell them how deeply depressed I am, they wouldn't be there. I know this is irrelevant to anyone, but since no one will ever know that it's me writing this I feel like I can be honest. I cut myself today. It's been a while since I last did that. I don't know why I do it. Maybe because it make the pain dissipate for a minute, or maybe because I'm so good at hiding the pain that it's a remembrance that it's still there even though no one knows about it. I already covered it though, because pain scares people. People don't want to be around someone who hates themselves. So to everyone around me I'm happy. Don't worry friends, insults don't hurt me. You can call me a slut of make fun of how I look or dress. I just laugh it off. They all think it doesn't bother me. They don't know how much pain their words cause. I just stay quiet. I don't know where I am going to walk right now but half of me hopes I get lost. 

Nov 13. (on same page as Nov 5 note) You are not alone. I feel very similar. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and it plagues me every day. But know sometimes we manufacture our own problems, problems that aren't really there. In reality we are not alone and there are people who care about you. It just takes time to open up to your surroundings. It's hard I know but everything will be all right. 

9:18 PM Nov 5. I'm alone and I'm stoned and I don't know what to do. My mind is going crazy. Constantly thinking of you.   J

9:20 PM, Nov 5, 2015. I came here earlier today when I was walking around alone. Now I brought my friend J to see it tonight. I was pretty depressed because a lot has been going wrong recently. I just have been having a bad few weeks. I really hope things will get better. I wish you all the happiness I can.  ♥ me 

11/6/2015  I had sex here once -@twerkita from Reilly

Life is chill, stay changed - hulluml

11-6-2015. I was here. H.

11/7/15.  With the best girls - great hearts, beautiful smiles, wonderful laughs: blessed to be on the ride of life with these people. Best friends. ♥

The law of 4 is 67.

Nov 7. Enjoying this beautiful weather in this beautiful place that we are so fortunate to experience. Thank you to the community that has made this place possible. - Another soul passing through. 

11/8/15. You are what you love! Not who loves you. 

11/8/15 I understand how the labyrinth can help people get away from their past, like smoking or drinking

but how can it help the bad things get away from their soul? Please respond here. Thank you. -  Miles

There is a constant battle of light and darkness within us all. You cannot have one without the other. The more you struggle, the stronger you become. Sage-Rage

11/8/2015. I spoke to a man down at the tracks and I asked him how he don't go mad. He said "Look here junior, don't you be so happy and for heaven's sake don't you be so sad" - Television "Marquee Moon" 

11/8/2015 I turned 20 yesterday and I'm surprised at how many lonely peopl have left notes for other to read. Be happy! The world is beautiful. You are here right now and that is all that matters. Go walk, get lost, and fall in love with yourself. Also maybe go listen to Mac Demarco when you get home. ♥♥

5:35PM Nov 8 2015. You're on the coast /sitting on the beach /while I'm in the forest /surrounded by trees. /And you're on a towel  /smiling with her /while I'm at the maze /smoking alone. --J.D. 

I'll write something next time. -RK

11/9/15 Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find someone who loves me. 

11/9/15  I try to find a little beauty in everything. If I hate someone I find one thing about them I like. Just find good. 

11/9/2015. Emery, Diana, Lyla, Thomore.  In the desert I saw a man who squatting on the ground held his heart and ate of it.  "Is it good, friend?" I asked. "It is bitter, bitter," he replied "but I like it because it is bitter and because it is my heart." Stephen Crane, In the desert. 

11.11.15. I loved you with every ounce of my soul, with every breath, heart beat, and step I took. You consumed me in every way... But... you left me. Took it all with you. Every memory, laugh, and smile. I plunged. But today, I grew, I learned to love myself, love each moment of each day. I LOVE ME.  This is for every girl, boy, man, woman who has ever doubted their self-worth. You do not need anyone in your life who does not need you. Today I have been set FREE. ♥ K.S. 

11/11/15 Happy Veterans' Day. Thank you to those that have served. The point of a maze is to find its center. The point of a labyrinth is to find your center.  -- Donna, Cara,  Mia, Max, & Cari Po____. Matthew Dr_____. 

November 12, 2015. Bout to woke some smeed. No worries. Don't worry about it. It's been a rough past few weeks. Just dust yourself off and try again. I see the stars lining up. 

Shed one small tear for the life inside. /You left it there when I left your side /Told me to keep it and always stay true /It seems, though, these days, that's all I've to do. 

READ ME! 11/19/2015 Dear Christine O, aka Scarlet Begonia. I am sorry for any negativity I had brought into your past. I wish nothing but serenity, peace, and abundant love for you. Wishing you unconditional self-love. Sincerely, East Coast child ~E-fresh. 

Tripping on that pure tab just walked to the center. Had a fun journey. Now I want to watch visuals. 

11/?/15 I'm on love sex dreams watching some chicks walk their dogs. Faddad! 

11/12/15 Go out and love someone. 

11/13//15  Groooovy Baby

11/13/15. Censoring yourself to blend in with society will leave this age malnourished of what you have to offer.  No apologies need to be said, no limitations  need to be put in place. Do not deprive the world of your intellect, because you are one little grain in a huge sandstorm but you are necessary. -EAPC

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" - I miss you 

Hope  ♥ 

11-14-15 Dora

11-15-15 This is left handed.

Why do we exist? Every time I close my eyes I see the way of life and it is...  ....

Please god, help those who would know truth find it and be free, myself included. 

11-17-15  Mia Jo was here J (aka Elsa)

11/18/15 Marisa and Chey were here.  ♥

11-17-15 Vielo was here. (aka gi joe)

11-18-15  Hello Flagstaff. I found this peaceful labyrinth after a crazy day of dealing with strangers. Oh so calming. Letting go. Being me. "Whatever you are, be a good one."  Abe Lincoln said that. Life choices - some you make, others are made for you but you always choose your reaction. DJB

11-19/15  Reading through these entries makes me realize that none of us are alone. I'm here with an old friend after a deep conversation about trust and loss, and lately I feel more lost than I ever have. Whoever reads this, I love you. This is only temporary. I'm right there with you. We got this. Those who wander are not lost. - Anthony M. 

elephant "bootayh" 

11-21-15 Life is too short to be sad all the time. So love yourself and look at pictures of Will SMith. -MJ

M. Cross

This sure beats defensive driving class. Reginald T. A________  11/21/15

(first page of a new book that a visitor brought to the labyrinth)  Dec 12, 2015. The snow has fallen. I brought this new book and plastic bag to replace the missing one. These treasures by all of you need to be treasured for you are valuable. If you are struggling through a rough time, I wish you luck. Although you may not know me and I may not know you, I hope for great things to come your way. Genuinely, I care. In this notebook, please express your deep thought so you can release stress, or just breighten someone's day. I love you. May peace be with you. ♥ - M

Don't always believe everything you think.

My own feelings and undisclosed desires.  /I am a selfish bastard. /For you told me that time may not be on our side. /I push along silently begging for more /But alas, although you say you cherish me ?I cannot help but to stare in silent agony. /As more days pass in a silent torment /I feel as though you grwo fourther away. /But alas, I am afraid to speak my mind /For I am a selfish bastard /And all I want is more but I am too afraid to ask.  - M

Be true and understand yourself. 

Be just be. never lose sight of what you need to exist. breathe deep in the shytm of your heartbeat and feel your body pulse with the mind. 

12-13-15. ta been everywhere but here. Sundays. Be we're here now. Thank you for leaving this here. ♥ Ata 

♥ Forever and always

Dec 13 Like a Christmas box wrapped but empty, at least I look pretty. Sometimes you may feel like you're falling endlessly with no end in sight. It;'s easy to be content with falling, but be on the lookout for any way to stop. Grab on to a friend, a book, or a loved one and don't let go until you can stand. I don't know any of you yet I promise I love all of you. Take that love, use it and share it with everyone else who needs it - and everyone needs it. - K

12-15-15 Blaze it. 

12-18-15 Happy trails It'll take as much to get out as it did to get here. Take the peace with you. R, J, M

12-19-15 The world is what it does not have /Not you /Not in reality /Be   -SG

it was lit. 

Adventure is out there. S&D

Always stay positive. Always smile. And always believe in yourself. Mirs ♥  12/20/15 

i was those seeds /i am this meat /this meat hates pain /this meat must eat /this meat must sleep /this meat must dream /this meat must laugh /this meat must scream /but when, as meat /it's had its fill /please plant it as a daffodil  ~ Kurt Vonnegut

To my dog Dugan who passed away today.

Because I'm as free as a bird, and lord know I can't change... RIP, Dad, Love, Pete ♥

March 20 2016 First day of spring

A family visit. Thanks to Flagstaff the the keepers of this special place.

March 21, 2016 I am Jo.♥

There are 3 good things in every bad situation... so look for them J 

Buddha said if you see yourself in others, how could you hurt them?

Go live in peace. 

"and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" - Philippians 4:7

Be peaceful. I love you. I am Jo ♥  (written in another hand next to this): Thank you

March 21 2016

3-31-16  Jasper B_____ and Kelly (the dad) wish everyone a good life.

To live your life with every action stemming from love, will lead you to nothing but happiness and a smile on your face.

March 23. We come from Guatemala and are part of Mayan culture there. We feel a lot of positive enerty here. Ceremonies are different for the Maya but the energy is the same. -- Taxa, Yason, & D. from Chichicastenango, Guatemala 

When ever you feel alone, remember that there are others who feel alone too. So even thought you feel alone, you are not alone in feeling alone. 

Be kind. Even to those who do bad to you, because sometimes people lash out like injured animals. -- Keikei & Magen ♥

Beauty, man

Wow, thank you.

3-21  My life is moving really fast right now. I know it's OK to be scared, but I feel like fate is calling me to a pivotal point in my life, and I feel I have no choice. No armor against Fate. 

4-3 (arrows indicate this is a response to previous) You are in control of your life; take initiative; make good decisions; have fun, enjoy yourself. The world is yours.

3-22 Stumbled upon this place on one of the most hopeless days I've had since moving here in October. I came here to find myself but I have never felt more lost of alone. The sunset tonight, however, is beautiful, and tomorrow is a new day. If you're reading this and need something to keep you going, just look at the sky. 

"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night spring after winter."

Stay positive ♥

You are not alone ♥

Beautiful - Magen & Keilan. J

3/23  I have passed this place nearly every day on my walk to and from work since moving here in August, and have never once stopped. Tonight on my way home I felt the spirit move me to stop, and I did. I have walked numerous labyrinths similar to this one in my life, mostly in churches, and it feels comforting, simple, peaceful, like I am at home. There is god in this place. It is so simply clear. I have abandoned my meditation practice, but this walk reminded me so simply and clearly of the importance of presence in the moment, compassion, patience, and peace. Thank you a thousand times over to whoever created and maintains this place. It is a gift. 

3-24-16  Spectacular! ♥ Thank you - Donna V. 

This is what I needed - a straight path. Lately I've felt to indecisive. This gives me the time to reflect and enjoy the spring air. Thank you Flagstaff for these four years. - Victoria, March 24, 2016

The best decision you can make is to be in a good mood. Look at the trees around you. Life is amazing.

March 26th 2016. I've been here to this special place before and I've had great days but if feels really good to sit on a rock sometimes and reflect on all of those good things. And not take it all for granted. Focusing my energy on the good things in life only will create more. Today I'm grateful for the two people sitting beside me. Life if pretty good. And so is yours if you decide it is. I love you. ♥ Elyse  PS I became a junior park ranger today! 

Yaaaaaaas Queen. 

NAU TCC 3-27-16  Jillian Cross, Shelby Martin, James Wuz here, Cherish Gallegos, Alliayn Phillips, Keith Williams, Ally Schmitz, Ryan Smith, Charles Tacheney, Matt T, Brandon Nagera

4-3-2016 Was fun while it lasted. 

Digging down the stars! fall from sleep.

Happy Easter!!

 I survived the curse... Easter Sunday. - Pistol

Same - Andrea

Tara D____ 3-27-16

4-2 Meg & Tuck. Visiting the labyrinth for the first time since our first date ♥ (it was snowy and didn't work so well...) 

Note from Tuck: I'm pretty sure I fell in love with her, or knew I'd fall in love with her on that very first visit. I could see us being together for a long time. I love you Meg. Maybe I'll tell you what this said on our wedding day. 

3-27-16 Dalecta & Ruby. Infinite love. 

2016 Hey, Shania M_____ was here. Whoever reads this, I love you ♥J and lets me happy every day because life's too short and it's worth it. 

What is this all about? - Bree

March 28. Happy easter. I don't know why this is here, but it is dangerous for us kids. from Brenna. (followed in a different hand:) She doesn't know what she's talking about J

April 2nd 2016 The energy from the labyrinth was a pure euphaclaric. 

Easter playlist, March 27 2016

1. Viceroy by Mac DeMarco. 2. Linda Ronstadt by AJJ. 3. Wait for the moment by Vulfpeck. 4. Birthday morning by Association. 5. After hours by Velvet Underground. 6. Morning has broken, Cat Stevens. 7. God only knows, Beach Boys. 8. You make my dreams, Hall & Oates. 9. Never tear us apart, INXS. 10. 21st century schizoid man, King Crimson.   -- Ally M______ & Ryan W___


Love it! ♥

"You gotta stay positive" Craig & Finn 

The labyrinth is a place to unwind & collect my thoughts.  -- Mustafa F.G.

We had sex here. Thanks.  (written in response:) I hope you had a good time. 

Just another ponderous wanderer. 

4-2-16 A visit here in hopes for a new beginning for those I love most. JR

4-2-16  Here with my mom in hopes to honor and find peace with myself and my body. Thank you all ♥ HR

Love all, serve all, and create no sorrows. 4-2-16 

Every cell, every particle, every being is CONNECTED. Your being is a VORTEX and what you put out is what you'll receive back.  Law of Attraction: you create your reality.

04-16-2016  Me & 8-year old niece & 5-year old nephew. A good way for all of us to burn off some energy on a Saturday. J

Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face? Do you realize we're floating in space? Do you realize that everyone you know will someday die?  Instead of saying all your goodbyes let them know you realize: /Life goes fast, /It's hard to make the good things last /The sun doesn't go down, /It's just an illusion caused /by the world spinning 'round. 

Acid is crazy. wtf. 2016

March 29, 2016  Roses are red /violets are blue /I want me someone /who will love me too!!  I ♥ Ricky Scrappy & Christiana ♥

March 29, 2016 It's a cold day outside in Flagstaff. About 3:30 PM around the cenor from my chentci South Side. I do feel a lil spirit in with christiana. She has a lot of heart. I do love her and I trying my best to comfort her in every way. She just needs to believe in me. I will always do my best to help her feel safe. Oh and I am very sorry for hitting you. Please believe. Ricky

March 29, 2016  Yo, what up Flag? This is my first time at the labyrinth. So far so good. Kyle

April 3, 2016  Very peaceful. The labyrinth calmed me down a lot. Have a very nice day. J ♥ ☮

4-2-2016 Adventure is out there! Go out, fight dragons, catch Pokemon & remember: Never tickle a sleeping dragon.

Sitting here on a chilly yet beautiful day, enjoying the sun & tall trees all around. Take the time to sit & reflect, everyone, you'll find it's much more fulfilling & entertaining than the screens in our pockets, & remember you are loved. When times are hard come back to that & all things will fall into place. ☮ & ♥ - Pete

April 1, 2016 Marisa Bo__ & Patricia Wag_____. When live gives you lemons make whatever the hell you want!  Stop allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions. Stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others. - Dr. Steve Mar_____

April 2, 2016 We fell in love. ♥ Katie and Omar 

Yikes 4 U.... 

4-2-2016 Everybody dies in the end.

... only to be formed into new life ☮

4-2-16 Rupy, Miguel, Alexis, Shane, Stu W, Brucke, James

April 4, 2016 This is such a beautiful spot. I come here often to meditate. I enjoy spending time at this amazingly euphoric energy place. Thank you. Namaste.  /OM - 3rd eye  /HAM - throat /YAM - heart /RAM - solar plexus  /VAM - sacral /LAM - root  --Micala ♥

It is never too late to be who you might have been. George Elliot.   ♥ Taylor 

Death is when we will either find out that there is an afterlife or not find out that there isn't one. -Garrison Keillor

Let him who move the world first move himself. - Socrates

Be kind. - nicole 

Love don't getchya high as dis. Drugs don't gethcya high as dis. Chains don't getchya high as dis. Levitate, levitate, levitate... - K Dot

Labyrinth Meet Up!! Want to meet some the groovy people who write in this book? Well, I do, so let's talk and share stories here! on April 30th at 1 PM. Sign up names... Pete ☮  Teala J

Tristan Hot Stuff says swagalicious. Eran Goddess says jiggedly jiggedy!  ♥

4-5-16  The labyrinth, a symbolic icon of the importance of the journey. It is not about the end of the goal. It is all about the path we week to get there. Namaste. May you find inner peace. ☮

Thoughts for my pup Dexter. RIP. Max

Madison McQu____

The person I love doesn't love me. But last night I got my first kiss from him as a drunken thank-you. I was filled with false hope again. One day I'll get over him. But for now I'll sit here in peace. 

4-7-16 T-money and the boys walked the labyrinth in 17 seconds. 

4-6-16 7:10PM  For the cost of the day /the love of the tomb /For then I can say /here's the womb /While here I can see /the loom of myre / I write now with tree /for whom I desire /right next to me. - Keilan & Magen ♥

4-7-2016 Jamison & Hannah's haiku.   The wind in the air. Crisp light breezes through my hair. Life meant for living. 

4-7-2016 Jenna dicot and monocot

Andy Grateful

Compliment yourself. Drink water. Listen to music that empowers you. Find beauty in everything. Care for your friends. Eat healthy. Grow. Try new stuff. Don't judge others. Don't have doodoo breath. Love thyself.  

Not all those who wander are lost. Not all that glitters is gold.  "I wasn't looking for what it was I found: myself standing on some holy ground. I couldn't stand it and I had to sit down." - The 77s

J & M ♥ 2016

4-10-16 ESS

April 11, 2016 This is my first time writing. This is pretty cool. 

Smoke weed 949

Spiritual enlightenment ♥

Walk and be. 

For self: I love you. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you.

The heart does skirt the desert and dives in the shaded pool. 

 A panic racks the sickened mind. The mind no longer minds. the body's fragile egg enters torrents of terror like waves of fury Bent down the soul that resides within each thought, births new ideas all which seem to seek a gray place of understanding. each mistake manifests itself as terror, a fear designed to steal the soul. life comes to a head like a volcano the pressure has built. Once the mountain blows it will never be the same. Pieces can be found littered form miles. what's left of the passion and pain. If life was meant to be perfect it would be so. The evidence on an existence born of chaos ingrained in every person. The desire the magnetic pull towards destruction chance and impulse. So main beauty born from the depths of change. The most beautiful flowers that smell so exotic, the effect is immediate intoxication, a sensation without rival. a feeling of freedom known only to the winged beast. A passion so pure to partake is to be nourished, through love a freedom is found without depth. Pure freedom flows like a river for those who would take the plunge. A word to the wise... hate looms like a shadow. Always trying to pervert the beautiful. A cunning spider weaves webs for the unprepared. She sits in wait as beautiful as any goddess. As lethal as a bullet through the heart. to see her is to fee lust, a perverse desire so consuming many can't look away, after that first glance. an unforgiving goddess showing loyalty to none, those that worship knew power, fame, and fortune that only a god or goddess can supply. Her price is high. 

Like spring. /a place demands your attention /a full step in color /walk slowly /to the refrains

It's not unusual to be loved by anyone.  ♥ It's not unusual to be hugged by NE1. 

Walk through the labyrinth with a partner. /see your pathways wind /parallel and near /suddenly here /Suddenly far /All the while weaving /threads into braids /loose ends into knots /what a pattern you'll trace /from the same distance apart. 

16 April Thank you for this today. Much needed peace. Nothing inspiring to say but I'm just letting you know I'm here, universe. Cheers! - C____

The traveler Flutters passed. The crows crow. The chimes chime. I hear the breeze... but all I feel is time. forgot the onions. at least we still have the lime. J

Far out! All people Homies J MEM BGC 4-17-16 

4-17-2016 My heart is at peace in this calming place ES

The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf. 

Stay together. Learn the flowers. Go lightly. -Gary Snyder, Oregon-born western zen buddhist mountain man. 

Would you like to see me split the moon in half with one throw? - Rumi 

A poem-thing.  Rejoice for the day is bright. /Watch breathlessly as the trees sway in the wind.. /Dance free & wild in the grass /Feel it between your toes /Fall back into it and laugh at the clouds. /The day is beautiful /and so are you.  - ♥ Haley 

IF, by Rudyard Kipling. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue /or walk with kings nor lose the common touch /If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you /If all men count with you, but none too much.  /If you can fill the unforgiving minute /with 60 seconds worth of distance run, /yours is the Earth and everything it in. /And -which is more - you'll be a man, my son!  -- Calum & that girl from the last page. April 19, 2016

April 17th 2016. I feel the most alive among pine trees. They remind me to constantly breathe. Flagstaff thank you for allowing me to find beauty in you, me and all beings. I love you. Be here now. Right here. Right now.  ♥ Kitten eyes. 

4-21-2016 Thank you universe! For everything. Melinda

4-21-16 Madeline & Abriana walked the labyrinth. We ate. It was awesome. Hopefully we'll walk this again someday, still in love and still hungry for adventure. Life is good. Life is high. 

4-22-16  I came up to visit my girlfriend and we found this place, decided to give it a try. Didn't really feel the place was all that special till reading these notes with her and seeing her smile. I'll definitely be back with her again. 

4-21-2016 Full moon. We discovered this through some fellow travelers, shortly after we arrived in Flagstaff after getting a ride from Winslow. Everyone we encountered was a treat and a blessing. Our new friends brought us here and we shared a meditation and herb. It was very grounding and connecting, so very refreshing after a long 10 days since leaving home, 1500 miles with no direction. This helped remind me to be patient, and mindful with my actions, to be open to explore and share love and union, having the wisdom to filter the energy in a positive way. I feel so blessed to be here in the state I have grown. This journey may have pulled me into the current of a powerful river, though I have my raft and I know how to swim and am ready for the ride. I call for love, community, creation, and healing, for myself and the greater whole. May we all find the connection to each other and our home, spreading light in the darkness... -Chelsea Sherwood, Denton TX

4-22-2016 Flagstaff is absolutely the most amazing place in the world. It's so beautiful. When you are here appreciate the little things in life. Love, Reilly Hall bench squad

Love everything that you have while you have what you have. ♥ Katy & Shaina. 

Go where the love is, not where it should be.

Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. - Shaina 

4-22-2016 I appreciate everything I have been through in life. S.

Run 4-23-2016. We out here. Thanks for the resting spot. Ducas. Jeremy & Nick.  

The death of a caterpillar is the birth of a butterfly. -fuzzlejr

Zach was here. 4-24-2016.  About to graduate. peaking on Flag. Stay positive and thoughtful, everyone. Remember to be kind, because everyone around you is fighting a hard battle. 

Fear can be thrilling fire for you, if you choose to step into the fire. 

4-26-2016 Trennan and Connor, This place is definitely special. Just try to take in everything you can and enjoy the experience. 

Don't blame others for your problems, because when you point your finger at someone else, there are 3 fingers pointing at you. 

Fitzgerald killed my son. 

So sorry to hear so. Best wishes ☮

Please read - I hope I can help. J Stay away from the temptations of evil. Money is the root of most. Do not fall into the system, Do not pick up the patterns of bad peers, do not let others control your life. Nobody but you can become you and what you want yourself to be. Follow dreams not instructions. Nothing should restrain you from living the life that you want to live, but most importantly, love life. Love yourself, what you do, where you are because you were meant to do so. Love others, it's the only proper way to receive love back. Pay attention to karma. Live with balance.  ☯  Love, live, and light up! Let the light shine.  -- Emcee, Ian. 

Hello strangers,  Man, I don't know how many times I've been to this spot. I'm surprised that nothing has ever been harmed here. Right now I'm having beer, sitting on this lovely bench, looking around, enjoying the scene. Cheers!  --Aaron (Bruc Chee)

Thank you labyrinth for a Great opening and closing to my first year of college. ♥ See you again. R_____ 

I survived my first year of college. It's been 2 semesters since my last visit and I have grown. 

May 2, 2016. The creek flows. The raven calls. The jays respond. Slivers of snow in the shadows.

May 3, 2016  very nice. J  -ES

May 3, 2016 I wonder if there is treasure under the rocks.  Why did someone leave her school ID?

May 3. It was a lot of turning and stuff. 

Sit & take time to reflect, feel the surreal energy that this special place harbors and remember that all is and will be well if you let it be. ☮ & ♥ -Pete

5-3-16 Stars can only shine in the darkness. - Tony

5-3-16 ... but are there even in daylight. - DB

5-4-2016 Can't stop the waves. But you can learn to surf.  -Abraham D__, Guiseppe C__, Thomas O__, O'Malley the alley cat. 

The red wood chips look nice! It'd be great to fill the path with them throughout. And your wife reports that the small tree on the path needs a new bell. 

Hi HO! Hi HO!!  Hi HO!!!!!! -pb 

Ever notice how "what the hell" is usually a good idea?

Happiness runs in a circular motion /like you've got a little boat on the sea /Everyone is part of everything anyway /You can it all if you let yourself be.  /Why? Oh, because /Why? Oh because. /Happiness runs.... CB

If you want to know the nature of water, don't ask a fish. - MVD

Not a journey but a circus are our lives. MB

To: You  /From: Me /Namaste. My soul honors your soul. I honor the plane in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty, and peace within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are one. ♥ 

Hello, This is my first time at the labyrinth and I am trying to write something motivating and inspirational. Circumstances change, material possessions lose their luster, and all you are left with is who you are and the relationships you have built. What seems like a disaster today might be forgotten before you know it. Live like it matters. 

Dear You, In this crazy thing we call life, I want you to know that you are enough. You are incredible! You are made of so much more than you think you are. You are made of power. You are made of light. You were made to make manifest those feelings and mysterious brilliances that you glimpse in yourself when you are truly at peace. To all those spectators who watch you or for all those who don't... Do it for you, because you are worth it. Inspire, Love, Help, Lift, and Encourage. ♥  Love, Me

I came, I ran, I made my peace. May you find yours somewhere on the trail. -KG

5-9-2016 Love! Love is all that matters. Nothing better! Nothing purer!  Nothing you'll ever learn is more important. Justin J____ -PTL!!!

I came here a couple winters ago, and now I'm back here in spring 2016. As it was last time, this place feels so far apart from the clutter and chaos of the world. May whoever reads this find the peace that I am leaving here today. You are loved! - Allea M_ 5-9-2016

Today I set my intention. I will find my way home. Because a wise woman once told me that home isn't where you live, it's who you love. And there is so much love here. ♥

Sometimes the only way to find yourself is to get lost. May 9, CC

We are having a spiritual moment. BCL

Gershow We out fam. It was lit like a glow stick. 

Mike K. Dat a fine ass signature. 





Life is more simple than you're making it. It's all in front of you. 

5-11-2016 People need a place to reflect, gather their thoughts and gain inner peace to move forward every day and not become part of the mental and emotional rat race out there. It is sunny today, birds are chirping & I am taking that time I need to remember who I am, what I believe in, & appreciate my life on this earth. Thank you for this labyrinth! 

5-1--16 We here drunk AF. We ♥ labby the labyrinth. Adam, Maddie, Muriella B. 

5-12-16  Blue skies, green pines. The beauty of the earth is here. And here I find inner beauty as well. Thank you for this blessing - this place. Mary G ♥

I see dead people.. JK.  I see my friend the cutie. - Me

5-12-16 I love the beautiful me and I love my beautiful friends. Set me on fire. Call me idaddy. ♥ lly Gio J - Arturo

5-12-16 Alex ♥

5-15-16 The answer to your question is.... LOVE.  -JK__

5-15-2016 Don't look back. You're not going that way. -RDG

5-15-16 Tune into the tune of your soul and listen to the magic.  -S_S_

The world is kind of your oyster. 5-17-2016 TH

"I only went out to take a walk but decided to stay until sundown for going out, I found, was really going in." - John Muir

Thank you, labyrinth makers and labyrinth walkers, for this opportunity to go in. 5-19-16 Andy G____

Jenni 4 Prez

Worship grace.

We are in the universe. ♥ 4 women, 1 man, a dog, and a balloon. Be in the moment. I'm a bottom B__ Now we know. Have some love. Sorry we were high. Dani.  

Here we are... /stay  /stay  /leave? /No.... /One NEVER leaves / Welcome to paradise.

5-13-16 It's Friday the 13th. As I walk thru these weeds I feel a breeze roll through. It hits me near my waist, specifically on my right ball.  I find myself becoming erect. I feel at peace. The birds are chirping. Chirp! Chirp! I hear them calling my name. Their high-pitched frequencies tickle my ear with pleasure.  Once again I am hard. One love brutha. 

5-13-16 Love is infinite. ♥ ☮ J

Ask yourself this... what is development?

Hey there, Chris, Chelsea, and Otzma say hello from the whole TBB crew. Make sure to explore the world. Enjoy your youth and experience everything. Peace, love.  TBB out!

5-19-2016 Just takin' a moment. "Liphon & J.P." J

May 20, 2016 What a beautiful day.

5-21-16 Seldom linear, the journey, but ever moving forward. TJS

mindful living is an art. RLS

In the moment KM

5-23-16 A beautiful day today with 4 of my good friends. ♥  Have a beautiful day and share the love. Magen, Liz, Mark, DJ & Renee. 

Cool - KJM

5-23-16 Thank you. The quiet moments will carry me through the day. 

5-25-2016  A deep thrumming, bells dancing at a remove, a dozen rustling quavers, the far-off chattering, rumbling, oscillating ostinatos of striving. The world is bleeding energy out of a million striving wounds. I am one. Where do I direct my flow? 

5-25-16   Today has been beautiful to say the least; a perfect day for today. I am blessed to be alive, in good health, and surrounded by loving friends. The universe is showing/teaching me amazing miracles. I am ever so grateful to have such experience. Love is everywhere even in the darkest of places. May we all light up pathways, or shine light into doors... for others to be guided.  Together we are more than we are.. we are infinite.  Peace and love to all who see this. You are love, you are light, you are infinite, you are blessed. ♥  East Coast

5-27-2016 Let no-one say, and say it to your shame, that all was good before you came. 

Thank you for your maze 


Kenny loves Jackie

5-26-16 Autumn. Have a great time last time.

5-26-2016.  I stumbled upon this beautiful creation. I haven't seen a labyrinth since I was a little girl. It's perfect, -DRB

April G__, Love life. Be successful. ♥

Guess what!? The city of Flagstaff plans to remove your precious labyrinth. It is illeagle and you need a building permit. Enjoy it while it lasts. 

(Responding to previous) You are a liar, take your bad vibes elsewhere. Much love!  

Ziam B__ May 26. Peaceful.

The stars shine brighter than diamonds. M H__, 

I love you. Dylan. 5/27/2016? 

What is this?

Thank you. 

If you learn anything from my words, know to never give up. I know it sounds cliche' but somehow most of us forget. Live is a blessing. Whether or not you believe in afterlife or religion, understand that this thing we call life is a gift and on earth it does not last. So find your purpose and never stop believing in what you want achieve,  Remember that failure is a man-made concept. One cannot fail if they never give up. By seeing "failure" as a temporary setback we recognize that our journey is not yet complete. You have complete control of your destiny. Take Charge! 

(kid's writing; with drawings of 2 girls) Jasmine  Liz  ♥ My name is Jasmine. I love you. 

May 29th  veni vidi vici

carpe diem ♥ MH & KH

5-31-16  Zayden and Dani were here once more. Babysitting isn't so bad when we explore cool trails that lead us here. Thanks Flagstaff for another beautiful day. ♥

6-2-2016 "The earth laughs in flowers." Good space to slow down & breathe easy. J Thank you Flag community. J

6-3-16 Was here once before. It's been a while. Summer is here. Appreciate this place. Stephen (GeoGunnar) 

Fate whispers to the warrior: "You'll never endure the storm." The warrior whispers back: "I am the storm." 

I am beyond grateful for this place.  - Flag human

June 4th 2016 So it goes.

6-3-2016  Kyle & Kelsey took some lucy and stumbled upon this. perfect! 

6-4-16  A beautiful labyrinth. Teaches me about life, the journey, and about the truth found in circles. 

6-4-2016  My first visit and I will be back! A beautiful connection to nature & self ♥! Circles of life come in many different forms. May the wisdom found in this circle guide me... Everything is connected.  Lyman.  

6-4-16 Cool. -Gose.    What he said. -E-bone

6-5-16  Some days, the wind sweeps my energy right out of me. I'm still learning how to recharge my batteries. These flaws take less time and space to accept these days so that's something to celebrate. Gossip is funny but I'm ready to something real. I have faith in the good things, even when they are hard to accept. Why wouldn't I deserve anything but love and happiness? 

Have you ever felt so much peace? Well I started out that way the first few steps into the labyrinth. I tied my dog to a stone to make my journey to the center seem more  spiritual and find my center in silence. But my dog chewed through the leash and I had to run after her. Well now my dog is running around nearby. I will come back and try this again. D. 

Chimes jingle. it is sunny... rocks and dirt... wind is blowing... god is watching. It is like a forest but we can see houses from here too.  By accident people come and see this, and read the sign, and walk the maze and write in this book. people come here and play and have fun. J Thank y♥u,  ♥ 

Drink up, me hearty. Yo Ho. - Capn Jack Sparrowe

Drugs are better with friends. Friends are better with drugs. - Car Seat Headrest

That is always the cost. As Frank said of a young artist's remorseless passion - which starts out as a kiss and follows like a cure. - Jim Carroll

Sometimes just being present in the moment is the most important thing. Also I love these pink flowers. 

 Arizona roses in the labyrinth 6 June 2016

June 8 2016. First visit, very calming & thoughtful. Beautiful weather and flowers.

Life is beautiful and everything is okay.

And as we say goodnight /I hold you close and tight /no more raging suns /only waning ones /like a waxing scar /where my lonely heart /once bloomed /before I met you. 

6-10-2016  If only for a moment.  The Toe of the Flow /Nature paused for the eons /And now, so have I.  -- SL

6-12-16 Thank you for bringing me here years ago and for reminding me of the subtle beauties of life. As I take these steps again I meditate on the magical and perfect reality in which we exist. ∞  ♥

Once again... "Love forever and forever shall love." 6-13-2016, ♥ Mark, Haili, Jade, the birds and bees, - 

You will never be lost if you follow your heart, Little Foot, but listen carefully as it whispers. - Land before time

Photography is my life! Photography is an art of observation. (Moony's Photography) 

Go forward with full faith that the universe is supporting your efforts! Have faith & trust in the powerful forces behind the scenes. The mind does not believe what it cannot see, but just as you feel the invisible wind on your face, your heart always knows the truth. 

HS Summer solstice 2016 12:28 PM

Luke and Angela and Peter and Opal.  Beautiful sunset walk with smoke from controlled burns turning the sky peach and purple. June 5, 2016

This is something like a promise. I write to solidify my ideas by allowing them to exist. I'm here as a promise to myself that I will be. I will consciously create my reality rather than let it be defined by other agendas. I have chosen to be BE. To Manifest Light into this world. Today a raven flew so close I could feel my hair move -- the universe was sending me a message to BE. Watching the orange sky and the peaks has me thinking about past mistakes. Past decisions that ended wrong, and some started out wrong. I'm a cheater, a liar, a slave to my desires. She is the only one who completes me but I long for other lovers. I'm sitting with a cigarette on my lips but I have yet to light the flame.I choose to live my life based on what I want and need. I'll be a better person. 

If you need some beauty in your life. "I am vertical" by Sylvia Plath: I am vertical /but I would rather be horizontal. /I am not a tree with my root in the soil /sucking up minerals and motherly love /so that each March I may gleam into leaf, /Nor am I the beauty of a garden bed /attracting my share of Ahs and spectacularly painted, /Unknowing I must soon unpetal. /Compared with me, a tree is immortal /and a flower-head not tall, but more startling, /and I want the one's longevity and the other's daring. //Tonight, in the infinitesimal light of the stars, /the trees and the flowers have been strewing their cool odors. /I walk among them, but none of them are noticing. /Sometimes I think that when I am sleeping /I must most perfectly resemble them -- /thoughts gone dim. /It is more natural to me, lying down. /Then the sky and I are in open conversation, /and I shall be useful when I lie down finally: /Then the trees may touch me for once, and the flowers have time for me.

Life gets stressful. Stress is okay if you remember that you are in charge of your universe. If you want happiness, it's up to you. If you want peace, you control that. You are strong and you are in charge of your destiy. xoxo - Mr. Son

Life is chron. You acquire chron thru arduous tasks. Overcome them to acquire chronmeal for your family and loved ones. This is the purpose of life. --The Chron ☮

You are part of it! 

Most fun I ever had! ♥ loved it. 

Sometimes you need to cut off people when they are bringing more negativity than positivity. Namaste

28 June 2016. Let it rain! Let it rain!

June 30, 2016. There once was a bird who got too cold and tried to keep flying south. His wings few heavy and he landed in a pasture. The bird closed his eyes, his flock flew on without him. He passed out. He awoke to find a cow was pooping on him. The poop was warm, but now he was trapped. He chirped loudly while he was trapped for hours. A passing fox heard his chirps, dug him out of the poop, and ate him. The moral of the story: Not everyone who poops on you is your enemy and not everyone who gets you out of poop is your friend. Most importantly, when you are in deep poop, keep your mouth shut and stay calm. - Damian

Jacyee waz here. Cade was here.

Karla 7-1-2016

I believe we are all the same stuff. 2016

Rachel N__. July 1, 2016

Felipe 7-1-2016. Your neighborhood nudist.

Love the story! -Aleksandra 7-2-2016 Saturday

Flow Bobbi 7-2-16

July 2. Ashley ♥

Marcella ♥ Curt spule. 7.2.16 

July 4, 2016. I put sticks on the center rock. It was an enjoyable experience. It gave the rock more characters. 

Jesus now. Job. 


July 4 (Happy b'day America) 2016. I am here with my parents and my 3 sisters. I am 17 and I made it through the labyrinth alive. I am now on my way back. 

July 4, 2016 I was here my sisters (sister 3 wrote the last comment), fell and hurt my knee (hit my bruise from ice skating). It hurts.  ♥!

I don't know anything. I'm insane. I'm illiterate. I'm in a loop. I'm on a...

7-10-2016 "Round I go" Lost in my head, fading lessons from my past. I'll take in each breath as if my last. But in the morning the light shines anew. Breaking the clouds apart, and the shining droplets on the grass is the morning dew. Ink fades away on paper. Back to the top I'll go. Round and round I go. Lost in my head. By JRF

I put down Pokemon and meditated. MD 7-12

7-13-16 Thank you. -Tom Carpenter. 

7-13-16 There are endless possibilities. 


7-13-2016 I love these hidden wonders. We need peace in this crazy world. CPTL & geopup

Thursday July 14, 2016 6:21 PM. Very interesting place, we took some photos... chime is nice to listen to... ♥ Julia

So me and my friends were at a park and we spontaneously did acid, we ended behind another park and Sage was mumbling all this mad scientist mumbo jumbo but it was spontaneous and that was part of it. We said in the beginning of the night we weren't going to the labyrinth and yet here we area. Completely spontaneous. 

7-14-2016  Today I discovered this book, no idea it existed. I feel an immediate peace and happiness just sitting here appreciating this beautiful mountain town that I am so lucky to call home. Enjoy the little things in life. "Don't you wish there was a way to know you were in the good ole days before you actually left them?" - the office ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Always treat strangers kindly. you never know when you are in the presence of an angel or alien. 

July 15, 2016   I just happened upon this labyrinth... beautiful view. Same from Rio. Viva la resistance! Catch 'em all! Mechanical pen died on me.. Much love.. 

Life is a path. Walk it. -- I second that! (signed) Me & You

7-16-16   I've been alone and pretty bored in Flagstaff and happened on this maze after walking around. Found this book and read the amazing stuff people have written and listened to the windchimes and didn't even feel bored, just peaceful. It's been a long year and not super great, but sitting here made me realize - you don't need a lot of friends to appreciate life. Don't let the bad days get you down. Now I feel cheesy, but I kinda needed to hear this myself. Love you all  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (shout out to the other 17-year-old in this book!) 

July 17, 2016  This day is a gift.  Emy L__

July 20, 2016  Love is around even when you don't think it is. J  It's a funny thing, love is, it comes and goes and stays for a while when it comes. Don't be discouraged when it leaves, it come back around. 

Chrisopher Michael Partridge Now

Change is inevitable.

Only two laws govern the universe. Love and Peace. 

"I feel liquid but square." 

I am my universe.  

We would go on a hike but we literally did that. 

What would happen if people took LSD instead of caffeine in the morning? Sage's case study. (5 page stream of words too illegible to transcribe.)

You are the reason and that's good because I'm always looking for a reason and the reason is you. 

As I sit here in the labyrinth watching the sunset and enjoying the beautiful sounds of nature I think of all the beautiful people who have written in this book. I love you all. Thank you for your poems, drawings, and thoughts. You are beautiful and I love you. 

Nick & Vic '16

Skinny dipping in the creek. J 

I was here /Here I was /Was I here?  /Yes I was.   - AB, Honolulu HI 7-19-2016


GC 7.19.16

July 20, 2016  Moon dust in your lungs, stars in your eyes, you are a child of the cosmos, a ruler of the skies. (-unknown).  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life (-Steve Jobs). ♥  peace, love, and respect. Have fun and be safe. ♥ 

7-22-16  Best friends back together after a time spent apart. Busy lives and distance won't keep us from the friendship we will always have. These moments we will cherish forever. Our buddie spirit will always live. Trap on and stay woke.  -- Buddie V, Yung lex ♥ 

7-22-2016 Alex ♥ & Bernie

It's okay not to be okay.  I have to remind myself of that a lot. I fake being okay and I'm not sure anymore if I do it for other people or myself... I wish for once that I could say I'm okay and have it not be a lie. When do things get better? 

(added on the same page in early September 2016) I know how you feel wanting to be okay... Try stepping out once in a while to feel the sun on your skin and enjoy the breeze and take a deep breath and say to yourself... you are alive. You are beautiful in every way possible inside and out. You are loved especially when you don't feel like it, I promise you. On one knows if things will get better but you will have days when you feel on top of the world, so hold on to those okay? I love you and so will everyone else. 

Mellow with age - Don't rush it!

7-24-2016 This is a beautiful place. I've felt so disconnected lately, but I came here, found this book and sat down, and that at once a dozen very noisy grasshoppers started flying around. It's still again. I feel better now. We are all connected. 

Life is never as you expect it. Blood family can turn on you. Friends aren't who they say they are and probably only wanted you for one thing. Your family is whoever you want it to be. My family is my boyfriend and 2 sons. I love them and can't live without them. Love as much as you can and as often as you can. Love!!!   PS. I want my boyfriend to propose but he won't propose if I ask! This is me asking for the Universe! ♥ BHD 7-28-2016

7-30-2016  First find! Thank you! xoxo - Amanda, Flagstaff AZ

My daughter Petra and me are here now. We are together now as I once was with my father. Soon it will be her turn to walk with her children. 

You've reached the end. Here's an aquarium. Add some animals.

Some kids are bumping trap music in the neighborhood nearby.

Born here 63 years ago, 2 streets over. My Dad worked at the sawmill. I heard the steam train every day. The mill horn sounded at 4:00 every day too. Dad would be home in 15 minutes, smelling like axle grease and pine. My cousins and I would trap small animals in this canyon. Noise, traffic, too many people. Yea, good ole days gone. Luv u anyway!

July 24, 2016. Today I am 21. /Chump (pronounced choomp) a lil livin thang. /Chunk (pronounced chuak) a lil dead thang. /The last time I was here I was chunk chunk /Now I have life and see chumps all around me. - Savanah Case.  Even the flies are beautiful. 

7-24-16 Was enjoyable to find and walk it while I was walking home from work! - Sean M. 

Great maze. 10 of 10, would walk again. - Jose & Tanner

The clouds are moving quickly and I am slowly becoming at peace with myself and the universe.  ♥

This is a place I feel welcome by all. This truly is a beautiful creation. - Westley

I ♥ Cam. 

Day 1: I somehow found myself wandering this labyrinth, got to the center and can't find a way to leave... Please help!

Day 2: I have decided to camp out at the center for the night. Maybe even sleep and wait for someone to venture upon me. 

Day 3: Haven't made it out. No sign of people at all. I've decided drinking my own piss is my only survival. If you can read this... look for me.

Day 4: Stuck here, no one that's walked the labyrinth seems to sense my presence. I now know I'm forever trapped. I notice nobody uses both sides of these pages... Please do...

Day 5: Never thought it'd come to this... eating my own poop to keep my stomach from eating itself.

Day 6: I asked you to use both sides of the pages. Is that so hard? If this continues, instead of allowing you to enjoy your peace with the universe, I might keep the stress flowing till it eats you alive!

Day.. it doesn't matter: I've now accepted this as my fate, I watch over the labyrinth so that none may abuse it. - Good Day - PS I'll look over you all on your visits. 

You are strong, purposeful, and loved by many ♥ Let love manifest your mind and you will be the most powerful wealthy being. 

Life is a journey /Life is continual /Life is renewal  /Life is a Circle /Life is giving and receiving /Life is about the open air /Beyond that and back on we are all opportunity.

August 7, 2016  Returning to the labyrinth for my 2nd time, keeps getting more beautiful! --Sarah

Dear thing I don't know who you are but you're lucky enough because a lot of people bring you a lot of stuff but you sure are lucky because my name is Nyia J__ and I am a girl 10 years old by brother's name is Caleb but it sure who love my brother. I am drawing a face for you. Oh yeah am having oops. 

Take something, leave something, enjoy the flowers, ♥♥ Visiting Panther. Chapman has left a mark! ♥

7-24-2016 My energy is felt here. Things are different this time because I am different this time. What do I need to release in my life? What is this town trying to tell me? -AG

(response to above):  ♥! I love you. -SL

Meow!!!  ♥ Kayra

8-5-16  Pray for all and give thanks to life, rain, human. right... Mike W___

Cameron C__ It's awesome be here maybe one day. ☺

Aug 16, 2016 The labyrinth is a unique place. I love it!!! J__ V__

I love this maze.

8-16-2016 Peace, Love, Unity, Respect - M__ D__

Greetings from Lake Powell. Viva, Jeannette, Marsha

Blaise & Jessica R___  8-20-2016  and Mindy L R___ celebrating Blaise's 25th birthday. ♥ 

8-21 Took longer than it seems. 

Just do it. Madison

8-22-2016 It's the start of my last year here at NAU and I am trying to come to terms with having to say goodbye. I'm saying goodbye to a lot of different people, memories, and locations. It's hard to accept. I have had many ups and down with NAU and I am a different person than when I started. I am not sure what I should take away from this experience. I will miss Flagstaff. I met my first love here and I'm graduating without him as we have gone separate ways. It's a whirlwind. I am glad I came to this place - it always makes me feel at peace. I hope I still feel that way when it comes time to leave.  - M

8-24-16 Back to Flagstaff.   /The fresh yet brisk aire as your elevation increase. /The clouds increase, the warmth grows as you get closer /The endless trees and infinite nature to appreciate /The random storms from nowhere precipitate /The great future to anticipate /The mountains magically relieve stress /The welcoming beauty and the friendly strangers /The grand majesty of Humphreys holding tremendous dangers /The green trees compliment the blue sky /The smile on my face when I don't need to try. /The fog resting waiting in the valleys /The dark storm clouds lingering rumbling waiting /The rain falling to the soul of the soil, replenishing /Recreating through precipitation ("waiting, waiting on the world to change") /The beautiful botanist accompanying me here today. /The peace and blessing the bees brought before they  blew away /On a good day I usually have more to say /But today's a GREAT day so this labyrinth my attention must pay. Namaste.  -- MC IN

Many thanks to the most high. Many thanks to you. 

Madeline was here August 24, 2016

Shelby was here August 24th

8-26-2016  Patrick D and Oceanna celebrate 6th day of marriage walking this lava flow labyrinth. May each one give and receive the respect of the hand. Elemental offerings symbolize prayers and blessings. May all beings be blessed in nature's love. Ocanna 

8-27-2016 Saturday Walking the trail like so many have done before us. However, an ornate symbol stood out to us and blessed us with finding this labyrinth. Love forever and always, Jacob & Me'shell

Your best friend is an alien. 

Nothing is to be found here if you look for it. But just be... and accept this place.... you will discover more than you hoped. 

Kelsie & John ♥  8-26-2016

Graduate at NAU 1st year. As above so below. 

Any way you walk the path, you will learn something today. 

Magic mystery /love & lessons /step by step /breathing in the moment /listening to the world /smelling the wind /giving and receiving /way of the world.  Thank you, labyrinth.

Had a fun time. My dog liked it too! G_

Always spread free love infinitely. #freelove 

Boom! Flash! Crash!  --Tan-man - Leslie

There's nothing on the top but a bucket and a map and an illustrated book about birds. - Curt

Spiritual awakening !!!  Human transcendence Bro. ☺

8-29-2016 Althaea

It's just a box of rain, I don't know who put it there. - Jerry 

I don't know what's going on but I know that everything happened for a reason because otherwise it wouldn't have happened... and its as simple as that. 

9-1-16 I enjoyed the lizards and wildflowers with an old friend. D__

9-4-2016 Ego-death in the labyrinth. 

Life goes on  4DABOYS

Some people are here to read... some just to write. - 9-4-2016

8 went in, 7 came out

9-4-2016 I loved you then /and I love your still ? I adore you now /and I always will /I'll always care about you /I care about you now /I'll care tomorrow /even if you make me mad /even if you hurt me if you walk out of my life /I'd still care about you. /I've always cared and I always will. - Shy ♥

It's a Sunday, a very nice day. I don't want to be here, but I am. To be honest I don't want of need to be anywhere. No place to call home. I don't want to live anymore. I feel alone. I'm only 19 but feel incredibly old. I've been engaged, homeless, and heartbroken. I thought Flagstaff would be a new start but my demons followed me and I tired and don't want to continue. Will you help me? There are things I want to do. A road trip to New York, eating spaghetti, someone to say "I love you" with all their heart, waking up for sunrise on a beach with a cup of coffee and cigarette. Remember me when you walk the labyrinth. 

(response to previous)  I want to meet you. No one is alone! We are all here! Look for help. 

9-5-2016 There is no moment more vital than this. Let no second go unused or unappreciated. LIFE IS INCREDIBLE! 

Being friend peace. Noah, Thomas, Cremetta  ☮

No matter where you end up, remember where you started.  - Cailey

Once in the center, think about how you got there maybe you'll learn something about life and yourself. 

Judge not by what your harvest was but by what you planted. 

For moments when self-compassion is needed: This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is a part of life. May I give myself kindness. May I walk with the self-compassion I deserve today. - Tortuga 

Be free world.

9-5-16 What is the importance of the next moment if you are not truly awake when experiencing this one? After all this right now is all any of us are certain of. 

Be grateful. Be joyous. Be present. 

Stay steezy. -Tiganj


9-8-2016 Allow yourself the happiness that awaits around every corner. You deserve it. Everybody does. Find what bring a smile to your beautiful face and go do that. Make every day the best day of your life. I love you. 

9-10-2016  The universe is change, our lives are what our thoughts make of tit. J. S_ 

Who is life? god is life. 

See the good in everyone and everything. ☺

Respect animals. 

Be the best version of yourself. ☺

"The slave of its master is as the body to the mind"

"I don't have any good quotes." Luberto aka Pablu 



9-17-2016 I had a good jog today. Remember life is about the little things. At the end of every day, tell yourself one good thing that happened. You'll see an exponential change in your positive attitude. ☺  Be well. Until next time. KS

Be yourself, not your idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be. - Henry David Thoreau.   

Things turn out best for the people that make the best of the way things turn out. 

"When things go bad, don't go with them." Elvis Presley

9-24-2016, 1:16 in the morning. Friends and adventurers.

Life is all around. Take a look around, open your eyes. Fear is only temporary. Love yourself. Love all. Forgive yourself. Why is the clock ticking, where is time? Today is beautiful. We are blessed! I am grateful. Thank you.

Greetings form Iowa and Maryland. Parents weekend is the best!

Live love lost and receive greater lessons. A buy, cost without a vibe. learning why the prices were to high. not those belong to us. That even we fight. guns dragons, weapons and fist filled with fight. light world, fire to drown what lit as light. 

9-24-2016 Puppy's first visit here. Sunny, peaceful, blessed to live on another day. ♥ DN

9-24-16  WB Yeats Brown Penny. Savannah brought me ☺ ♥

One day civilization will fall and a new stone age/ice age will begin. There is no beginning or end.

9-25-2016 I have the coolest friends! Victoria O_  ♥

Happy Birthday. I am Jo.

Gregory O'S arrived 

What God lets this happen.  (page of difficult writing)

I am Jo. ♥ Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is slow to anger. ♥ God is love. ♥

Who are you to judge me. Before you point your finger make sure your hands are clean. -Bob Marley

Life is too short to be anything but amazing. 

The minute it stops being about the process and the journey and starts being about the product and the end, you need to step back. Take a breath. Reconsider. It was never about the end. It is always about the walk. Solvitur ambulando. It is solved by walking. 

9-24-2016  First time at the labyrinth this semester. brought a cool random guy! Meg

9-24-2016   First time at the labyrinth . New to the area and was shown this awesome place by an awesome girl. --JK

10-2-2016   It's our first time here! It's Blaise's birthday ☺  So fun and spoooooky!!! I love you --Emily. 

I love you, Em, --Blaise

10-2-2016  Just wandered along this place! Pretty cool. ☺   -Katie

"I'm not a beatnik. I'm a Catholic." --Jack Kerouac. 

Oh sweet Flagstaff. I love you and I could never explain why... to myself. KS G__

"Take life one turn at a time." --Noah

10-5-2016  Apocalyptic rhetoric. The Jeremiad. My past is among me. 

Walking the labyrinth is like life... you pass friends then separate and go your individual ways then come together to share a moment of silence again. 

Where are we? 10/7/2016 Bethany & Sercia

Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.  -Proe

10-8-2016 Back at the labyrinth, brought Jake who is new to the labyrinth. Meg

I'm lost in the labyrinth. - Jake 

Scents of fall are on the breeze. 

I sat watching a flower as it was withering. I was embarrassed by its honesty and I see the same fate in my own body. 

Hi. Hey nice to meet you. 

☺ phlop 

10-9-2016 I miss you. After all this time, the only 3 words that come to me. You killed my heart not by leaving but the person you became. I feel nobody there, nobody to connect with. You my my soulmate, best friend... you were my person. I sat with you thru everything.. every hospital visit I was there wishing you would get better, praying, hoping, loving, but nothing worked. I am broken now. My I miss you, I pray for you, I still love. -- Until next time - forever heartbroken.  have no idea what I am looking for so somewhere something is waiting for me. I feel the pull. I hope I find it soon.  

Some days I feel tired, lost, alone, helpless, confused, and unable to get out of such thoughts. I fell death and wish it would come to me. Suicidal symphonies play all around me. Today I breathe. Today I love. Today I am trying. Today I am strong. Life is mysteriously blessings in disguise. 

Time don't wait for nobody.

Kaleb was here. Joely was here. 10-10-2016

Are people reading this as I am writing? 

When my time has come what have I left behind? - maybe a smile on another's face, maybe some friends who now have a hole to fill, maybe my parents that raised me, a love that never was, an intelligence that under-achieved. What is my purpose, what drives me? - indigo, music, wisdom, fixing & building things.  I ponder this life I live... I don't like to conform, I like to feel it out for myself. What would make me happy? money? family? wife? -- Gavin K__ and Kolby A__. 


Listen Occasionally Give Others Strength... LOGOS

October 21, 2016. Cold calm morning, another peaceful day. I love this planet. PB

Oct 21. J Cortez. It's quiet on the western front this October. 

22 October 2016 "wormwood"

Thank you for this - so glad to be here today. Connie C.

29 October 2016. Lila Eliana, Dylan, Kaius were here. ☺ 

10-23-16 Live & Breathe. Transcend the illusion of separation. Upgrade biochemical connection. 1. Focus & concentration. 2. Observe and create internal dialogue. 3. Embody desired physiology.  Love, Paul John

10-23-16 The sun is shining perfectly thru the tress and gently onto the brush. It is a peaceful day. Here for some solace and journal writing. 

Live life. Enjoy it. Stay trippy. ♥♥

Prosperity to all. ♥

Peace, love and knowledge. We are here for each other. Negativity attracts negativity, but positivity creates positivity. Spread joy, live simply, smile often. Sing to flowers, breathe with the trees.  - Alba

10-26-16  I came here on an adventure with an old friend. Sweet reminders to live without regret, forgive easily and frequently, and to always go with your gut. Sunset. Birds. Love.  - J & D

This is a new place to stop on runs - pretty cool. Thanks for making & maintaining. Z

10-28-16  The start of a new adventure.  - K & D

10-28-16  Du whym Du wambay. "Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't."  All that, and such

10-28-16.  It is easy to fun about the labyrinth just to make it out the other side. If one is skillful and unafraid, one can embrace its mysteries and enjoy paths taken previously. There is no goal to achieve in it, if one listens and slows down enough to enjoy it, the labyrinth will unfold its many paths. Love, Robert

It's always darkest before the dawn. The substance that we are longing for has always left us needing more. Take a moment to realize what you have, and leave no stone unturned in your pursuit of the beautiful in yourself.  You are the only thing keeping yourself from having everything that you desire. Take every mment to enjoy this life you've been given. This is all temporary. Happy trails, AJC

10-31-16  Happy Halloween to all the lovely souls!  ♥ Feel the warmth and cold of the day on your skin. It's a beautiful one, right? I mean how could it get simpler? Sitting here on a rock with the sun shining on the trees that dance in front of me. All I can hear is the wind-chime singing with the wind. Living with now... no longer planning to live, but just doing it! We all share this planet. We all have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and nature. It's possible -- we are the future. Share your knowledge on how to love and live through truth. It's a way to achieve immortality in this world. -- Madison S__ 

The Golden Hour.   I always appreciate this spot. The sun is arcing low in the south. Winter sun. I feel the dry air. I smell fires burning in the windy morning after a long cold night. I can taste the crispness on the breeze. Dry grasses rustle, dry leaves blow, slow trains haul, and Flagstaff live on into the receding timeline... 

11-4 The day is cold. K

__ was here. 

5 November 2016  "Water the grass you are standing on, instead of being jealous of how green the neighbor's grass is." 

Sunday, November 6, 2016. 8 AM.  The first killing frost of the year... calm, sparkling.  Life is good. 

Nov 6, 2016 Today is Troll Day. We are taking a walk. Explore. Lovely day. 

God bless everyone

I stumble upon you while high on LSD

You look down to read this, now look up... what do you truly see? - For me, it is spiritual energy. 

I am the universe empty and black. My thoughts and intentions form this universe you see. Creating the stars and galaxies near & far. This driving force of pure consciousness breaking the barriers of reality itself to seek the one who will bear me. - My Consciousness  

Are we human beings experiencing consciousness, or are we consciousness in the form of a human being? 

Nov 10, 2016... Sick, sad, scared. We are in for 4 years of hell. -KB (day after Trump elected)

Nov 11, 2016 Happy Veteran's Day. I decided to walk today at 3:53 PM. Found this notebook. I'm from Sisseton, South Dakota.  Where is anyone from? Thanks have a great and choppy Holidays  -  ☺  Wade. 

Heller, how ya doin. Tis I Natlicious, I'm enjoying my walk with my friend, anywho have a VONderbilt day. Natily. ☺ 

11-11-2016 Live every day to the fullest. Period. Sierra ☺ 

Adventure! ☺  Lauren ☺ 

I love you Flagstaff ♥ - Madi 

Howdy Ho!  Wow you picked up a strange book and now your are here on this page! Good job I can tell you the answer to life now, but first som random fun to keep the mystery alive, and well, I gotta go now. I will be back in an hour. - Carten Earle 

"Spur of the moment" moments. Having a great time with someone new I've met. The greatest part is I feel like I've know him forever. Life is Beautiful  -Steph

11-11-2016 Beautiful sunny day.  - Ciara ∞    Quinn ♥    Mackenzie ☯ 

15 Nov 2016 Nature is cyclical. History is not a straight line by a an irregular spiral circling back on itself. We perceive everything as a first time because we want it to be ours alone but there is nothing that has not happened before and will not happen again. It's a lesson laid out before ue ready to be learned, but so few of us are ready to see... But not me... How about you? -JDC

The trees dance, the grasses say, the golden leave flutter. It is another beautiful day in Flag. The colors are fading out with the heat. I can see the eternal in a whisper, a blade of dry grass as the sun shines through. All is one, one ball, one love, one heart, one soul. ☮


Nov 15, 2016  It's a beautiful warm day this November. The view from the chair is amazing. This marks a great start to a new adventure. Erick J. C. 

Nov 16 2016  I feel lighter leaving that behind. May I have grace moving forward. 

Nov 16, 2-16. With my new learned intention, I plan to follow to a point of no return. - LV

Nov 17, 2016.  Life can always be better. Might as well accept the bad s***. 

Nov 20, 2016   It's a dreary day and love dreary days. Life is rough sometimes, and that's okay. You're here right now and that's what matters. I don't know you, stranger, but I love you. I hope you have the courage to love yourself. Today is beautiful, so enjoy it. Never give up.  -NS

Nov 20, 2016  Look for the little things in life that bring you joy and you will always find happiness. Don't be afraid to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while. May this note find you in a better place. Love yourselves, love each other, love. -JJ

Nov 24, 2016  This cold lovely weather walking in the trail of the labyrinth going through the maze finding your way to the center was such an experience of finding your own way, getting confused, but you find your center you are looking for.  -AK

It's too cold for this!

Nov 25, 2016, man what a good time, had fun making it to the middle of the maze then we played tag on the way out. much love, stay positive, work hard, have fun this year and forever. Love-n-Light!!  - JP, LP, JW, AW, OP, NP

Nov 26, 2016, 2:15 PM  I traveled from Peoria to Flagstaff and came across time and space. We walked for mile. The struggle was real but n**** we made it.  Don't stop.  Jose A. E_.  Much love for everybody xoxo

Life is beautiful, we are all human and each of us sins but that does not make us bad people. I was here 3 years ago and I can't wait to show others this amazing labyrinth. I love this place? Adolfo No: al-dolphin, on IG ADP me! 

Nov 26, 2016 Aloha, Mahalo ke akua for dis lovely 5:00 visit. I hail from the land of coconuts and pineapples, a place called Hawaii. Cheeee hoo! Rahjah dat, das da how hayn boom kanani. Rahjah, live Pono

Nov 27, 2016  Brought Jared & Shelby to experience the labyrinth's magic.  - Meg

Nov 27, 2016  Meg brought me here to experience the labyrinth's magic. - Shelby

Also with Meg since that seems to be the theme for writing today. Learned I'm really good at turning. - Jared. 

It's not so impossible.

Nov 28, 2016  Well it snowed and this pen is dying along with the bushes and animals around me so I'll make this quick. Sometimes things spiral out of control in life, like yesterday. Both of my roommates and myself had troubles and by "coincidence" dumb luck or miracle saved our lives. After looking death in the face, unimportant things drift away and you know what is important. Don't let fleeting things occupy your thought and time. Live what you're passionate about, all the way, roll with the changes, and embrace the struggle because it will make you stronger. Death is one of the most important parts of life. Eventually people and habits and things die, and yet something new continues. And its more complex and it's even better than before. This happens in nature, in yourself, in your relationships, and just about anywhere you think of. So have hope because it gets better. Gotta go, cold as hell out here. - Happy Trails

Navajo, 49 years old, want a girlfriend (name and address)


The winter sun is faint and low /and the grasses grow pale with cold. /The clouds are still /the air is cool /yet again the church bells toll. /The shadows are long and it's only noon. /I see the eternal in the glowing bare branches of scrub. 

Red. Dec 3, 2016

You will eat /by and bye /in the glorious land above the sky /Work and pray /live on hay /You'll get pie in the sky when you die!

I can see the mountain rolling deep /and the grasses flutter as the plains weep. /I've spent many a moon here in Flag / but I may be on my last. /The open roads of the country are calling /The time has come to go far.  "But having gone far, it will return."  ∞

The old tilted structures of Flag are visible from the street and yet glossed over by the passerby. A museum is not needed. the crumbling houses are inhabited. One can walk and observe a bygone era. What is it about this town? The foundations of the city are still visible. No need for pictures when we can see these buildings and alleys. Step out on a cool clear night. Smell woodsmoke in the air. Look: a classic house with smoke billowing from a metal chimney into the starry night. A crescent moon thru the trees. The night is still the stars are endless. The smoke smoke greets the stars and the stoner drags his joint and the band plays and the trains roll and wayfarers wander and the cats fight and the trees sway as the stars twinkle and the city is alive.

11:01 PM December 9 2016 I used to come here a lot last year and tonight is my virst visit this year. Always a good spot to stop. Scary how all the memories come flooding back when you see a spot for the first time in a while. I'm 99% sure my ass cheeks are frozen and if I had a penis it'd be cold and shriveled and begging for mercy, I'm not even on drugs this time. College if fun. - Jewl

Dec 9 2016 It is almost a full moon. I can feel it in my blood. The wolves howl at me from afar. I don't have much time left. They are waiting.  -MJ

Hello brothers and sisters! Welcome -Alien. 

(paper left on center rock Dec 11) You exist distinctly from other people. You do not have to think their thoughts or feel their pain. Your experience of life can be uniquely your own, your needs can be different than their needs. Yet you can be empathetic to their needs and experiences. You can put yourself in their shoes for the moment, but you don't have to stay there. "Good boundaries are knowing where you stop and the other person begins."

You will never find happiness unless you reach out and grab it.

Dec 15, 2016. 10:05  I, Emyly, is almost done with my first semester in college!!!

Finals suck!

I, Anthony, am almost done with my 1st semester in college. - Anthony D_

Dec 15, 2016 11:43  I, Jordan M_, finished my first semester of college! Also got my first tattoo. I'm proud of myself. --Jordan M_

I, Emysly, IS DONE with first with my first semester!! Yass it's lit!

I Antonio/Anthony finished my first semester of college!!.

What is dead may never die.

How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical receivers as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque as the nerves of the brain can experience itself as anything less than a god? Grateful to every grain of the Universe contributing to the very moment here. 

We can surround ourselves with people all our lives but at the end of the day the only person you have is yourself. Your mind is yours and that is a beautiful thing. 

Dec 14. Rock and roll will save your soul! Trail Guru 

Dec 16 2016 NAU Cross Country

Dec 22, 2016 It's wet. P. L. U. R. 

Jan 2, 2017 Good vibes!

Jan 2, 2017  Great friends, amazing adventures and new experiences... that's what I hope this year brings for me. ♥ Megan 

I hope your new year is filled with good vibes and great adventures! you are loved ♥!  You are beautiful. P. L. U. R. - Sage ♥

Every path is an adventure. 

Jan 5, 2017 Peace and love to all. Senni V___

Jan 10 2017 This place is special I can tell. Thank you I love you.

Jan 10 2017 Sorry this book is wet. I found it this way. Happy new year. ♥ - EMH

Jan 11, 2017  “This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.” - Walt Whitman. 

Sunday 29 January 2017. Two feet of cold dry snow. How lovely... I am the first visitor since the last set of storms, post-holing every step to the center... cold damp feet now, but I am glad I walked it. The planet loves me this I know. 

A goal without a plan is just a wish.  Make that change happen in our life. Feb 1st 2017 ☮

Keep looking up ♥  -Morgan 

Noah - Vic

Just came to smoke a bowl and relax. Life is short, take time to enjoy it. ☮  peace and love. 

First time here on a cool-off walk from DuPont. Very relaxing. I hope the people who read this remember to appreciate the things that make you truly happy. ♥  - Cissa 

Take a moment to be still. Breathe and look around. Smile.  

Spend your time with the people who love the same version of yourself that you love - we only have one life - spend it being yourself.   ♥ Amanda & Kelsey (best friends) Feb. 10, 2017

Jacob D__, Ryan, Sam P__, Jared A__ Feb 10 2017

Feb 11. Demi C___, SC: Demiiiiiiz, IG Demi_mariiee

Feb 11, 2017 beautiful morning in Flag, peace and quiet. ♥ Katie & Mel wish love and peace to all who follow this path. 

Arturo Feb 11. Una de las mananas mas hermosas de mi vida. Gracias Flagstaff y a la gente hermosa y gracias a Dios per este lindo paisaje. 

Peace is not a place but a state of mind. Where peace lies, there is happiness also. C.K. ♥

Hello 2017! Feb 11, 2017. - Daniel

Love for all! Feb 11, 2017  - Matt

Cali gang, I am so high I feel one with air and wind. The lights are breathtaking. I feel on top of the world. This is the best experience ever. Cali Gang 4 Lyfe.  AVC

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -Anne Frank.  Love to all. -BTD Feb 17 2017

2-17-2017. My dog is upset that she has to sit still, so I can't write all I want. "Remember that the benefits of a life lived with enthusiasm and gratitude are always available to you." - Ariel & Thea

Beautiful. love the nature. good place to relax with ganga man. My favorite place. may peace and gratitude come to all. spontaneous adventrues. may all wishes come true and follow your dreams. magic isn't real if you don't believe. protect this beautiful world we call home. ♥ We are the lucky ones. 

Think deep, talk wise, and smoke ganga. ☮ Michael G_

6:28 PM, Feb 17, 2017  Smoke plenty of weed, but first finish your homework. So many people I used to come here with don't go here any more.  

Feb 22, 2017 OTR truck driver stuck in Flagstaff for the day. Found this awesome place on a hike thru the trails. Cool little chill spot. Glad I went for a hike today. JLR

Feb 22, 2017 Found this on a hike with my co-driver OTR-Trucker. We had a great hike and stumbled on this cool place. - Topher

Feb 22. found this. look for brother Mathias H_  

Feb 25 Enjoying a beautiful morning. Kellie / Alyssa

Feb 25 maybe?  My number one dream has always been just a dream. I know now that dreams can be reality. Love the life that you live. If you don't, change it up.   -JQ 

We are learning to travel the labyrinth in our own way with our own rules. Breathing in and breathing out. --Walt, Ynara, & Lorenz

To find a path, go outside. Lucretia and Setara ♥

Only put love into the air. Positive vibes. ♥

ॐ ♥ ☮ Very Much.... Love ♥ From Shakle Boys Flex, Gabby, Potato, Shay, & Ollie.  

Trust that your path is taking you to the right place. LB♥ &♥ CM ♥

Today was a perfect 40 degrees, my first time experiencing this beauty. It was truly amazing. I will never forget the wind chime, birds, breeze, and amazing girlfriend and roommate company. Can't wait to revisit. I ♥ Flagstaff! 

March 4, 2017

March 8, 2017. Never disappointed with the peace shared here. ♥ Maddie ☮

For Toya ♥ - Marcella, March 8 2017 

Sweet pine, you lent your branch while the weeping willow wept in the cool spring air. You drank up my sorrow like a river that washes all the silt downstream. But your wilted branches became dry and troubled like me, and although you don't know why the willow weeps you felt it in your roots trunk and branches, and when your pollen blooms, you will understand. 

Star daze, star dust, lotus flowers burst thru musk. Wherever the wind melts thru the shadows white lies to reveal the echoing heat of sunrise, it is really my heart revealing her innocent skin and diving in. 

March 9, 2017  I'm back with the boys up in Flag, feels great to be here. Any ways shoots! - Brando

I ♥ you SOOOO much. Love & light. Boots & Cats.

No one (2017) know what they're doing. It's okay! You're good, bru. - DEM

March 11, 2017 Referring to the weeping willow, I see none... but should cry & C & I, I am convinced she's bowing to her creator... Likewise, though not bowing, rather standing at attention as mighty soldiers diligently seeking His return are mighty oaks and pine. --Pilgrim Douglas. 

I'm just an old chunk of coal, but I'm gonna be a diamond some day. Wake me up early, be good to my dogs, and teach my/your children to pray. 

Visiting from Phoenix to smoke a bowl and take pics. Keep on lovin' and burn that sticky icky. 

Here is a pig. (drawing of a pig)  James. 

Be with nature and you can be one with you. Don't forget to love yourself while tyring to look for yourself. Life is weird. Accept it.  ♥ - Trip Ship ♥ 

"Break from the system" - Demi-god the Delinquent

The journey is the destination. Enjoy it. ॐ ♥ ☮  ☺.  

Peace Love Unity

A & O = forever

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift that is why it is called the present.  - master oogway 

March 13, 2017. Most important thing I've learned: things always happen for a reason. I used to worry so much about my future and it not ending up as I planned... so just work hard and you'll be happy you tried and eventually ended up where you want. - Dya M_

March 16, 2017   I've got an angel on my shoulder, but a devil in my head. _ Nate Dawg. What's up? 

March 16, 2017 Stumbled upon this place during a beautiful spring day. One of my new favorite places. - B.

G♥d is l♥ve. Peace be ☮ with you always.  Doug & Raechel  

Faye Rose, Emma Rose, Rite Leann, Shing

March 13, 2017. Looks like we are leaving Flag... beautiful place.. many others, live a journey. Peace! ☮ Love, D. 

Blunts 331 

If you only got one eye, then oh my! If you got one eye on the destination, you only got one eye on the road. Peace. 

I have found so many places similar to this on all my travels and all of them have the same familiar grand feeling that takes you for a moment out this world to one that helps you reflect on life. Enjoy. It took me too long to figure out how but its more simple than anything -- just let go. 

How long is this? I had to stop about 2 hours in due to shortness of breath. I got up to finish and found myself lost. Still unable to escape... Entered about 26 days ago, I think. I can't keep track anymore, is it still 2001? I have a pair of brand new bell-bottoms I still wear. Hopefully someone reading this can help. I'll write my eulogy soon if I can... ♥ pHeve

Smithsters ♥

Take it and let it be.

No better no worse. You are a child of the universe. ॐ ♥ ★ ☾ 

March 17, 2017 "Momento vivere" Remember to live.

Thank you, labyrinth builder, for providing this community with such a treasure. I appreciate you. ♥d March 18, 2017

March 21, 2017 "leaning tower of the labyrinth" (drawing of a newly-built tower of old bricks about 50 feet north of the labyrinth) Delaney K_, Blaise T_ 

Mar 18, 2017 Life is a never-ending journey. We change through each experience. This is the first time I have experienced the labyrinth. I fell as if I have dreampt of this this place. 

March 18 2017 Work hard, party hard, and them keep on working! Know the balance, live it, and be happy. - Celestine

March 20. So great to have a place to escape right outside our back yard. A beautiful summer-like day in March.

March 20. Always a little different experience every time I com here. Always enjoy it. - CB 

Smoke weed, but not too much ☺ Change your perspective to love and understand everyone. Respect the beautiful planet we all share. 

In the world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Waste not Want not. 

Life is so incredibly beautiful. Each moment is perfectly filled with love and bliss if you actively choose to show up for the universe. Dismiss everything that insults your own soul. Life is too fragile and short to spent it doing things that do not fulfill you. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow or change. James 1:17

Arguably the best place to lose yourself is in your thoughts, or a book. CDW 3-18-2017

Niki and Logan, March 24, 2017 ♥

Drank a beer across Lone Tree Road. I decided to walk across. This is what I found. Then I walked the path. It felt good.

March 24 2017. I'm in love with my city girl. I sleep in my hat. -greatest man alive, aka Chance

I don't know what to say. 

Don't sweat the petty things. Don't pet the sweaty things.  March 24 2017

March 24. Here trying to find happiness again. ☺

A reason to live. A way to move on. 

Trust the process, and quantize the parabolic. - The Dizz Mar 30, 2017

Mar 29. Ruby, Ivan, & Savannah ♥ Taking some awesome pictures. Really love this new little gem in Flagstaff ♥

It's been a long time since I last saw you and walked this path it's a trip through the past. I see vision of who I was and what I once thought. This maze has triggered many reflections. People can be so close yet unreachable. Everyone is see is following the path as best they can. When you pass by, pass by with a smile. Love is the purpose of life, give love and you are a being of light, let some of that light shine on yourself. As I walk the maze I find what I need. She speaks to me through the wind and sun and raindrops and says "If your path has spun your around and left you weary, take a second to reflect. It could be as easy as walking right on. If your path takes you nowhere, step off the trail. Open your eyes, let your spirit drive your feet." Good luck, friends. Brandon S__ 2017 almost April. 

April 1. Guy & Tanya walked the labyrinth!

I walked the labyrinth with Danielle, but she made me walk it incorrectly. 

I believe. 

You keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the lord, for the lord god is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4. 

April 2, 2017. Peace to all who pass here.

April 2, 2017. Don't worry be happy ☺ - Millie, Tawnee, Robbie, Richie, & Cole 

April 2, 2017,  Stumbled across this for the first time. Glad I took this detour. -Kaylynn

April 2, 2017. Love can change the world. - Courtney.

April 2. Remember who you are

April 2 2017. Thank you thank you thank you. I needed this. 

Fall in love with what is around you. Hannah W.

April 2, 2017 Let us from this day forward be a little better, love each other a little more, treat each other with greater kindness, and look to god and live.... Alana ♥

April 2, 2017 "Live, love, laugh" is the saying I say, and this labyrinth represents that - Atira ☺ 

April 4, 2017. live and let live. -HBW

Found the green cloth I left here last time... going to take back with me. I love the Peaks.. post card.  - Lynn Hummingbird

Anti-fascist action!

April 5. Home is where the heart is and my heart will always be here. Thank you Flagstaff. - Lindsey 

April 5. Appreciate who you are now and remember to relax. This place calms the inner mind. -Brandon V. ☺ 

April 6, 2017. Show nature your tits.  

(written underneath this)

I showed nature my tits! -Domenica   xoxo April 20, 2017

April 6, 2017. It was awesome. thank you so much. 

April 6, 2017 Distance is what frees us from things too late to say. - C.G.

April 7, 2017 The path will take longer than you think, but it is not the places you go but the path you walk. -Lucretia 

"knock and the door will be opened." - Nick

April 7. "Don't let school get in the way of your education." 

"You must yourself before you can give it away" -Mase

April 7, 2017 Geologist from St Louis MO visiting Flagstaff for the first time... in town for a conference, broke away for an afternoon run, and stumbled across this little jewel. Props to those who made & maintain this. Beauty is everywhere if you take the time to look.  -Andy B.

April 7, 2017  Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Suess

Dear my daughter Emily the most beautiful. We love you to infinity, may you feel loved ♥. May you be protected always. 

When you have everything, anything becomes nothing.

Saturday April 8, 2017  Perfect start to a cloudy Saturday afternoon. -Jenny, Maitlin, & Amber

Even in a world filled with many things, it is not hard to feel so alone. 

April 9, 2017  Blake & Kai always for forever ♥  Bring back the Szechuan Sauce!!

Sunday April 9 2017.  "Nature is beauty, beauty is nature" - Imani 

EARTH - Emma

"Everything is not always as it appears" - Kate

Monday April 11, 2017  I am so impressed. It's wonderful! -Maria D., Lakeside

April 12, 2017 Remember the good times.

April 12, 2017  I wish I could feel loved

April 16, 2017 I wish I could love

This life is too short to be anything but present. 

Live is a song, don't forget to dance!

Left a cry for anyone who comes here... have one please! ♥ Tarzan 

Didn't actually go in, but its a nice day.

"Don't go to class on the 13th of April 2017.

April 12 2017  Don't burn yourself to the ground trying to keep others warm." 

April 12, 2017 "The sun will rise again..."  -D. 

April 12.. It was really nice out today and I brought Nick who's never come here. so peaceful and the breeze is dance. - David

Wow so beautiful! This is my first time here and I am glad David took me here. Can't wait to come back. ☺  -Nick 

Sam April 12, 2017.  Thank you. Not just for those who maintain the labyrinth, bur for those who bring their love here. I really needed this today. ♥:  I'll be back. 

Phillip April 13, 2017 I choose to walk the road less traveled, but the labyrinth makes the road less lonely.  Walk in Beauty!  

April 13 2017  Something good is coming. I can feel the healing and itchy palms. Blessings from Tucson. 

Flying free in 10 eyes see: ♥ Ride in Paradise. - shy LT lil sis

Z & S ♥ 4-13-17

April 13 To those who wander and those who walk, to those who stammer and to those who talk. Go, and be as you would without anyone knowing that you are... ☼, ★,

Dying to Live #1.  I think I'm only happy when I'm sad... I love the idea of love.. but push it away when I have it. I'm in love with the world.. but I'm always harsh to me. I'm a hopeless romantic, and perhaps that's why I get high... I never wanted to hurt anyone else, only myself (slightly). You (whoever read this): I love you. unconditionally. this system failed us, don't fail yourself. - Trouble" T.K. on a lonely afternoon.

Dying to Live #2.  I live on O'Leary and come her often to play my guitar for the birds and trees and those who stop to hear. I've been shooting up to try to fix my broken heart... it doesn't help. In trying to live again, I'm killing myself a little each time.  You can see me downtown almost any day: I'm the punkrocker with sad eyes who smiles at strangers who often won't make eye contact, but that's OK I smile anyway. "I shoulder my loneliness like a gun, I refuse to aim." (Leonard Cohen).  Some drink is yelling at me, I feel bad for him, like me lonely and unable to meet life.... Think what you will... I love all of you... Stop being a-holes to each other, this ride is so short. Laugh loud and often. Love as hard as you can. It's such a beautiful day and the fact it's finite makes it beautiful, like you.  --Tyler Kimbell. April 13 2017. 

April 14. Stop and take a moment to listen to the trees. You might find you don't need any other music. - PJ

Good Friday. I have come into nature to be at peace with myself and meditate about the sacrifice of Christ. He died so we could live. Matthew 22:36-40.  Love for all, Dillon S.

4-14-2017  Joey and Sunshine's Sober Weekend!

April 14 2017 Today I visited my dad, with friends which helps take the pain away. If only he could see Amari I know he would love her to death. But Me, Tammara and Vernon this day will always remember you. -R.C.

April 14, 2017. Today was a day I can't explain in words. Just had to come by and reminisce with the homie about his pops who passed away near here. But you know life goes on, Make the best of it. Love live to the fullest, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Forever her until the end of time. - Vernon C_

April 14, 2017 Today was an okay day, spent with my family, sonny, and Daddy make my heart smile when we are all one. Wish things could be better for us. I'll leave it in god's hands. May better days come our way, and to to you as well. #Everything happens for a reason# Stay up 100%. -JW

Elaina and Aylan and Jen, Saturday April 4 and Lila and Kaius and another Jen cam to play with us in the labyrinth. 

April 15, 2017  I was here a week ago, on the 8th. I had to return. There is so much beauty and calmness in this place and this place makes me happy to be alive. - Amber

I live on peanut butter sandwiches.

April 15, 2017 The pleasure is pain. El place es dolor. Can't Mossad the Assad. 

4-15-17 I just proposed to my girlfriend up here. She said "no!"  !@#$% 

I'll always remember you Doina! - Javier

Visiting from the year 2171 from Mars. Pick up your trash. Dolphins are now the master species, they deserve it. People are uglier in 2017 compared to the future. Stay in school so this generation won't contribute to the fall of our species. Love Jen, Ali, Femlia. 

Hey fellas it's April 15 and you're probably asleep but just know some random meesa appreciates you. ☺  Alec. 

Find beauty along the roads that seem to lead to nothing. -R.

April 16, 2017. Love to be loved. ♥ T. Clark

April 16, 2017 Forget about Jesus. The Stars died so you could live. Eat your heart out Joel Olsteen. - Rad Dad

April 16, 2017. My 3rd eye is open and I can see you all naked. ♥ JN. PS: When is free hot dog day?

Easter April 16 2017. Holden, I'm visiting Flag from Palm Desert CA. I am 17 years old and I love it here. 

Lisa & Matt & Shane from Yucca Valley CA just visiting for the first time. 

4-17-2017. Ring the bell that still can ring /There is no perfect offering /There is a crack in everything /That's how the light gets in /That's how the light gets in.  -Leonard Cohen

April 17, 2017. Decided to skip classes today and be adventurous. By far one of the most peaceful places in Flagstaff.  Also, anyone who is struggling, there is someone out there who loves you! * A & M ♥

April 18, 2017. Skipping class, on my way home, saw this, wish I'd brought weed. Jake H.

Beautiful stop ☺  Winnie

April 18 2017. Why does everyone leave me?

April 18 2017. Someone left their car keys. Should I steal it?

April 20 2017. Exactly what I needed. Happy 420. Everyone loves a stoner. First time. I love Flag. - Dom

Why picture a dream in the mind's eye that turns out to be a waking nightmare? Let go of this world of expectation. If we have the courage to aim and fall and accept defeat, our egolessness can build something more beautiful, without life or death riding on one opportunity. Dan for yourself, for the world, not for money. Even inside the most turbulent soul there is peace.  No regrets. Let's build thru loneliness together please this crystal castle doesn't suit me. - N. Take care of yourself and your children above all. 

It's a beautiful day to be sad. So embrace it. - Domenica

4-20-17. Happy holiday! Don't forget to remember to love yourself. x0. -Bryan

4-20-17 Happy holiday! Live every day as if it's your last! ♥  Kayla ♥  

4-20-17.   420 blaze it. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. - Savi 

4-20-2017 Here's to new beginnings.  Happy 420! -Robo

4-22-2017. Respect this place please. May everyone who takes this journey live a long, happy, and love-filled life ♥   - Tanner, Brianna ♥, Sonny, Chandler

4-22 People need other people. 

4-22 "If you don't live life on the edge, you'll never see the VIEW." ...or the labyrinth!

4-22 Derek G. (Daddy) Zia (son)

I'm dying to live #5.  Sunday afternoon, around 6 PM. Today was beautiful. The light, the colors, the feel of the wind in my hair as we played kickball in the spring sunshine. I am in love with the world! I come here to play the blues... I am so happy. I feel loose and it moves me to play music. I sound like a fool, but I write truth. I strike like the memory of a missed lover in the night. Raw, unfiltered. Thank you for showing me i am able to feel. You can forget this little note, but I will never forget writing it. I always flirt with death. It will kill me, but I don't care about it. The only one's another girl and/or planet. 1971. I love all of you with all my heart. Tyler K. 4-22-2017 

4-23-2032. I am from the future! I made it, today marks the day that will change lives forever! Your children are in good hands. Pilot 12040032

4-23-2017. It's a pretty good place. ☺  Anthony M_

This is my first experience at the labyrinth. It is very beautiful here. EJM

Nature I am sorry I pooped on the trail on the way here. I had an upset tum tum. 4-26-2017 

4-26-17 Make love not war. ♥  ☮ -HBW

4-27-2017. I love this spot! A really good place to just sit in quiet and enjoy and connect with nature. 

27. A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving. A good artist lets his/her intuition lead wherever it wants. A good scientist has feed herself of beliefs and is open to what is. What is a good man but a bad man's teacher? What is a bad man but a good man's job. - Tao

4-28-2017. Eric, Riley, Parrish, Dillon. Showed a few friends this spot, sharing nature is just as important as enjoying it yourself. - Parrish J. #weebendarefortheboys. 

4-28-2017. Go with the flow. Be at peace. Be kind. Know you are loved.  -Stef ☮♥

4-29-2017 Take a roll and walk through nature. The labyrinth gave me a sense of calm today. Even if she never sees this.  

SAM ♥  I love you so much more than words can describe. Matthew 

"bacon" May 1, 2017 - Jason D_

Just walked the labyrinth with my soon-to-be wife. Life is good.

Somebody special just shared this place with me. No matter what you are going through, there are better days to come. Never stop adventuring. ♥  ATS

May 28 2017   What a gift! Thank you.  I saw a ladybug, several stages of rose in bloom, and thought of my mother, who would have loved this!  -HT

May 28, 2017   A beautiful journey inward in the magnificent setting of natural beauty and peacefulness. Gratitude  ☺ ★ C.A.L. ★

May 28 - My first experience here and a lovely and moving one - Jan R_

May 28 - Thanks to you for this service. I was able to bring a friend. Terry W_

May 28th 2017 - This morning was a lesson in breathing, slowness, and imperfection. I'll be returning soon. - Sami

May 28th 2017 - A gorgeous morning for reflection, quiet, and breathing. Thankful for sunbathing lizards and smooth stones. - AJT

May 28 2017 - Grateful for every opportunity to love the earth more. Always striving to think empathetically about nature and those who inhabit it. -AA

5-28-2017 Beautiful. Thank you. ♥  

May 28th. K5. Em Z__, Mia Michelle G_

It will be OK. It always is. I promise.

May 28 2017. Rubes & Nadia thank you for a lovely dusk. ☺ 

Loyalty, Respect, Trust. Dabbie L__

May 30 2017. Walk with Peter. Lotte from the Netherlands ☺ 

May 30 2017. Thank you. We had a great time with our kids. The N_ Family

May 31 2017. I just love morning runs in this perfect weather that Flagstaff gifts us. Perfect way to start my day. Thanks. Karen T_

May 31 2017 Stumbled on this while on the trail. Really cool. Kelsey

May 31, 2017. This is the coolest thing to stumble across. I love that it's so close!! -Josie

June 1 2017. He is my sun, my moon, my stars, while I am his tide. I am afraid it will all come crashing down and I will lose what makes me full of life. -Cailey G_

June 1 2017, right after this girl (arrow to previous comment). lol, High five! I'm in the biggest corner now, stress, anger, family, girlfriend, work.. grr! lol. I walked all day from the mall and found this place. I walked all day thinking and then found peace here because I can write to whomever and vent! Deep breathe. I'll be OK! -Jab M. 

June 2 2017. Not knowing where I was going, I had decided to walk this path. Having all kinds of thoughts in my head, listening to music loud... I thought about how my life was great. I have a great career in the health filed, although single taking time to love myself. I shall return someday. -E.L.

June 2 2017. Having wonderful family fun. Thank you for the experience. ♥  -Pam, Bill, Paul, Kathy, Billy, Amy, Mark, Betsy, Megan, Ainslee, Ethan, Daniel, Gavyn

June 4 2017 It feels good to be lost in the right direction. -T. B. 

June 4 2017. To a better summer. -C.P.

June 7 2017, Nay loved the labyrinth! (drawing of dog face)

June 8 2017. Nice. Keep it up. Loved it. 

June 7 2017. I came here to remember where I started before moving on. Now in my last summer here, I live closer than ever to this place. Not for long though. These last 4 year have been the best of my life. Love, friendship, memories, family have all been shared here. It has been a wonder to watch this labyrinth evolve. I love coming here for some peace from this crazy world. Goodbye for now, Flag. xoxo. Natasha F.H.

June 7 2017. Came here for an evening walk with my boyfriend and we banged on this bench. haha. We just sat and enjoyed reading all the entries. We'll leave cherry popping the bench for someone else. ♥  -Kylie

Perfect place to sigh. -Ryan

June 8 2017. Going for a nice walk.

So thankful to live in a city protected by nature. All the love that is constantly growing gives Flagstaff that perfect vibe. ♥  

June 8 2017. New to Flag & stumbled on this while on a family walk. What a great surprise! We love this place more every day.

June 9 2017. Came her with my friends & family. It's so peaceful! Thank you for this wonderful experience! ♥  

June 10 2017. Dog approved. ♥  

June 10 2017. Today we buried our cat (who was so much more than a pet) near here so that when we come here to think about life and our feelings she will be with us. RIP Keke, May 11 2016-June 10 2017. We will miss you more than anything. -Robby & Cailey

This place is aMAZE-ing! Love, Paul G_ from Alaska. ☺ 

June 2 2017. Ainslee. this was amazing. Wentzville MO

Mommy: such a nice surprise on the trail, anjoyed lots. Wentzville MO

Aunt Kathy: Thanks so much! This was an aweseme surprise. ☺ Shreveport LA

June 2. This was dope.

June 3 2017. Here for only a few days from the CV. -Emma.

Our family had a great time traversing the trail. J.F.A.N.C.A.H.

June 2. The radius of this labyrinth is 27 ft. 

June 5 2017. Muito bom! Eu gosto muito. -Helen

Die feldmaus ist schnell, uber die Eule sieht in der nacht. 

Le periple etait long et difficile mais c'est aved fierte que j'ai atteint le but! - Solene

June 11 2017. Wir sind zuruckgebommen, um diesen ort nochnal zu sehen Sehr shoen, cass es da ist! Helen, Muito bom! Muy bien! As Helen said, it was nice to be back in this familiar lovely place. Greetings. -Solene

From Scotland and France to USA ☺

(in child's lettering). Edie H_. I love the anmalls and the trees. I love the Sky. Thank you. Love. ♥    I love this maze Teagan. 

Thanks for this!! It was a good peaceful morning for us in Flag. This space beautiful. Namaste, Joey, Kai, & Aven, June 6 2017

beautiful reminder to enjoy the path we're on. - J&J June 6 2017

Kathy R, Sean D. June 7 2017, 3:01 AM

June 10, 2017. Last getaway to Flagstaff. The experience was great. Proud NAU Mom & Dad.

June 10 2017. Stumbled upon this by accident and was forced to do it with some dope people, had some good laughs and now an awesome memory. -Andrea, with Jaden, Travis, & Nick

June 11, 2017. Remember to take the journey to the center within, too! Cheers! -Arrow Head

June 2017. Amazing!

June 11 2017. High. Entranced. Loving the universe. -Tarsa

June 11 2017. About to leave, glad I was able to do this before I'm back... 21 years born and raised in Flagstaff. -Samuel T__ PS you are loved!

June 11 2017. Don't cling to the past for it cannot be changed. Don't stress about the future, for it hasn't happened and might never happen. ♥  Just live in this moment, the only time you have. _Jenna C__

June 12 2017. I just found out my friend Brad has stage 4 cancer, will soon leave his 2 young kids and wife. I offered to help anyway I can but I am help-less to help. I can only love life, and try to accept death when it comes. 

June 13, 2017. I'm from Phoenix. The longer I walk this path, the longer I want to be here. Glad I followed the markings up the hill. Thank you. Ray & Peg

6 14 2017. More self love and forgiveness. -MG

6 14 2017. "As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears" - Carissa

June 15. Sister visit to Flag. ☺ 

June 15, 2017 loved this fun labyrinth! thanks for the adventure. ☺ 

June 16. Beautiful! DP

June 16 2017. Kelsey & Rockiee were here! Enjoy your day ☺ 

June 17 2107. I was very surprised to find this here. Very nice. 

Saturday, June 17, evening. Pinon- hometown! We were here... Gerber, Irene YB. Special thoughts and prayers to all, esp. family! 

Junior L., Cayla C, Janie L, Jamie

June 18 2017. We loved your labyrinth! with love from Atlanta GA

June 20th. Bom Chackalakalaka Boom. I ♥ Brandon

June 19. I guess they're from the future ☺ (Arrow pointing to previous comment dated June 20). So glad I let my curiosity get the best of me and followed the signs here. - Jon N. 

June 19, 2017. Vonna, Shania, and Devey were here.☺   -Shania HI ♥ 

Cre & Jake. P.M. ♥

Breathe deep and you will find your way. 

Not everyone will be there for you, but that's not a problem, but an opportunity to grow, become more independent, be who you are without worries of what other think. In the end, your the only one in the coffin, right? 

June 22nd. Take three breaths, listen around you, take everything in. And.. it will pass.. find your Being, find your space. -Lori

You can sense positive energy flow here, do not be ignorant to it. - ED

June 23. just happy to be here. ♥ xoxo  - Ellie

We sense the past tense of this place /memories could never be erased or replaced /facts that must be faced /appreciation for the grace. /gratefulness, in case you forget. June 23 2017  -Tess T.

Even if you don't feel it at that time, there's always a way out, a place to get to and recenter. June 23 2017. Joshua

Follow the heart's path and you will never be lost. The Mos Family, June 24 2017

June 25 2017. NAU Curry Summer Music Camp. Four strangers went on the urban trail and found they formed a perfect quartet: 2 violins, a viola, and a cello. Thusly the Urban Trail Quartet was formed, and the labyrinth became their sacred place. - Cameron D_, Desiree D_ ♥, Abby M_, Andrew N_ 

This was long. - Lydia M.

You must always follow the labyrinth back out or be cursed. June 25 2017. Beware. Adiar

Help me! 

June 27, 2017, 7:06 PM. Chilling, enjoying the cool breeze this fine afternoon with my nephew. Enjoy life to the fullest. Tomorrow is never promised. Vernon C.  God bless you!!

June 29 2017. Were all Reece's that stick to the paper, ya know? -Pam  

12:08 PM Thursday June 29 2017 . As always, I'll write my honest thoughts. The older I get the more I realize everything is temporary. I've been focusing my time and energy on accepting this fully. So far I've learned to really live in the moment and soak in every experience. People teach lessons to carry throughout life. Don't be bitter when old friendships die. Cherish people even though you won't always have them. Tell someone you love right now that you appreciate them. We don't do enough of that. From the bottom of my heart, Ashley P. 

June ?, 2017. Found a beautiful place. Respects, Nate. 

June 30 2017. A-Mazing! - Megan & Martin

June 30. Flagstaff will always have my heart. ♥  Kay F. ☺  

July 1 2017. Hoping you find happiness, whatever that may be for you.

July 1 2017. Thought this was completely different from what it was. First visit, not the last. 

July 1 2017. The ideological concept of this labyrinth is awesome, it's both spiritually and mentally invigorating and is truly remarkable. 

July 1. I've had a lot on my mind lately. This is the only place I can sort out my thoughts. Endless appreciation. -E. ♥

July 2. I am rejuvenated by this wondrous place. Restored. From this place I received balance as if every stone played a part, contributing like a symphony pounding out a blessing to my body soul and spirit. Love and light from the earth to my shakra centers and pouring out of me like a supernova. Thank you father and whoever was the vision behind this sacred place. Love and Light. -JM & JT

July 2, 2017, This is a beautiful spot. The only thing I have in common with other visitors is that I am searching... and so I search on!!! -S. 

July 2 2017. What a world! Lovely world, I will wait for you! 10 months baby!

You will do big things!!!

July 3 2017. Thank you for the serenity. I love labyrinths and do them whenever I find them. This one is very special. Thank you for the chimes. Peace to all. God bless and keep you. Suzy. ♥  

(child's writing) July 3 2017. Mia M_, 2y ♥  Thank you for the trail

Jessie G_, Sandra O_, Jose G_

Be careful how you trust people. Fake people will tell you things to gain your trust. Real friends are goo, you can tell them everything. You can make fun of each other and feelings don't get hurt, you treat them like family. Once someone breaks your trust, you would maybe think everyone will hurt your feelings. It happens to a lot of people. Be strong. -Joe

Don't let people on the sidelines rule your life. Do what you want when you want because your life is determined by you. 

July 4 2017. The best fun for my 7-year old son Lucas!

July 4 2017. tabby cat & karicky ♥  finding ourselves.

July 5 2017. We were never in control.

July 5 2017. Sometimes I forget how relaxing and therapeutic this place can be. It helps. No matter the troubles in life, I can strive to do my best. ♥  I promised her I would. Even though she isn't part of my life any more I still doing it for her. I love you ACD. - Robo

July 6. I wish that everyone is truly happy. 

July 6. We are all still growing.

July 6 2017. It's a beautiful world we live in. I first stumbled on this place some months ago but this is the first time I got to walk through it and sit here to enjoy the peace. I had to show my boyfriend this spot and here we sit. Our lives have purpose. Our thoughts have power. Show love to everyone, we're all people. Metakaye oyasin. Listen to some Nahko Bear and enjoy the musical medicine. I thank god for this life & all the blessings. Use your purpose. Shine on, and when others damper your purpose, love & shine stronger. ♥  Vanessa L_

July 6 2017. Leaving Flagstaff tomorrow after a week of hiking days. Blessed by a brief t-storm today. This place continues that blessing! --E & K

Dying to live #4, July 11, 2017.  This year has been trying to say the least. Lost love, addition, finding a reason to go on every day. I think you you still, always. I've learned to love myself and others. But I will never love another the way I love you. Thank you for everything. Tyler W K__ PS A quote from Goethe's Faust: "Lie an aeolian lyre, shuddering note on note, tear on tear fall burning, and what I possess seems far away, and what I've lost becomes reality."

Starting over is easy, persistence is an art... Thanks Flag. - Amanda C_

Every rainstorm has a rainbow. - 100% ∞  

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. ♥ I thank the creator of the labyrinth, for it made me realize that life is not about hustling and hurrying about. Some people forget to stop and smell the flowers. Completing this labyrinth gave me time to think about life and what I want for the future. Once again, thank you! B_ W_

July 14, 2017. This trail is amazing, so much to look at and find. 

July 16. I'm glad the universe brought me here today. Thank you! - Ki

L.G.C. Peace!! Love!!!

July 16 2017. Nicely done, universe. -- KR

July 17 2017. To find one's self one must be willing to lose one's self. -- CM

July 17. I love dance. Love Laila

July 17 '17. Whatever you do, wherever you go - make it better... please!

July 18 2017. To the guy said you are looking for a soulmate: I came to the labyrinth today because you said we would meet here but you never showed up - or did you. I came because my mesas/my hearts, they are missing, they won't come out to play. I came because I have a special praye that needs to be prayed. I was supposed to bring my mesas with me to the labyrinth and you must ask permission and they did not give consent. 

Dying to live #5. "I only get sleepless nights sitting on the edge of my half-empty bed." Each day is more beautiful than the last, and time is never promised, that gives everything an urgent beauty and imparts (for me at least) a tragic sense of life. I'm only happy when I'm "sad" and love the idea of love, but the picture always looks better than the meal. - Tyler W. K___, July 17, 2017

To thine own self be true. Walking with my daughter! July 18, 2017 JoJo & Christine

July 20, 2017. Being alive is a blessing every day. Putting today first, leaving the past. Free at last, free at last. One love. --D Weezy

July 20 2017. This labyrinth is amazing! I have had a hard year and I started to find myself this summer. My depression slowly leaves me every time I take this walk. I learn to appreciate more and take things slow. Not all things need to be rushed. Today Chester Bennington (lead singer of Linkin Park) passed away; his songs always help me, but today hit me like a ton of bricks, so I came here. I have never felt so low in my life. I hope friends will come back and help. For now, I am all alone. Not sure if that is bad or good. Ta-ta fro now. With love, Ashley Chenoah L___. PS Song for today: One more light - Linkin Park ♥  

July 22.  There's nothing at the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds. - Meat Puppets

July 22 2017 It's amazing how this labyrinth draws in those who have been struggling and allows them to re-evaluate and recalibrate. I have appreciated such an opportunity. --JTR

 I agree

I believe happiness is a byproduct that results from being otherwise engaged in things like hiking, learning, exploring, communicating, dancing, loving, anything!  Putting happiness as a goal to be reached keeps you from it. 

July 23 2017. Thank you for this space. A time to reflect and give thanks for what we have. Thank you for good health, thank you for people in my life that I need, and that need me. I'm grateful. --JB

Mathias H__ was here... xo love mathias ♥  

July 24. I love Mathias no matter what. ♥   

Blake, July 26, 2017. Yay! 

July 28, 2017. Overcast day with my granddaughter Harmony 9, Aubrey 4. Here picking up my daughter from NAU, taking her how to ASU. It was an amazing year in Flagstaff. Christmas here was one to remember. Bittersweet. Thanks mother earth for caring for my Emily here. She found peace and made peace with Mary yesterday at the stations of the cross. My husband found you and has been changed since. His message is Move forward. Peace, love, happiness to all. -- Rina 

July 29 2017. What a beautiful and peaceful spot. Thank you. -- Ophelia, Josh, JJ, Eme. 

July 29 2017. My baby said mom come follow me to this cool place. The labyrinth it was! Great place to enjoy and clear my head. Much love to the people. Best. Life. Ever. Janiece ♥  Anthony. Chris, 8, baby #2. Sofia, 6, baby #3. AJ, baby #1. 

July 29, 2017. Destini and David were here. Enjoying this weather and being happy with each other. I hope others enjoy these walks as well. 

Very nice labyrinth! 3-year old crying, doesn't want to leave! 

July 30 2017. It was no accident that I wandered into this remarkable place this morning. I've only lived in Flagstaff 2 weeks. The last 2 days I've been seeking reflection and peace in nature as I make a difficult decision about living more authentically. As I explored the labyrinth, the thought kept coming back "you are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars. you have a right to be here, and whether or not it is clear to you, the universe is unfolding as it should." Thank you for this space. -Noah B. ♥  

I just want to be happy. 

Why do I feel so lost? There's no room for growth when I carry so much. I need to go back, back to love, back to excitement, back to passion, to  who I once was. I need to let go of insecurities, of fear, of hate, of doubt. I love myself. I can make a change. I will make a change. ♥   

july 30, 2017. A lovely drizzly and green day. Life is good. 

July 30 2017 (doggie paw print) - Naya 

July 31 2017. The labyrinth is always a cool place to see. I brought guests. Always happy to show it off. - Jacob A_

August 1, 2017.  Our first time here. what a cool find! = Jayce, Blake, Michele

Aug 1, 2017. Brought my Phoenix friends, we're all coming down from LSD last night. Very calming, serene experience after that. Feels good to be in nature. Peace & love, B.

Aug 1, 2017. Going to be a freshman this year at NAU. Found this gem on my hike with my sister and her dogs. ♥  = Grace, Anne, & Jack

Very cool. Woof.  - Soji

Aug 2, 2017. ☮ ♥ 

August 2 2017. Always reflective to come do the labyrinth. ♥ 

August 3 2017. Had a hard week, came here to untangle my thoughts in the labyrinth. also brought a friend. ☺ - Ashley L_

August 3, 2017. I've had a hard time the past couple weeks. I don't know who I am anymore but blessed to back in this gorgeous town. This is home for me. Thankful for my friend who brought me here. ♥ -LO

"Dying to live" - Tyler K_

Aug 5, 2017. It feels good to get lost in the right direction!

Aug 9 2017.  Dying to Live #7.  I find life so beautiful. every day I am constantly amazed by things both great and mundane, and of great and painful understanding. We are all hurt and broken in some way... love and understanding are the key to the medicine cabinet... love yourself, this journey is so very brief, make the absolute most of it. Tyler W. K_

Aug 13 2017.  Been spinning most our lives crankin up this amish flashlight. -Bryn, Kayla & Nadja. 

Aug 13 2017.  RMJ

Aug 17, 2017.   Sunrise is Beautiful.  Life is beautiful, here and now /Each one of us had nothing to do with how and where we were born. /God is the master. /Ego needs-wants to take credit /All of us god's children /ALL  /It's like god creates us, we spend 9 months in the womb then we say /"OK I'll take it from here" /HA. /From the universe we appeared /and to the universe we must all return. /The best we can hope for is to leave this world a better place than when we found it. /God loves us all. 

Aug 17, 2017. Thank god for all things in life even the hard times because those times give us strength. If you are hurting hold on. Let him walk through it with you and you have nothing to fear. Have hope faith & trust in our lord.

August 19 2017. Beautiful day with a beautiful lady. 

August 19 2017.  "I felt sweaty after" -Zeke, age 7.  "I felt dizzy after" - Dad.  "I felt relaxed" - Joey, age 11.  "I liked it" -Eloise, age 9.  "so fun!" - Mom

Aug 20 2017.  Here from LA. Pretty eerie - nobody notices this? Place is green. I don't think I'll come back to this labyrinth. Town is cool though. 

Aug 21, 2017. Something witchy this way comes... 

8-21-17 /sheined geeky cosplay

8-21-17  Still gorgeous even though I'm super hungover. Thanks flag ♥

8-21-17. Typson - I'm just happy to be here. ♥

8-21-17. Don't be dumb and look at the sun. eclipse day. -Riahfaye

8-23-2017. A quiet place to catch up with old friends and share a smoke. Thankful for the many beautiful starry nights I've spent here beside great people. ♥ KPD

8-23-2017.  "We'll burn that bridge when we get to it." - CPG

8-27-2017.  Much love ☺  -Breeze & Adam ☺ 

8-28-2017 Happy & in love!! -Hannah☮ ♥  ☺ 

8-28 -2017 Shout out to whoever left the purple lighter. Same (arrow pointing to previous comment). ♥ - Halen 

8-28-17. It was dank. We smoked out the gods. - Freshman

Definitely gonna trip out here. - Galaxy C-137

Be at peace ♥ 2017 - DSS

Adventure #1. L and H

May the wind be at your back, the warm sun in your face, and may the trees allow you see what you once couldn't.  - Landon P_, Hunter D_

The lesser is the better, the worst are the best, as above so below. -AHO GIG +++

Just when you think you're almost there... you aren't. Just when you think you know where the path will take you... you don't. Trust that there is a way, even if you're not sure its your right way.  -♥  MTS

Aubrey ☺  Blake  ha! (children's writing)

"There is no way to peace, peace is the way."  I hope you find interesting events... I wish you abundance.... I love your soul... With all my hear & soul I love you. You've faced your struggles & continue to walk. Look in the mirror and realize you've created greatness. - Faith

I'm watching you. - Maddox Sept 2, 2017 

September 2, 2017/ Nice

September 3 2017 Many blessings given & received here! Good, positive vibes ☺ 

Sunday, September 3 2017, 11:10 AM. Walked here with my dog. He is my best friend. I am so blessed to have him in my life. Going to the "Tilt" aerial trapeze show today. first time. excited! ♥   ☮ ☯

Monday Sep 4 2017, 4:47PM.  I've never walked a labyrinth before until I stumbled on this one today. What a treat! I see so many metaphors for life... just keep moving, stay on your path, these moments are your life. Thanks so much for sharing this gift with Flagstaff. - Rebecca from Wisconsin

3 Sep 2017. Vahomi was here.  Ofelia L_ 

Sep 7 2017. Let the wind take your thoughts away as you sit here and breathe. Don't forget how lucky you are to be here living right now. Embrace every second and let your pain fly away. Everyone is loved even you, whether you think so or not.  - MR, rafiki the moonchild

people I care about the most - K_

Sep 8 2017  Habibi, Jesse, Zeus. Good vibes only

Zeus is just happy to be enjoying the great outdoors. Lots of cool bugs and things to lick. Habibi burned calories in a more productive way... today

Namaste. - Ian J_

Fahren F_ was here. ♥ 

I don't know these people - Elizabeth N_-F_

I was kidnapped by two girls and an eagle scout. - Miguel C_ (heading to the party) Love you. 

Sep 10 2017. She believed she could, so she did. 

Sep 4. As I set out on my thesis, I am reminded I have something important & unique to offer, and I am reminded of all those who have inspired, taught, & encouraged me.

This is the most peaceful I've felt in a long time. Sep 5 2017

I find my place of peace of the center of where I want to go. And to my love  Mia I pray we have a long life of love. your husband, Mike H_

Luke the pup says he had a great time and loved the flower treats at the end. - Jake & Langley

Maze. Navajo Hopi AZ  928 Pima Maricopa Natives

Sep 10 2017. Love and care for those around you. Tomorrow is never promised today, make the best of what you go and be grateful (always!)  Self-reflecting is so peaceful for the soul, love yourself! Brittney G_

Good vibes only! Loved this experience. ♥. 

Dying to Live #23, Tyler W. Kimbell September 7 2017. The world evades us because it becomes itself and if time frightens us it is because it works out the problems and solutions come after. If man realized that the universe like himself can also suffer, he would be reconciled. I regret hurting those who cared enough to love me but I wouldn't have this tragic sense of beauty without my experiences. I am almost 30, alone, and more myself than ever before. But ideals won't soften reality's blows. To love is the ultimate selfless act, is to see and know your time with a person is finite, which lends it great beauty. Cultivate love and compassion and gain strength from a solid foundation on which to build your higher ideas. We can't always be heros. Yet we can always strive for humanity. I can view going thru life with sharing it, as the ultimate tragic denial of will to power, with laughter and tears and life and each death we come a little closer to our potential.  I miss you my love and I am thankful for the time.

Brianna W_  Sep 9 2017

What a great walk thru the twists and turns, the flowers and rocks, the woodchips and windchimes. I'm feeling blessed by the sunshine!  - Walt, Sep 9 2017

9-11 We have not forgotten.

I'm high, trying not to be in front of my grandparents. - Robby W_

Sep 9. Coming out to film with friends. Create more art! - KPD

Post script, 4:20 PM. Watching talented friends fill the afternoon air with guitar music. Falling in love with Flagstaff again. When life is hard take to the woods with friends. Filled the vase with fresh flowers. Don't forget to love more often. ♥ - Kori, Paige, Dylan

Sep 10. Vil.  You're not done. 

Sep 11. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more /and may nothing but happiness come thru your door. C

Find joy in the phases of life. ♥ Jaylin P_

Hey! ☺ 

Sep 17, 2017. Knew about this place for a while, never really came here till today. I have had difficulty telling people how I feel, so I came here, binoculars and all. 

Sep 22, 2017. Merry Mabon! Today is the fall equinox, the day when dark and light are equal. Be a happy pagan ♥ make love as much as you can. Light more candles. Be yourself. Live life more passionately. Survive off of the warmth of those closest to you.

Sep 19 2017.  Came here with class with an open mind and heart. Slightly frustrated but hoping for a spiritual release.  Ren C__

Don't be the dork that ruins other people's art and work. 

Sep 22, 2017, ♥  Love with never die as long as we have each other. - Patrick & Kayla ♥ 

Sep 24, 2017. We are all on the path back home, inside, to our beloved creator. May we all learn to treat each other as the brothers and sisters in love that we are, I am, and so it is. Namaste. - Laurie R.  PS Still learning, in gratitude. 

Sep 23, 2017. Wilson Hall was here! - Wilson from Wilson Hall, Demi, Abbie, Maya McC_, Sienna W_, Madelaine S_, Annabel S_, Summer S_, Mia G_, Gracie B_, RA Lauren K_ ♥ , RA Joe A_☺ 

Look on the bright side and your shadows will fall behind you!  ♥

Sep 24, 2017.  Thank you for this labyrinth. One of my favorite parts of Flagstaff. Blessed be. - Grace

Sep 25, 2017. Class was cancelled today so I came to check on the labyrinth. As always it was incredible. 

I came with this fool. I can never get enough fresh air. 

Sep 25 2017. noon. Make it to labyrinth. Thinking this is an amazing area with the vibes from the pines. Slowed time time and eased everything. - NS

Sep 28 2017. We goin' to make it! Bet!!

We want to live by each other's happiness not by each other's misery. SK

We goin to get ice cream!!! legit!

Time is an illusion.  

What I hear from Yashua & Joel. Sep 30 2017

It was a fun surprise. ♥  Sep 30

Life is full of surprises, every day is a journey, so never look back! Shawn C. Oct 1, 2017

I look forward to the positive changes ahead in my life and I leave all the bad in the circle to be dissolved into the earth, sky, and wind. -Monica X Oct 1, 2017.  -- Corbin & Tesla C. PS: Thank you to whoever put in the wind chimes. 

Fam. Sept 28 2014.  Love is.... like a nail, it holds you steady, like a donut, soft and sweet, like a boomerang, it comes back around, like a scary fish... but one day love will be worth it. 

Sep 30 2017.  Kinda hot today... 15 minutes later. I think I awoke some ancient being living in the weird rock nearby. I almost had a headless dead squirrel dropped on my head. We'll see if I die. - M. 

I came here with the knowledge that my mother is dying... it's a lovely fall day. I brought 2 friends and we each brought a fall beer. We left them as a reminder that in the best and worst of times we will always have good folks and beautiful days to keep us laughing.  Live, laugh, love... -Corndog

Nice to see all the natural beauty here in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting. By enjoying life and spreading love, we will all push through tragedy and come out stronger and more unified. ♥ Spread love. --  Cassidy

I absolutely love life. Everything is beautiful, everything. 

We smoked here and left an offering. 

The labyrinth is like the road of life, twists and turns to disrupt you from your destination. When eventually you realize the shortest destination is 18 inches.... your heart to your brain. Clive B_

Chris and Bob. Oct 4, 2017

I am the grape, you are the vine, but 2 together can bear fruit, and give to one who is hungry... God bless. 

Oct 7 2017, Peace, blessed peace. Here we find the peace of going within. May I learn to do this with no labyrinth. I am I. One with all life. Blessed be. -Andy

Found the perfect spot to bring the Lost Boys until next time. ☮ -- Jay & Jajo

Cold nights, warm days, love is all around

Oct 8, 2017. 2:00 ♥   - Liz W_

Avie E_

8 Oct 2017. Just as the season, life is in a constant state of change and readjustment, remember to love yourself and those around you. ♥    - JC

8 Oct 2017. Aloha.

October 8th Blessed are the forgetful ♥  for they may never learn the full consequence of impulsivity. There is no such thing as too much love in your heart. Breathe safely in nature, letting your body melt into the earth. Melt into the touch of pretty creatures. You are never alone. Find your way back to the center again. Bear roots yet carry on the legacy of the person you dreamed of being when you were small and things were simple. Lay back and listen to the sounds of life. The vibrations of strings marching across miles of skin, laying claims to your bones. the end to isolation. I wish you many first kisses and restful sleep, Speak your truths. - KPD ♥  

Oct 8, 2017. The day after Michele's wedding, we walked the labyrinth with Carson and Bay for their very first time. Carson slept, Bay did not. Some girls sat in the middle having a ceremony and thanked us for giving them time in the center. 

Oct 8, 2017. Zoe & Luna came to conquer the world. 

Oct 9 2017. Cool breeze... Extremely peaceful. - G_ Y_

MR Oct 10 2017 ♥  

Angelo, Oct 10, NAU sucks!

Oct 11 2017. Appreciate what you have while you have it. Nothing is guaranteed and it can change seismically in seconds. Remind those you love that you love them. ♥ 

Oct 14 2017. Camp Mourning Star's group comment: There is a maze ahead of you, enjoy the journey, life isn't fair but you can make it fair for others by being kind and peaceful. When you are kind, people will be kind to you. Life can be fun, smile, go with the waves. If someone is hurt, show compassion. Truth, loving connections, and heartfelt intentions above all. Life and death and everything in between. ♥    Northland Hospice-Vista Hospice R, C, B, A, S, J, B, L, K, M, P

Once there was an ugly barnacle. So ugly that everyone dies. The end. Oct 14 2017 - WF

Oct 14. Love is life and you can't change that. 

Oct 14 2017. My children brought me here to walk the labyrinth. This is a beautiful place. Enjoy the quiet views. Remember the beautiful place around us where we are luck to live. - CAL

Oct 14 2017. Our journey might feel like it took forever, but life finishes in the blink of an eye. As you get closer to the middle (end) the maze shoots you back out. Stay positive and conquer life's challenges. Life's a journey. Commit and make that change. - P.E. 

He (P. E.) brought me here. It goes by faster than you think so pick the right company. 

Oct 14 2017. Nathaniel M_. I came here just to adventure with my friends. I hope this is meaningful. 

I liked it because you have to use your mind and think. - Maddie, Oct 15 2017

This was a lot of fun. It seemed like we were going the wrong way! 

(child's writing) I like the stones. 

Oct 15 2017. This journey was a-maze-ing! ♥  Madi McN_

Oct 15 2017. Thanks for the side track of the hike. It was amazeing! - Mckenna G.

Tay & Amy

Manilo E_

Oct 16 2017. Dom was here. I ♥  Nick. Time on the snap @ silly-chanty. I'm lit ♥. But for real I ♥  this place. 

I am without a hand to hold, but endure, and look to the future, bold. Oct 17 2017 CAS

Oct 17 2017. Someone once told me "ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE." So today, I went looking for it. Leia D. 

Life is but a vapor. #John 3: 16 No greater love.  - Aron J. W_

Oct 19 2017. - Alan K_

Oct 20 2017. What a cool treasure. -Star Group

Box. It only takes one thought. 

Oct 21 2017. easy peasy!! ☺

Oct 21 2017. This was pointless! I left two dollar merchant gift cards. 

Oct 21 2017. I will commit to working on myself. 

Oct 21 2017. 11:03. I wish I was a grain of sand in a foreign leafy land, embedded in the bark of some tree, carried by a breeze from an end-of-fever sneeze. ☺ It's temporary. Have fun while you can. - Cheer penguin. 

Happy as can be. ♥ Hannah & Halen 

There is no right path in life, just like this beautiful labyrinth we all must decide our own right path. Erick. Oct 22 2017

Don't let people get to you. Do what you want but don't go too far. Family and love make you rich, money is a tool not power. There's a spirit side with all of you; you can choose to follow it or not. I'm trying to get a job. If I can do it you could. The bandit of the woods, lone wolf. Respect all. Oct 25 2017. ★ ☯

Oct 27 2017. Connor ran. I walked. There's two kinds of people in the world. Winners. Losers. You decide who won. Peyton

Oct 27 2017.  the world would be a better place if more people come here to hear their own thoughts instead of listening to the thoughts of others.  -LA

NAU meditation club!!! Oct 27 2017

geo devo great local Oct 28 2017 

Enlightenment is knowing how much you don't know. --Scoobert Doo

To whoever reads this... enjoy the moment,.. it's tequila sunrise and I'm gully at hair-dog. 

Oct 30 2017. Dying to Live #23, Tyler K_. I live on the edge of future but my mind strays to the past... how can I ever be present? I live live in a world where the odd is everyday and normality is laughed at, and in an attempt to live beautifully I've followed unusual paths which lead to the present. Make the best of yourself, the world is full of a-holes, be the toilet paper. Everything is worse than it seems and more bizarre than we think. That being said, don't worry about BS. Life happens.

Nov 4 2017. When I came at the end of September I was cursed by "rock Boy." A month and 2 headless rodents later, I brought him milk and cookies (spirits and Santa have the same rules, I guess) and 2 marigolds. Hopefully we're cool now. I replaced his head. Maybe Rodent #2 was a call for help. 

XX M, J, C

(child's writing) I live the labyrinth. Felix. Nov 4 2017

Tabta & Kanicky Adventures Nov 4

fight when needed, but don't when not needed. You can be vulnerable but still be strong, born and raised in the USA, Lown Wolf 

Rosalie. Katherine

constantly think about how you could do things better, keep questioning yourself. Elon Musk, Nov 10 2017

Miguel el espanol estuvo aqui. Nov 9 2017

Just found this place by chance and will come back soon with a special rock I have at home to set in the middle. I can hear the road nearby but the place feels serene.  The sun is setting now and the wind is blowing against the trees. No clouds in the sky. Today has been a nice day. Winter is coming soon, I want to come back here with the first snow fall. Kieran Nov 9 2017 

Kodak Kauccsion Nov 10 2017

This place is cool to do at night without lights. You don't see what's coming next on the path, just like in life. You don't see the next obstacle but you keep going and make the turn. Once you get to the middle if feels like you went on the whole journey to find happiness. Nov 10 2017. 

Nov 11 2017. Barflemingtons beautiful!!!

Nov 12 2017. My son Felix (see Nov 4 2017) is a labyrinth connoisseur and he's in love with this one! We like that it is a bit treacherous! ☺ 

Mushroom ND ♥ Alex 

Nov 11 2017 Kenny and Jade and BuJu

This place is so cool. Whoever made this is cool. November 11. bye. Keiyan

Nov 12 2017 Celeste, Dania, Tucker ♥

12 novembre 2017. Thank you; a thing created with patience always lets its users know. 

Nov 13 2017. I walked this labyrinth to medicate and to let the sun and the stillness life some of the pain off my hear. This is a healing place. Thanks to whoever built it. Whenever I come here, I feel more peaceful. I am grateful beyond words for that. ♥

Nov 13 2017. Well, that's all for today folks. ☺  Dee  ♥ #live 

Chill place to hang. TW Nov 14 2017

In case you care about grass. This place is full of blue grama (Poaceae, Bouteloua gracilis) AJ

Jess & Ynes

Nov 23 2017 Brit, Flower Time & Pixies. yay! we did it?

Happy Thanksgiving. Grateful for this lovely spot. ♥

We were unprepared for the long walk to reach eron's journey that was this labyrinth.. I did it twice anyway. yay. 


Visiting from Grand Forks, North Dakota! Loved it! ♥ - Hannah & Jesse


What a random set of events that many would call a coincidence while others would call it fate. Whichever is true, I'm glad it happened. 

Well said. 

I feel completely different. but is that what we were looking for? I feel completely different, but I recognize the face in the mirror. I feel so god-damn DIFFERENT. I tell myself "I love you." I take the time to take care of me. I feel different but I know there's more. November 25  wg

Pinch me, I must be dreaming... I feel amazing on Nov 25 2017.

Today I feel better than I have in months. 

We're all messed up. Gotta bail. K. Thanks. Bye. Dec 1, 2017.

Dec 1 2017. Kinley, Happy, Beckett, & Jackson

Dec 05 2017. This is my second time here and I love it. I discovered this place with NAU meditation club. I love how it appeals to all my senses. The beautiful rocks and tree, the nice smell, the chimes on the tree, touching the rocks and drinking Dutch Bros coffee. I will come here more often, alone or with friends, to study or enjoy nature. I am lucky to be in Flagstaff ♥♥  Emma from Tunisia. 

I want to make my mark here but I think I'm just too damn high!

I am changing the world around me. 

Whoever destroyed my artwork at the labyrinth, you hurt my feelings. I did not build my art for some drunken NAU students to knock it down. Please respect and do not destroy. (obscenities and false claim to have built the labyrinth were deleted) 

Help someone in need today!!! - h&h 

(framed art left at center before Dec 6, remained till at least Dec 13).

December 12 2017. Oh lord how majestic is your name from the highest windblown heights to the lowest lows of my bedroom floor your reverberations find me everywhere. I scream too loud to hear the whispers of who I am. I wonder if there enough air in the world for me to breathe and still I run away. Am I too old for such things or should we all run away more? On the wind your love carries me home to the place I have been running to my whole life long. 

"Be still and know that I am God."  "Peace, be still."  Home is all around you, for in who you are, I am found. Peace. 

Life flows around me. energy light flows within me.

Be the change you want to see. 

It hurt so I'm leaving it here. 

Help someone in need today!!! h&h

It is December. The semester just ended and so much has happened. Take advantage of every day and don't be afraid to try new things. -Kaylynn

Dec 15, 2017. Thanks for a great time Flag. Peace out.  Rae

Dec 18, 2017. I've been coming here for 4_ years now and only found it by chance. I no longer live in Flag sadly, but this place will always bring me peace and discovery. I will forever walk this and learn new things about myself. -Sav

Dec 20 2017. Karen S_, Michael S_, Rogelio M_, Megan S_. Chased by owls, we survived. 

Awesome labyrinth. -Stephen A_

Dec 26 2017. Adventure more, worry less. -Kailani, Brody, ♥ Cristee, Nalani, Leilani, Patrick. The Carney Crew was here. Keep calm and shred the n 

Dec 27, 2017. Athena, I think I love you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Sincerely, Caleb ☺

Dec 27 2017. K_ M_, Jodi D_, R_ Y_. Peace to all who enter. Happy Next Year!

Dec 29 2017 (cat drawing)

January 1 2018. Not all who wonder are lost. -NC

January 1 2018. To all the love and energy the new year brings and releasing what no longer serves.  ♥   Always choosing to feel all the feelings - heart over head.

Jan 1 2018. To arbitrary collective reflection, human connection, energy, and light. ♥  

January 2 2018. Delaney, Jorge, Rolu

January 5 2018. Felix brought me, his Grandmother, to this lovely labyrinth. I like the rocks and grasses. Lizzy

Jan 6 2018. Ontario, Canada. Super cold today. ☮ Global peace.  

Stephanie and Austin. Took her to the maze, wouldn't let me touch the beauty hole. Will try again somewhere else. overall 3 of 5 stars

The darkness is bleak /stay with me /The homies we seek /stay with me. --Moose, Ian, EB

Completed by confusion, lost in confusion, the world is my revolution!

Allie (cat drawing)

Marlena was here. ♥ ☮ ☺

January 13 2018. This maze is very cool. I love finding cool stuff. - Marian

Jan 14 2018. Hola amigos, Turn back, There is a UFO

Jan 15 2018. Keep the youth. ♥ Kelsy! Megnastyyy, Tasty ☺

(painting left at center)

Cullen was here

I like turtles.

Emma was here too. PS We found some deer.

Shania was here and I put a pine cone to represent nature.

I love it. 

Two days ago, my second abortion. I was sick a lot between them. The love of my life an I burning up. Grades dropping. Lies. My full truth cannot be told. Friends, parents, lover unable to see the demons on my shoulders, if if they could they didn't bother to shoot them. I walked a rocky path and came on this bench, this journal to write in, some thoughts freed from my prison cell. The wind is getting cold. Time to keep walking with the rest of my thoughts. 

(comment on above) Hey I want you to know. I think you're incredibly strong. You deserve to be happy. 

March 17 2018. The labyrinth is 5 years old today. It is wonderful that most visitors respect the labyrinth and the other visitors. Peace to all. 

March 24 2018. I found something wonderful and peaceful today. I am amazed and grateful. I watched clouds change shape and I with them. This is a wonderful place with an important message of love and respect. I was here. --Sadie Rose. 

March 27 2018. This place gives me peace of mind. _ Sara

March 27 2018. Visiting from California. Relaxing and enjoying the peaceful outdoors. - Jennifer

March 28 2018. There's peace to find everywhere. _B.W. 

March 29, 2018, Thursday. "on the bench" It's been real. Today was lovely, thank you - that's all. Lemon squad. 

I love you all. ♥ ♥ ♥ - Jewlia

March 30 2018. 6:55 PM. All I hear are cars, all I see is nature. This is something you don't experience much... walking along the trail and finding this beautiful place is rewarding. I'm with my love sitting next to me and we are silent. This is bliss. Pure bliss. Anything I could ask for an more. I can't wait to be back again. - K.

March 31 2018. It looks pretty. ☺ 

March 30 2018. Amazing... sitting here in the middle of a city, between a university and a police station, near houses and restaurants, yet all I hear is wind in the trees and an occasional hiker on the trail below. I never thought I'd find so much peace in the middle of a city. I wonder how long this place will last. I'm glad that a part of this city has been preserved as the land it once was. How many more years before Nature collapses under man's crushing weight? "Nature speaks in symbols and sighs /Catch them while they fly /Let her tell you what's in her heart /the truth that never dies." -- Kyle

March 31 2018. There's a lizard watching me write this. There are 3 rocks between the one I'm sitting on and the one it's standing on, still as a statue, and nearly the color of the rock... I almost didn't notice it. We're both watching each other, basking in the sunlight. It's peaceful here, and I needed that. I have a lot on my mind, but coming here, meditating as I walk, and then sitting and drinking the sights and smells and sounds... this place emanates calm. After every visit, my worries seem small. Like waking from a nightmare to feel sunlight on your face and wonder why you were terrified. Always grateful to the creators of this labyrinth. And to the earth, our first mothter. May all who find there way here... 

April 1 2018. 7:30 AM. Running down the trail. Open to anything. I saw a small sign. I followed it up... To this beautiful Earth art. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ♥ Stephanie 

The air is still /and silent still /ravens and songbirds /the willows are gaining buds and spring in in the smell of the air. I am blessed by this moment. 

April 1 2018. Nico C_, natureboy_11. There are nice spirits here that are welcoming. Don't disrespect Gaia because it can affect you later on. Walk to find your freedom. You can conquer the visible but what of what's within? To seek outside the norm is no sin. The words of the ancestors are not mine to tell. Herb is for us to connect with them. Life exists out here and also does your death... an arm's length in reach. Live with him close by. In your honor. 

April 1 2018. I remember when this place was new and fresh and exciting. We traveled at night thru the woods. Every moment passed so quickly becomes nostalgia. I come here now with a different heart, a different collection of people. I come here now less to indulge and more to escape, to remember places and people outside my tiny world. I wish you all light and love, emotional intelligence, satisfying sex. I send you courage to take on your dreams. Meditate a moment and carry on. ♥ KPD

I honor the mother that birthed me whose face I've never known. /I honor the mother that raised me whose earthly time has flown. /I honor the grandmothers, wisdom-polished, paper-skinned. /I sing in praise of all the women teachers who have ever been. --The Crone of Ni Cara, Mothers' Day 2018

Stay true to yourself ☮

Amy & Justin 2018

Aug 1. Here with wonderful friends trippin' ♥

July. I like rain. Thin mist. Fat drops. Hail. Sideways rain, soft rain... I like rain. Rain that dances, rain that weeps, rain that soaks in, rain that sheets. I like rain. Let it rain. And rain again. -PB

Life is not a nintendo game, but this place feels like getting to start over.

Love is starting a journey with someone with no destination in mind but being grateful for the company. -CTE

Sometimes you don't know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. 

Hello out there. -Conner

They want silence? Then disappoint them all. -Quinn

You cannot heal in the same environment where you got sick. -Hannah B_

Do not fret. Healing can be found. Allelulia! 

I'm trying shrooms to feel rapport. Nothing rad so far. Have a good day.

Gracie was here ☺ feeling the love ♥

Alena, Amanda, Deana, Lorian, Tristan. Trip & fall.

Very nice. -Steve, Tacoma WA

Incredible, unimaginable, beautiful. -Parrish J_

Oct 31 2018. I recently started getting more into paganism, and today I came to the labyrinth for a small samhain ritual -- smudging with sage to cleanse negative energy, mugwort for divination, and rosemary to remember by ancestors. I left an apple slice, hazel nuts, almonds for spirit visitors. Thank you to whoever maintains this labyrinth, it's a place I retreat to and have depended on for 2 years now, thru life's ups and downs. Walking it and meditating, and then leaving an offering in the center and staying to reflect or just chill out has helped me more than I can say. I hope this labyrinth will be here a long long time so it can help others as it helps me. Blessed be, and Happy Samhain! ☺

Boonk Gang.

Nov 3. Kenny & BuJu. Have a great day.

Love without needing love in return. - NGL

Love and love will come back to you. ♥ 

Love who you love in the fullest. Take charge in life but make changes when you have to. -CP

Your happiness... sometimes it's all you got. - ZC

Amazing rest stop for life. - JES

YOLO, live your best life! -Perla & Yunbi

You're an angel my love, don't go searching for heaven when heaven lives within you. - CB

Follow the path your heart desires. ♥ - Maddy & Hunter

Nice job to whoever made this maze. Love it. Beautiful bench too! 

Wish for beautiful souls and they'll come to you. Follow what your heart desires & make the best of it. ♥ forever will last a lifetime, make it worth it. ♥ Nov 15, 2018, -Shanya & Jerald

Please lord help with my coux that everything goes OK. Please help. -S_ B_ 

17 Nov 2018 Love a love of love. You are the stars. Shine your shine and know everything you seek is seeking you. Be brave and keep being authentically you. There is nobody youer than you. Dr. S.

Khalily is a good man.

Nov 18 2018. In the end they were meaningless promises, but having the foolish courage to believe in them and in you was the bravest I have been in some time. 

Nov 26 Villessa

Nov 26, 2018 I've never seen how the labyrinth really looked until now. It's so beautiful and creative. I was just taking a nature walk and here I bump into this labyrinth. It is a blessing to see such beautiful art, I'm so honored be be the first to write in this book. -DP

Nov 26. 12:05. This was an amazing experience. It is long but there's a lesson in it. Stay on a path whether you know or not where it's taking you. Patience is the key. I hope whoever reads this learns something from this. -AN

Nov 28, 2018 2:30 PM. Been through a lot lately. The labyrinth helps clear my mind. I hope anyone who visits benefits from this beautiful place. 

Nov 29, 2018, 5:20 PM. I am 9 years old and this is my second attempt at the labyrinth. I did it once when out on a run with m dogs and they were going bizirco! So sadly I could not finish. Me and my dad did it this time and we both completed it. My dad is Greg. Well I hope you had a great time reading my thingie. bye bye! -Reagan

Nov 30 2018. The labyrinth is a great place for people who want to think. Just walking in it makes me inspired to think of stories. Who built this? Why is the labyrinth shaped like this. It's beautiful and a true symbol of Flagstaff. -Edward

Dec 1 2018 5:05 PM. Today I came to the labyrinth for no purpose but to find one. It's a beautiful snowy day and I'm listening to "Homage" by Mile High Club. This is a beautiful place and I'm so incredibly thankful for it. Walking thru it is such a treasure, and nothing beats being able to sit here and clear my mind. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. - Devon. 

Dec 9 2018 11:09 am. This place put my mind at ease and helped me find a moment to be calm. It is beautiful and long and reminds me to enjoy the moments I have before they are gone. Peace & Tranquility. - Scarlett

Dec 9 2018, 11:12. Decided to go on a walk with this awesome girl I met recently, just out of the blue. It's a beautiful sunny day with icy snow on the ground. I love how intricate and soothing the walk was. It was a therapeutic experience, good to clear the mind and just focus on the journey. 

Dec 9 2018. I come here a lot and I love reading everyone else's experience. This place is truly calming and soothing, lots of angels watching and protecting. Things feel different in my life, something has shifted... for the better (I hope). But everything is full of unknown. I hope someone reads this so my thoughts don't go unheard. Angels watch over you ॐ. Birds sending messages from above: Love & light. Starlight. 

(written atop this) You have been heard my love. - J 

Dec 20, 2018, I've been numb for almost 2 years now, but I finally feel at peace. 

I come here a lot and I always have a nice experience. -Cree & Clara

Meditate and carrying on. - Mitch P

What is love? Staying up too late, tired eyes & sleepy smiles post anxiety attack hugs running to each other racing to the shower kissing until lips are sore being in bed till the very last second sunshine on their skin laughs and lips putting it all in the air creeks full of rocks and promises of everything love is learning growing being. 

Take a little peace within you. Pass it around and don't forget the unity that has all the immunity ☮ ♥

Dec 20 2018. Visit friends and travel often. -8 from Ohio 

Dec 20 2018. We came here once - not that long ago. I thought closure would come from your words "No matter what, you set me free." That was after all how I justified everything. I think you & I both know know you'll never be "free" in that sense. What you did was wrong. What I did was wrong. I just have to find my own closure - not live helping you fulfill it. 

Dec 21 2018. Peace & ♥ -Panda

Dec 21 2018. Had an amazing experience. Snap: Devanyh D_

ॐ Dec 21 2018 -SJ

Jan 9 2019 11:53. Life is more than you think it is. Sometime I forget that. - A face in the world. 

R.I.P. Marge and Bill Ruscom. May you two find love and happiness eternal. Love you so much Grandma and Grandpa. 

I.... have nothing. Nothing has me - running like a wolf in the wild - lost, but following the light of moon. Never free, always me. - Danny

Always find joy in the little things in life. Be kind. ♥ ♥ 

Time is an illusion.

Jan 26 2019 Glad to be here. Sam 

-Cassie Jan 26 2019

Jan 27 2019. Listen to BelaBanas. ABC. Stay up. 

Jan 28 2019 Goodbye Flagstaff. The last 6 years have been life changing to say the least. You helped me discover an energy within myself I didn't know I possessed. So many good memories and great people, cumulatively giving me a new take on life. So thank you Flagstaff for everything you have provided me. May you always give people a home to look within so we can grow like the ponderosas around us. in high energy and a warm heart. - Noel 

Jan 30 2019 Cassie & Brandon. Thankful for love. Give and receive. There is no such thing as victory without sacrifice. #labrinth

Feb 9 2019, 11:46 AM Nicole & Ani adventure buddies. There is snow on the ground and our butts are freezing sitting on this bench but it's worth it for the peaceful forest and views. Our advice is to get out of the house, hike, and listen to nature! God bless! Go lumberjacks!

Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself. -- Eric Matthews (in "boy meets world")

Feb 12, 2019. Amanda McG_ ♥ with Paul. Today was a perfect day for a hike, besides the snow and mud! Love and Peace ♥ ☮

Feb 16 2019. @taylorayers99. Taylor was here. So was Zack ♥

Feb 16 2019 w/ Selena, Austyn & Sarah

It;s rare you find something that takes you to your childhood mindset. Seeing the wintry forest takes me back to my childhood in Michigan while seeing my future, standing beside my husband and experiencing new things and building new dreams. 

Thank you for providing healing for my friend when she needed it. Blessed. ★ AKM ★

Feb 28 2018. My second time here but too much snow to do the labyrinth. It is calm and peaceful though - here with my love. ☺ Have a great day! 

March 1 2019. First time here in Flagstaff, with my children. We were walking and found this magic place, relaxing and interesting. The view is amazing, touching nature in this way is just fantastic. The song of the birds, trees, water, and my little kids enjoying is just priceless. Sitting in this rock feels great. We'll come back again. - Jesica, Amy, and Monserrat, Puerto Penasco, Mexico. ☺

Amy March 1 2019 ♥ (child's drawing)

March 2 2019. Oh yeah. Fer sure. 100%

I have a serious drinking problem. I came here to mediate. It's my only solace. All my family is grown and gone. Take care my friend. 

♥ BYaRSAKIANe (child's handwriting) 

March 16 2019. Happy birthday labyrinth!

To know the way you go the way you go the way you go the things you do it's all there in front of you but if you try too hard to see it you'll only become confused. I am me and you are you as you can see then when you do you will find the way and the way will follow you. 

March 17, 2019. Happy 6th birthday to the labyrinth. 

March 18 2009. Thank you for existing ♥

Thank you. Perfect spring equinox walk. 

I walked toward peacefulness to carry it with me after I finished my walk. Namaste. 

March 20 2019. It was a good exercise☺and fun to do with my friend. Sincerely, random 16-yr boy ☺

Great for hangovers. ☺ xoxo Jessica 

Once more into the fray... the last good fight I've ever known. -E

March 20 2019. I found this place by accident. If you are reading this I want you to open your mind. FBZ -Zonk


3-21-19 This isn't a labyrinth. It's a single line that if you follow leads you to the finish. I was expecting having to make choices but there is only one path to follow. - disappointed labyrinth enthusiast. 

Wow I feel bad for this person (comment with arrow pointing to the previous comment) 

3-21-19 This place is great. I thank every person. 

Manifestation is real. Stay positive ☺- Chylah 3/23/19 

Thanks to all who moved rocks. ♥ Zala 

Help me to break free from addiction. God bless my family and love 4 all. 

3/24/19. 8/11 forever ♥ ♥ Josiah S_, Mia N_, Rosabella S_. 4Always ♥ 

Monday March 25 2019. I found this while on vacation. It is quite peaceful. If I go to college here I look forward to many walks through this, but until then I plan to make a labyrinth of my own in CO. 

lovely location - anonymous 

3-25-2019. I loved walking this with my favorite Jaci, Hazel, and Jules. 

Monday March 25. Years have come and gone - time transforms this place, adorns the path with ice and dormant things and then with summer flowers and strange buzzy bugs for which I have no name. Yet the energy of the labyrinth endures all. This place continues to bring me peace, spiritual healing and a strange but mystical connectedness with the flora, fauna, and beauty of Flagstaff. With love, N.G.C.

March 25 2019. Really enjoyed the trail. It gives a lot of time to think about the importance of existence. 

This reminds me of a movie "Letters to Juliet." If you haven't watched it, you should ... Cecile B. 2019 


March 27 2019. Came to this place out of curiosity and I was not disappointed. Great place to hang out and get in tune with ones self. - someone disapointed about their spelling errors. ☺

This place was nice and has a great view, everyone can enjoy it. Plus it has the best weather if not the only place close enough to a enjoy a trail close to school... this is a movie scene! 

3-30. Ronda's 19th Birthday. - Whole Fam ♥ 

3-30-19 Jenn P_. 11:48 AM Happy Birthday to my first born Ronda. May the grace of life always be amazing. 

Bryce F_



March 28. Bless up to the labyrinth

My last name is weed and I was born on 4/21. We use this spt to toke up. The offerings in the middle are from all of us. Keep rippin the bong like cheech and chong. 

I took the Asian money. - Cambo

Beautiful - Renin

Excuse my friend Cambo. Love this place, it's beautiful. - Lydster

Jesus please save me. Cambo 

Rules to live by: 1. Love whenever possible within reason. That doesn't mean just romanticism. Living or nonliving, it don't matter. 2. Offer help whenever needed to anyone or anything. -- Live by these and you'll define your own happiness (unless you're depressed Imoa) 

We smoked dank weed at the labyrinth. 10/10 would recommend - your local 420 enthusiasts

This spot make me hard.

It's @ the labyrinth March 28 2019

Be here around 4:20 if needs any also have tripp things. Big ol' Bet.

March 29 2019. When there's no other reflection to reflect at yourself, who do you see? Is this the eye that sees beyond preconceptions of various states of being? Is this the eye that is authentically self without judgment for oneself or other. What does freedom of self expression look like to you. - Siva Shiva

March 29. Lauren O'D_, Sammi S ♥ 

3/29 We went on a spiritual journey. Shabbat Shalom

3/30 Yo dawgs shout out to the birthday 19th ya boi 

I've been coming here for years. In the past with friends, on several Thanksgivings with my family so we can all think about what we are thankful for in silence, and today in spring with my son. The chimes have lasted so long and always make me smile. Definitely one of the magic spaces in FLG! Thanks for helping care for it! 

March 30 2019. Came out for a run and found this place. Kinda cool but also not!! Pretty view! Thinking about how bad life can be. :( 

March 30 2019. Been here before and it was cool to see that the labyrinth is still here to escape from the university. Stay the course that is this life. 

Love, Love, Love ♥ Very healing meditation, reflection, freedom, manifestation. Thank you for this labyrinth. E. 

March 31 2019. Thank you rocks & earth & mother nature for being here for us. Erika. Hermosa Beach CA

April 3 2019. second visit to this labyrinth. It's a time to think and de-stress. -- From Jennifer & Jasmine, California

April 5. The first time I came here a few weeks ago was really hard. I wasn't calm and even though I tried to feel peace, I didn't. But Kevin told me it was OK, even if I was angry I could just stump it out in the circuits. But today I feel calm and peaceful - the day is beautiful and I feel the power! ☼

April 6 2019. Wonderful place, beautiful views, a good place to bring your dog. 

April 9 2019. Live the adventure! This is great L & F ♥

April 12 2019 Seeing this labyrinth, the signs leading up to it, cool experience. Felt like something out of Skyim, with quest markers. Life can be depressing sometime. - college student, 21, M

great for cult activity

THis is my second time coming here. It is very beautiful here. Shen you come here is is like home. 

April 13, 2019. We found this book while hiking, wanted to leave a message. ♥ - S & C & T & J

If I were a poet /I would write a poem that would make the oceans clean again. /I would write a poem so pure it would rain for days and when the skies were clear again, /a million stars would fill the summer night. /I would write a poem to make the people see guns are bun and unworthy of our love. /I would write a poem to make all the bullets disappear. -from the inexplicable logic of my life by Benjamen Alire Saenz ☼ 

April 15 2019. Tax day, tacks day, go away, let's play, whaddaya say? 

"no" - Jackson D__

Nicholas Mc_ April 15 2019 Whoa! new book, new pen, good ole labyrinth!!☺

Love this ♥ 

Angel of.. well.. whatever you want me to be - good or bad - I'm here! Love your park! Respect! I'm made!!! of Metal!

April 16 2019 Lilly wants us to know she no longer Lilith, she is reborn as Aetemis, Mary Magdeline, and mother Mary. The Inanna is as balanced, blessed, and pure as each of the child goddesses who have walked this path! 

Leave your guilt and shame and fear behind, we are one, you are sources, and your are forgiven. ☼

We can no longer think of this as a goddess portal, we are not learning to balance masculine and feminine.

April 17 2019 11:10 AM. What change my life is at. I came here asking only for love as I found it within myself. I have found love but not the kind I deserve. I deserve better. But I feel struck when I hold all the power. I don't want to leave another human on the streets. I want to see the world thrive. I keep asking for guidance, strength. I surrender. Please, Highest Good for all. 

Divine put your power in me and speak thru me. 

To higher realms "Be ready for Change" - Raven

Lauren & Frank 4-18-19. had a picnic and soaked up some gnarly UV rays! Never disappointed we ♥ natures and weed ♥ - your fav 420 lovers

April 19 19, First actually warm day of the year. We took a walk because I wanted to show him this place. A beautiful day. ♥ J

4/20. Ya bois again. We've been here a few times now and it gets better every time. Remember to drink water, smoke bud, respect women, and all out just have a good time. PS happy 420, be safe.

Happy Easter and 420. Blaze it and praise it! ♥ C & C of the Radiant Circle. 

Nothing is ever as it seems but through open mind, heart, new realms of perception begin to open. 

Blessed are the ones who walk the path rather than waiting for the path to open. 

4/21 Happy easter, thank you for the peace and quiet. 

4/22 First time in Flagstaff and decided to come up here on a whim. The sound of the wind and the chimes really set the mood. Might be falling in love with the place but I'm not sure I really belong here. This may be a stretch to draw this conclusion but it seems the things I love the most are those I'll never truly have or understand. peace & be well

4/22/19 Awesome day for a walk. ☺

(childs printing) Palolema Begay Nabahe

Ann Begay, Earth Day. 

Having fun on Earth Day on with love doves, with rain on the way - Peggy

April 23, 2019. Thank you! Lori

April 23 2019 Namaste! ♥ Mars Sedona "The Heart Lady" 

April 23. Beautiful day for a walk and to enjoy some bud. Live it up y'all. - a happy stoner

Thanks for the pen aps. the true hero! have a nice day! 

Thank you for a wonderful day. It's hot. April 24

If you are reading this, I hope you have great day! -Noah April 24 2019

Thanks so much Noah! Today is my 30th birthday and I'm grateful to be in such a beautiful place with reflective spaces like this. It's also mile 575 of 800 on the Arizona Trail which I've been hiking since March 14. How vital it is to connect with nature - life - of which we are a part. How magical is a single breath, which really isn't so simple after all. The inhale which melts into an exhale. Reminders for this new decade: keep breathing, keep speaking, keep loving, keep being you. Say no. And say yes. I'm starting a new project - the idea came on the hike - called "The Encouraging Times" a newspaper/zine of uplifting stories. I'd loive to a include a stroy of yours! Page will be up in few days with info: Keep on living - being present - and loving! Warmly, Rebecca. 

Don't overthink it! Just do it! And also I LOVE YOU. - Amber

(spiral symbol) this... thank you. -she who came back with life

Ran it! Nailed it! - sam & jay

Pilar wazz here! 4-27-19

Be the nicest person in the world. 

So peaceful ☺ kids enjoyed the maze April 27 2019 16:18

What did the buffalo say when his kid went to college? "Bison"

You are the creator of your own world. 

4-28-19 Our friend's first time up here, she loved it! Very peaceful. The wind in the trees, the lizards crawling around, Love this so much! Great experience every time. ♥

4-29-19 Emily & Aidaen & Daisy Mae. Beautiful day. ☺

4-30-19 Here for this walk with no thoughts

You are beautiful! ♥

5-3-19 First acid trip ♥

Words can set you free!

Hi, it's May 4 2019. I had a beautiful day with my lady Mimi. We rode the truck from Walmart, we tried to have sex but it went wrong oh well. We stopped and ate and talked. She is so cool. I love her. Mimi & Ricky

ACG. April 30 2019. A poem for inner conflict. /I like to hear the wind /whistling by my ears. /Take heed of this landscape /have no fear. /I can seem my demons growing /in the rear view mirror. /I shake, I stumble, I quiver and quake /like a lone aspen in a meadow, stuck to the ground. I tremble but I I will not mumble. /I will not go quietly into this ramble. /I will rage, rage against the dying of the light. /I will not go into that dard night. /The rocks stand strong against the storm /the trees bend but never break. /this will not be my last take. /fate has brought me into the fight. /So I put my shifter in reverse and hear the good ole wind whistling by my ears. /and if I end up the a hearse, the eulogy will say. /he gave his demons one hell of a fight.

George. May 3 2019. I just moved here from San Diego by train. I arrived early morning on the first and had picked up a stomach bug on the way. I've spent 2 days in bed, and today I left the house. I am in total awe. This place is truly magical. I came to Flagstaff to start over. I am 31 years old and have been addicted to drugs most of my life since teen age. Coming here is a chance for a new life for me, and stumbling on this labyrinth is a sign. 

5-4-19 Tiger

Ya vamos!

Warm out and tanning nude as a nudist does feels perfect. I hope all are having an awesome day. Stay smiling it's good for the woul. @wixarts. 

When fear is entertained, genius is suppressed. 

May 6A beautiful start to the day before work at REI/ I helped AX Trail hiker-friends get squared away before heading out. And now on a bike ride to soak up some sun rays. Have an awesome day to whoever reads this. ☺ @nxsorts

It's ya bois again, brought the rest of the pac here. Always trillin! 

Democratic socialists of America love this and all beautiful places. Lucky to have such a wonderful town and community here! -Tom & Donna. 

I love it! If feels like a real hike. 

Star School, May 8 2019. All of the students love it. Thanks for it. Love it so much. 

I am god ☺ 

Here with the fam. Had a great time. Graduated college! Mouth is blue... smurfs? 

Why do we want life to be linear? 

2:37 PM May 13, Ya girl here here during the daylight for the first time in forever! I love you Glaggy and will miss you when I leave for Ca. Goodbye!! - Julia R__

We took our pledges here and hazed them. 

A great place to find. A great place to enjoy the slice of nature. - M. K__

I always find myself here when I'm tripping. -Maddie. This time we weren't tripping but I'm so glad for this beautiful place and the beautiful people around me. Thanks for being so quirky, Flagstaff. This was a beautiful end to the day with the love of my life. Can't wait to come back soon. -Big bird & lil bird. 

Take time to enjoy the feeling of the sun. Its warmth is so lovely. Remember to be kind, especially to yourself. love you always. PS pick up your trash, keep Earth beautiful.

May 16 2019. Can't find the trail home. It's been 10 days without food or water. Is this heaven? Rumpel Stiltskin 732 111 8763, Call me! help, I'm getting tired... 

May 16. Just met my boy Rumps. A little dehydrated. I think I'll keep him around. 

May 16 2019. I am grateful for today! My tired soul needed the fresh air and enlightenment of the labyrinth. Be Blessed! -K.

Slow down and enjoy the moments!

Lizards... warm sun... blue sky... greening grasses... peaceful.

May 19 2019. Found myself here after going for a jog... it's a beautiful rainy day in Flag. Not many people outside. very peaceful.

May 19 2019. Cherfed a nice little sack and wound up here. beautiful rainy day. Love, Nikk, Tony, Sadie, & Max

Walking with a breeze. Back to basics. -Lorena

Ross likes this.

Chuck enjoyed the grass. Did not follow path. May 22

Had to do it to em! 

May 24 2019. We saw a lizard, actually four. The path is only built for one person, so to beat the system John carried me on his shoulders. 'Twas nice. 

Chances are that when you die, it'll be if something fatal. With that in mind, remember that the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done. Sincerely, JT & SG

(child's writing) Diya Diya, Diya, Harper, Diya, Jai Jai Jai Diyd Diya I love you.

Never knew of this place and I've lived here 3 years. Wow!

26 May 2019 Beautiful day with birds singing and sun shining. Days like these or even rainy ones remind me how peace and simplicity exist in all forms. I believe "Earth is law" in time of creation of destruction. We live only once, with no heaven or hell to go to. Always remember we have One body, One mind, One soul, One Love, One Heart. Love all @ hendrixway

Nelson family. May 2019. Beautiful experience. Thanks. 

Morning of geocaching enjoying the warm sun and cool breeze. ॐ June 1 2019

June 1st 2019. We (myself and my 2 young daughters) just found the labyrinth by chance and are so excited to be here. I believe human life a about growth and transformation back into the angels we once were and that still exist in us. This happen by fully embracing the human experience, life and death, and all the while giving yourself to God. ♥

1 June 2019 Awesome! The kids loved it! Sanders Family from southern California

2 June 2019. Got lost for hours!! Couldn't find my way out. Good luck!

June 2 2019. I like rocks. ♥ Faith 

Hi my name is Anthony. I just want to do this because everyone else is doing it. So there. 

3 June 2019. Sometimes I walk the path and sometimes the path walks me and sometimes we walk together in love.

June 3 2019. I have not walked here in a few years but I just lay here in sprinkles of rain. It was very therapeutic, especially with music. ♥ a lonely heart. 

June 4 2019 (Icelandic runes like those on May 25) I hope your have a great day.

June 4 . Hendrix. Bike ride today!!

June 4. This is my first time walking here... very relaxing with the birds chirping. Prizz ♥

June 4 2019 This was so a-maze-ing. 420  

June 4 2019 Wednesday. With the decisions I'm facing, there's no right answer but one thing I know is to look back. My self love is my priority!

I used to sleep at Falia Beach, we called it the labyrinth. I have good good memories of the ocean, surfing, smoking, eating, laughing, partying in the company of friends. Aloha to everyone! David S_, Ventura CA 

Good for meditation. Peace, Love, Happiness. UK to Cail-AZ

June 7 2019 This was unique and cool. my first time here with my family; I would definitely come back. super relaxing! Have a nice day. Peace -UJM

June 7, It was amazing!! ☺ Nature is amazing. and fun!!

June 8 2019. Awesome! Very peaceful even with traffic noises. A place I'll return many times. Tom B__

Aurora (child's writing)

June 8 2019. Passed by here many times. Finally did it. Too cool !! ☺

June 8. Spontaneous adventure. Glad we stumbled upon the labyrinth. 

This is becoming my favorite place in town - lizard, sunshine, solitude. What more could you ask for? ♥

Mommy. Chrisette. Liupa ☺

Sup, guys? peace & love ☺ Amber 

Yo! Go! - Peaches

Never been here before... a cool place to wander. 

Win some, lose tons. - J & B

Yee haw. - JM

June 11, 2019. Feeling loneliness and lost, searching for spirituality and higher power, the maze has helped open my mind to bigger things. ♥ L

Thank you for this beautiful respite from the monotony of daily life. May this meditation serve as a reminder that life is holy gift. -Radam. PS. Joe R_ and Tod forever. 

June 13 2019. I miss my little girl... my best and only girl... the labyrinth is my solace. I love you, Fennie ♥

June 14 2019. I'm really struggling mentally, physically, and financially. I hate breathing, living.. feeling. But I just found the place and I feel oddly calm here. I wish I could just sit here all day and listen to the birds. I'll be coming back... I'm just so depressed, I always have been. I can't sleep wither. I hate feeling like this. Hopefully this is a turning point. Soaking up all the Vitamin D must help. I doubt anyone reads this and if someone did they'd probably make fun of it but if you relate to how I'm feeling you are not alone. Never give up, no matter what. 

(response to above) You are not alone. - Max & Sam. 

(another response on same page) I've been in your place before and still haven't entirely escaped it. Start new, live simply, do things out of the ordinary, and speak positivity into existence. Who are you! Answer that question and question your answer. You will survive this... time stops for no one, move with it.

June 14 2019. Beautiful labyrinth! The wind chimes and tower bell in the distance added to the experience and then the crows joined in. Thank you for such a beautiful place.☺ -Echo Dawn 

June 14 2019. The beauty. The calmness. The peace... All as one brings back memories with happiness and joy. My good friend Cato and my girlfriend Savie smiling, shines rays of happiness off the sun and their smiles. It's a good day. -Ty T_

I don't know what day it is. -Nickol L_

Today I finally learned how to walk dogs. 5★s

I farted. Amen. 

June 15. I had a great time here with my family. Great experience. 

June 15. So powerful. ♥ Sam and Max

June 16 2019. Your thoughts and projections tells the universe what to do. If you believe bad things will happen to you, she will hear you and give you bad things. She hears you but does not control your life. You have the power and words and she supports them. She'll bring reunion with an dold friend when she hears "today will be agood day". She will bring loneliness when she hears "No one invites me anywhere." Pay attention to your mental power on your reality and start controlling it. PS: Thanks to whoever left the bag of Ruffles, I ate my share and left the rest. Whoever finishes the bag, please carry it out. Leave no trace. PPS. I'm gonna start bringing food too. 

June 18, 2019 Magic Bruce. 

June 18, 2019 Nora

This place never gets old. Love you all. - M.B.

Enjoying another beautiful evening here. So peaceful and kids enjoying the maze. June 18, 2019 at 18:58 PM

June 20, 2019. Going thru changes is never easy and sometimes you need to stop and remind yourself that it's part of something bigger. I hope you you find pace in this labyrinth like I did. 

June 20 2019. We really enjoyed this. best wishes form Fontana California. 

June 21 2019. Who are you?.... See you soon. 

June 21 2019 - Nolen, Mom, Dad (child's printing) 

June 22 2019. I first came here a year ago when I boy I loved moved away. He loved birding and would solo camp for days to see a rare bird for a few moments! I came here and walked the path silently, listening to the birds, I knew he and I were both free. He was a bird and I was the wind. We sent different directions. And that's OK. Today I was walking by and the labyrinth called me. I sat on the this bench to slow my mind. I have learned to fall in love every day. Maybe with a beautiful stranger, the swaying of the trees, or a new poem. Even on the worst day, I fall in love. The journey & uncertainty of life is beautiful. Stop & listen to the birdies. - xx Jasmine

I don't know how to say goodbye. I can't get myself to say how much I love you, when it means you'll hang up the phone. Saying goodbye is hard even when the trees, wind, and clouds are rooting for me. Every day I try to do what scares me, so if you haven't heard it yet... goodbye. I love you. 

To the clouds, the new me that emerges each day, the people I love, and Arizona. 

Take care of yourself - LU ♥

... and each other. MM

All is well. Practice kindness. Heaven is nigh. Jack Kerouac, Visions of Gerard

Quite fun!

Time sure goes faster as I get older July 28, 2019

July 28 2019. I needed this today. Walking in silence is always a good thing. A moment to reflect on my life was the medicine I needed. What you put in life helps you get more out of it. If you go in with a goofy thought process, you have a good time. But if you want to grow from it, go in with a meditative thought process. Today I felt peace, strength, and loved every moment. Thanks for the break from life. ☺ Chava. JM. 

July 29 2019, Hi my name is Edgar A_-M_ and I will be a 2020 olympic gold medalist.

F* the government and false institutions. Show compassion for each other and the environment. Don't be too hard on yourself.  

July 29 2019, Today is now and will never come again. So I set an intention to receive guidance before "the walk" and I got it. I learned to love your own mind and trust it. If you get lost, it's OK, you get back up again. I also processed what was holding me back in life to I could let it go. I left behind doubt, fear, and self-limiting beliefs. Then I read other people's comments in this book and as I read I thought "I love you. I you were here, I'd hug you. I felt moved by their honesty, and it inspired me to share. We all crave connection, and if we're not getting ti, we need to change ourselves inside or by seeking the creative god of love. -- Chara

Aug 2 2019. Went on this walk today to find my courage again. Lost it when she asked me if it was in. I feel worthless. Couldn't give her pleasure, and now I can't even give me pleasure. Maybe I'll get a growth spurt but not likely for someone in late 40s. I'll return to finish this page if I ever get my courage back...

Aug 3 2019. Hey, it's raining. That's meaningful, right? 

It's fund to fill in the hearts. 

Happy to celebrate a lovely sunset with friends and conversation. woof-woof. ♥

Night is falling. The party member whose birthday we are celebrating is off to heed the call of a cat he thinks may be in heat. The other two are doing a Pisces-Virgo dance of one smashing the other. The one on the bottom is a massage chair. which one is whic. Meow.  ♥

First time walking this trail. Pretty stoked to see this rad little puzzle out here. Cheers to whoever left the Nature Valley bar! Yeewww. - Matt 

March 14 2020. How can you tell if you have COVID-19?  Sneeze on a millionaire and see what their test says.

March 16 2020. The World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that dogs cannot carry coronavirus. All dogs are hereby released from quarantine. In other words WHO let the dogs out!!

March 30 2020. "I saw that my life was a vast gloving empty page and could do anything I wanted" - JK

March 30 2020. I've only been here twice but every time I came after a big change in my life.  On the walk in, I remember the things that got me through the journey. The tears, the pain, the smiles, the people. Then on the walk out I imagine the years to come. I don't know if it is supposed to be as emotional as I make it, but I always leave with a clear mind and a new ambition. 

March 30 2020. Thanks to the labyrinth caretakers who repaired the bench and created a new way to leave comments. It is so sad that Flagstaff has one frustrated, unhappy, powerless person who finds vandalism the only way to express himself. I hope he gets well and becomes a caretaker himself someday.

March 31 2020. The real experience was the joy of peace and quiet with my mother. Now I have not seen her in 3 months and with this awful pandemic it was great to fell wonderful quality time with her today as I walked alone. I hope to return to the labyrinth in a year or two and reflect on the beautiful woman I spent time with today. I'll do another walking meditation with my distant mother's presence. 

April 1 2020. Inner peace. ♥ If you read this during COVID-19, I hope you are finding calm during this havoc. ♥

Blaze it T/B.  Thank you for the labyrinth!

April 4 2020. My dog died yesterday. Thank you for your work.

For Dena H_ on her birthday. May she be blessed with great joy, health, happiness, peace, and abundance. ♥ M

Amazing experience on acid. 

It was fun, Made me have positive thoughts. A great place to enjoy nature. Sophie T. 

I enjoy walking and running through the maze, having happy thoughts. Good energy when I made it to the finish. Chad T. 

April 13 2020. It's been a hard day. I learned my roommate has COVID. I ache and long for my family, the comfort of community, even if just in the form of a cup of joe from firecreek.  I was moved to feel the earth under my feet, and the cairn at the center of the maze... to know that there are form older, wiser, and stronger than I. I lean to these teachers. PS. I love Drew F_. 

The rock fell down.

April 17 2020. The Highley family is thankful for a place to escape the city during the coronavirus lockdown of 2020. What a great place to enjoy nature and the peace of Flagstaff.  

April 17 2020 I love you /I don't want you to go /I don't know how to cry /Please make this pain go away. 

Who speaks to this cold settled lichen? Though I do not speak to you, I am present with you. I do not wish to fold into myself until I am labyrinth and rock.... A walking rhythm. 

April 22, 2020, Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff. While walking the labyrinth, Landon thought about batman, spiderman, & pikachu. Bentley thought about computers. Jr: nerf gun fights. Jenna: rock towers. Mia: food. Amir: naruto. Mason: tigers & lions. Lucas: music. Madi: how beautiful nature is.  

April 23 2020. I somehow always find myself here when I'm looking for some guidance. I'm kind of lost in life right now, but I am also at the most peace. Life has gotten a lot more quiet. I graduate in a few weeks and have to figure out my life. But for once I just want to live without desiring to reach some end goal. I want to fly.. I want to be free.. I want to spread my wings without the thought of a final destination.  I'm listening to the wind and I'm dreaming big dreams. 

April 25 2020. Tom Noga, my best friend from 1970-1980 died 2 days ago in Virginia. On my run this morning I encountered 2 pronghorn in the woods about 2 miles SE of here, for the first time in 14 years of running that route. Romance blossoming among house wrens, house finches, nuthatches, red-winged blackbirds, and flickers. Life is so beautiful and ephemeral that I cry with joy and sadness.  

That was intense! I feel freer! I feel my problems are going to get better

April 25 2020. H & D ♥ This is probably the first time my head has been completely completely empty when I'm alone. I feel like time just fewl by. Also I realized that I'm definitely going to spend the rest of my life with my person. 

April 25. D & H ♥ I was trying to use this walk as a time to think about problems in my life but I had a hard time to think about things and walk the maze at the same time. I realized that my restlessness and need to always be active or productive comes from me not wanting to think about the problems I am facing. But being productive also is also me passing through these problems. Just confirming my feeling that there is not a second to waste. 

April 28 2020. I had a question of how to heal... The answer given was "learn to use what you do not understand."  Just do it anyway... learning comes with action not contemplation, no need to grasp it mentally if you can enact it. 

May 2 2020. This labyrinth is super dope and it inspired me to go out more. I'm gonna show this to my mom, she will love this.

May 4 2020. Crazy how bigger strides get you to the same destination quicker. Also crazy how this paper is blinding me. 

May 4 2020 Although I remember the beginning fondly, I can never return to that moment for I was a different person. 

May 5 2020. Out walking our dog in this great weather with my amazing girlfriend. 

(attempted translation from childlike printing, few spaces between words, and unique spelling such as "epresh eat" for "appreciate") It was fun too I so.. and most in got it. this is famole mas we we appreciate your help Yours Phoebe G_ 

May 5 2020 My son had a great time. As for myself, it's great to spend time with my family but mostly to be in the open. 

May 6 2020. After training in the labyrinth I find a sense of spirit. A calm joining with the air and the sound of the wind. After hearing a response from an old friend from 30 years ago I was happy to experience Facebook. Today is a good addition of my grieving process. I grew up in Flagstaff, came her in 1983 and stayed. Didn't finish high school, tried other cities but not more than 7 months away led me back here. I lost my mom last week. And I pray with her now. Thank you so much to the City of Flagstaff. 

unknown day in Coronaville... A simple day, in a simple time. Thoughts can be the energy of actions. Keep your loved ones close. Never stop working here on happiness. Asi P_

I didn't follow the path because it took too long. I can't wait to show more people this labyrinth. 

May 7 2020  Finding solace in being present and enjoying the warm sun on a body that has been cold for too long. Today is a good day. - K. C_

Running is hard

May 8 2020 This is one the best things ever!

May 9 2020. As a white trail runner since 1974, I am immune from being murdered for running while white. Today I ran with Ahmaud Arbery, a young black man murdered for running while black, and whose murderers were not prosecuted until the video went viral. Today I kept imagining that I was approaching a white pickup truck stopped in the street, and then passing it on the right... 

May 10 2020. As a teenager in Augusta, Georgia in 1968 I saw 4 cops walk up to an (apparently unarmed) black man and immediately beat him to a pulp. When I asked what was going on, I was ordered to leave. I called the police station that evening and again the next day but they said no incident occurred at that place and time. I wrote a letter to NAACP offering to testify if the case came to their attention. Nothing happened. It has haunted me all my life. Now 52 years later, white thugs killed a black man in another Georgia town, and would've got away with it but for the video. This may be progress, but it is damn slow... 

May 9 2020. My main struggle recently has been letting the illusion of my ego get the best of me. It creates needless fear and anxiety that hold me back. So today I grabbed a rock from my room and brought it here. I let it hold all the negative thoughts that hold me back. As I walked to the center, I thought of the pain I've been feeling, then in the center I prayed to leave it all behind with the rock. As I walked out I played my favorite song. I am ready to be myself. I am ready for love. 

May 12 2020. I've heard it before, yet it is so easy to forget. "It isn't about where life takes you. It is about the journey along the way." 

May 12 2020. Well here I am. There I was. Making car noises in the labyrinth because drifting am I right? High as a kite. Right here. Right now. ♥ vspec

May 13 2020. In the midst of COVID-19 quarantine, I found the love of my life. She is precious, sweet, strong, tenacious, incredibly intelligent, compassionate, relentlessly supportive, and my soul mate. She is beautiful beyond belief, the most gorgeous person to grace this planet. the love of my life. rjs ♥

May 13 2020. Coming back here two years later, I reflect on my my life has been and I'm grateful on this experience I am having on earth. Peace & love. 

May 14 2020. We stumbled upon this place by accident. Before we left to explore I set the intention of adventure. What were the the chance we actually found it?

I love my girlfriend, she's really cool.

A lizard told me "there is one way to happiness. live in love and light."

May 16 2020. Cool.☺ It was nice. 

May 16. Today I reflected on being happy and enjoying every moment with my family. ♥

May 16 2020. I shouldn't wear my brand new vans in the woods. 

I was directed to listen to the cosmos. We are one with Gaia and every plant, animal, mineral, and spirit of the vast universe or universes! I was directed to hold my hands out to receive energy from the lava rocks as I walked - my hands were abuzz! One my return the plants called out for blessings and to add their energy. Three lizards wanted to play - they are from my lemurian ancestors! So bright and lively! Blessed be this place. Thank you for your knowledge, and my remembrance of my mission and service.

Water would've been nice during the labyrinth.

May 17 2020. I am in Flagstaff because my daughter was hit by a car here while out running. She has fractures and a traumatic brain injury. Thank you for providing a quiet place outside to walk calmly and reflectively. Thank you to everyone who values peace, good energy, the earth, and the goodness of the universe. 

May 21 2020. I am especially grateful for the two girls who experienced this journey with me, Sara and Rachael.  I am grateful that I will have my own apartment in about a month and will make it my own space. ♥ I am grateful for all the friends that I now consider family. They bring me towards the happiest I've ever been.

May 21 2020.  Where to begin? The connection to nature through this experience is astounding. What a useful tool to practice observance, patience, and faith. The spiritual energy is strong here. I gained perspective here today. I am grateful to have experienced this with my friends and also to have an intense personal experience with myself... Trudge on, you curious minds... this world has much to give you. ♥

Thank you. Today I am grateful for life. The labyrinth represents life starting with being born and ending with death, and I was captured by the energy here. Gratitude is everything. 

I'm leaving Flagstaff soon. Flagstaff and the labyrinth have always been a safe place for me. This place had served its purpose for me. I only hope it serves others too. I hope to come back someday. - Hayley

May 23 2020. I feel connected to ancient, long-gone people who also walked labyrinths. I feel connected to nature watching the lizards dart around. I feel connected to beauty seeing the wild roses and listening to the chimes. I feel connected to Flagstaff byr the lava stones I walk through. I feel connected to Flagstaffians as I hear the traffic on Lone Tree Road and see bikers and hikers on the trail below. I feel connected to mother earth as I feel her beneath my feet. I feel connected to those individuals I hold in my heart as I walk. I feel connected to those whose hands carried and placed the rocks to build this labyrinth. With gratitude, A. N. 

May 25 2020. I saw the future. D. Lex. ☺Get lost in the labyrinth.. it works. I didn't know better than to jump the wall - L.S. 

May 28 2020. After going for a walk on the FUT with my partner, we came across the patch leading to the labyrinth. We walked to the center, enjoying the space and energy that resides here. We will revisit soon! Thank you for this space.

May 28 2020. I think I saw a fairy but I haven't slept in over 24 hours so I don't know. Cory ♥

May 28 2020. There are bones in the labyrinth and a poem about "the way." /Death has been signified, I hear the message every day. /And while my soul longs to be hear I don't know what it has to say. /But the comfort of the labyrinth reminds me that everything will be okay. 

Our journey started here and along the way we learned about ourselves and others! 

May 31 2020. I grew up in Calaveras ("the skulls") 2 streets west of here. Dead peoples' bones exhumed a few years before my birth surely influenced the neighborhood. A woman in a white flowing gown and "La Llorana" were occasionally sighted in the Rio de Flag. As NAU encrouaches on the dearly departed on its eastern border, will a high tech old age vision of age old reality emerge? - S.G.

June 2 2020. God loves tortoises. God loves unicorns. - Raven, 3 years old.

June 2 2020. Today I fell a little overwhelmed by school. Just moved to Flag, then found I got into med school in Michigan. I'll miss being able to go outside all day and enjoy beauty surrounding me. Regardless I'm grateful to be here, to be healthy, to be in nature at this moment. Day-by-day you will get through. 

June 4 2020. My heart is heavy. I will transform the heavy sorrow for COVID-19 sufferers and the violence related to the murder of George Floyd. I will make it heavy love (Mali Music). Resistance is futile. Stand on the side of love. As Mamuse sings "we shall be known by the company we keep /by the ones who circle round to tend these fires. /We shall be known as the ones who sow and reap /the seeds of change from deep within the earth. /It is time now, it is time now that we thrive. /It is time we lead ourselves into the well. /It is time now and what a time /to be alive in this great turning /we shall learn to lead in love. /In this great turning we shall learn to lead in love!"  --Amy  

June 5 2020. I wasn't expecting to come this far today, wasn't expecting to go on a hike and find this place I didn't know existed. It was nice. The farther I went in, and the more turns I took, the more things I noticed... a fallen tree in the distance, a flower at my hand slightly taller than the others. It was fun, and a nice break from the streets. 

June 5 2020. This has been a hell of a year. Very grateful to return to this spot that years ago brought me and those around me much solace. Thank you Universe, Father Sun, Mother Moon. I am grateful to introduce myself to another generation of labyrinth walkers. ♥

June 6 2020. Black lives matter. June 6 2020. Takes a good soul to appreciate the efforts. Takes a good soul to love, understand. Be a good soul. We need more. Much love. 

June 6 2020. I felt sad when I came back out - for a split moment, then a hummingbird cam to greet me. The native vegetation, the location, the birds, wind chime, signage - everything about this experience makes me grateful. Thanks to those who created and maintain this space. Especially Dr. B.  ☺

June 6 2020. Watching my dog hop from path to path as I remained on my own path to the center and back out. I am reminded that we are moving through time and space but always in the body and at the present moment. Perspectives change but the constant consciousness remains. - Juan V_

June 6 2020. Today I reflected on my want to structure and compartmentalize my life. It's more important to enjoy the ride than stress about the journey. 

June 7 2020. L Dogg appreciated the green trees and landscaping. Also disturbed by the used COVID mask in the center.  B noticed L Dogg talking a lot. And was cute. 

Three steps in I kicked a rock and broke my toes. What does this mean for me? I was pulled into the rock by my dog Karma. 

June 11 2020. I'm leaving Flagstaff soon, and the labyrinth was one of my favorite places. Close enough that I could take a lunch break, and the epitome of Flagstaff beauty. Though it is time for new adventures, Flagstaff will always hold a precious place in my heart. ♥ CH

June 12 2020. I feel so guided and loved by the universe. -- the Avatar  ♥♥♥☼

June 14 2020. I will be moving soon, this is one of my last visits here. There four years have been a blessing and the path ahead is beautiful. There is always more truth ahead of us and I'm honored to have shared in the journey of the labyrinth. 

June 16 2020. This is where I come sometimes to take Canela on walks. Canela is god's gift to the world if there is one. She loles to run the maze and eat the ants that live here. But something shady is foing on here... the gree in front of me has a santissima muerte (death statue) under it, and two skulls in the middle of the maze. I saw various keychains, a pen, a mask, keys, a deer bone, pricess Elaa... ?!? Whatever cult this is, I hail to thee! - Natalia G___

June 20 2020. I am impressed that 1/4 mile path fits in such a small space. I tried to make it metaphor but I stayed in there too long and realized it was just some well-placed rocks. not everything has to mean something. Nice trail. 

I love you. 

June 25 2020 The pandemic continues. 

June 29 2019 ♥ Love & Light. It's so hard to just enjoy the fleeting things around you: nature, joy, happiness, just being alive. This place helps me be here now and appreciate the gift of being alive. I wish to be like this all the time. - Andrea

Matt wuz here. 

July 2 2020. I'm a long time vegan, working at McDonalds. Will the karma come back to haunt me? Or will my pushing of flesh to people suffice as a sacrifice to my beloved yellow lag, Hark? Since working at McDonalds I have numbed to cooking sentient beings, but I still remember my initial shock. How do people numb themselves to cruel and painful acts? I don't know if I can keep working at McDonalds but he may have other plans.

July 2 2020. In remembrance of grandma we walk the labyrinth. Coming to it for answers, comfort, and peace. May we continue to live our lives with the strong quiet force she always had. 

Thank you. Meditating and praying at the labyrinth has brought me much peace and joy this summer. 

July 5 2020. ♥ I am at peace. While walking the labyrinth I felt many different energies... peace happiness, sadness, brokenness. Many beautiful item in the path including paper quotes, amethyst, a figurine, 2 skulls, several big rusty nails. As I stand here I can't help but imagine the labyrinth as a giant walk of life that we all follow bu experience differently. I will move away from Flagstaff in the coming weeks but knowing that special places like this exist reminds me that I will always have a home here. ☮

You wouldn't get it. -- Joker 

July 23 2020. Ace love Jeuse with all your heart.

July 24 2020. Avianna R_, Londynn R_, Tavaris O_, Vinedia R_, Dave H_, Renee H_, Melissa R_

July 25 2020, 6:24 PM. To get to your goal there may be an easy way. Get to work and go thru the path, you get to see the beauty and also the ugly but at the end you made it. ♥

July 25 2020. There is no right way. I am what I am. I am where I am. I am happy.

Thank you!! I'll come here when I'm 50. Watchu gigglin about? Zepplin. 

I am so happy. ☺

Enjoy the journey. There are plenty of lizards to see along the way. Theodora Roosevelt

Evan. Hannah (child's writing)  

Live your life to the fullest! Jeff

Sadie Lou (child's writing)

Can do . Chill. Break these shackles. For Mark, my son.

Pretty cool.

I can let myself feel! I can let go of my stress and experience true joy.

(child's writing) I love you. You love me. in four path. love Gemma. 

July 27 2020. Both me and my friend felt like the same could be accomplished in 20 seconds. Be overall loved it. - B_ R_

(early August 2020). Someone left $12 cash in the comment box for the first time since this project began in 2013. The money will go to Flagstaff Family Food Bank. 

Aug 7 2020. I think people leave stray thoughts here. As I walked the labyrinth, I wondered how many people had the exact same thoughts... "I'm so incredibly lonely" "The path to understanding is never straight." "Look! a lizard!" "These flowers are beautiful" "When will this be over? I'm tired of being alone with my thoughts." I suppose we all have these thoughts whether they happen in a labyrinth of not. Such universal feelings, such overwhelming meanign. -E.A.D. 

We are probably cursed because two of us cheated!  -Lily

I saw my reflection in the mirror. -Figs and Sparrows

24 6'4" male seeking female 20-27. PS there is more where this came from. -JM

Aug 31 2020. I hope for peace and love for all the families I serve. I hope for health and healing for myself and all the people in my life. May you also find peace, love, and healing. 

I didn't mean to fall out of love with you. The dark days still overwhelm the good. Happiness is a mindset I'm not ready for. Being sad is all I know. 

"You are hard to read" "You have to do what you say you're going to do." "She's made me depressed in this relationship." I'm obsessed with bringing myself happiness; however I have destructive habits. I don't want to explore the world right now. I enjoy living a simple risk free life full of adventure.

Sep 13 2020. This stupid pandemic tore you and me apart. It wasn't anyone's fault. That's the worst part. I was so helpless as we had to put more distance between us. I thought that one we were back here together again it would be normal, but you already made up your mind.

I worry that I am responsible for my clients but they are not my problem. I'm sad that I can't always fix the hurt that is in this world. 

To: People of Flagstaff. From: a girl that is 8 years old. Please pray that the virus will go away and pray that my tics will go away and help the doctors can do the best they can to help people not be scared. "I did not give you a spirit of fear." Timothy 2. 

On my shirt is BarB the rock troll.  

Austin was here on this fine morning of the 4th day of October in this awful year but it hasn't been all bad. I hope yours hasn't been all bad either!

Oct 4 2020. Always stay strong. You have already made it his far. You are amazing.  You are loved! 

Ashlyn & Elijah took a surprise wale here after eating McDonalds. Pretty sure I need to puke. Also I am wearing boots with heels, but I'm having fun I promise. 

Oct 8 2020. I live whoever is reading this. Your light and presence is unique and divine in its own way. Never give up. Aidan. 

Oct 8 2020, Helen and Rachel V_, Chicago

Oct 9 2020. You are loved and meant to be here. You are important on this planet. 

Oct 10 2020, Justin P_. Come up here often from Tucson to visit family and this is always a place for me to realign. Thank you. 

Oct 10 2020. I come here whenever I visit Flagstaff and family. Most times I'm in good health and spirits and today is such a day. I don't believe in tragedy without comedy in balance, You can suffer in life or laugh about your faults and change for the better. We don't need sadness or hate to consume us, but strong feelings help us see the best in life. I love you even if you are not here today, I will see you the future. Lates. Justin Paul aka gaap66

Oct 10 2020. Dream come ture. Happy family big house all together and everyone will have super powers. Godzilla will be real, Giving and having a good time.   

Oct 12 2020. The universe put this labyrinth in my path just when I needed it. It's humbling to know I am on the outward ring of my journey.  The center is my reflection point - peace. I have seen the road ahead because I have taken it before. I will take comfort in the twists and turns. -TD

Oct 13 2020. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:  a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;  a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;  a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;  a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;  a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;  a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. 

Oct 13 2020. Visiting Flagstaff and came across this. really cool. Olivia S.  and tour guide Gillian F.  

Oct 14 2020 Alejandra B_, Isabella Z_. Where the mind goes, energy flows. If you're reading this, keep pushing, you got this. 

Oct 15 2020. If you are reading this you are right where you need to be! Olivia Q. ♥

Beth V. ☺Everything happens for a reason, but you can be the reason things happen. 

Oct 14 2020. During such a difficult time in our country, I find peace here. Peace I haven't felt in many months. Beautiful experience. 

♥ ☮

Oct 17 2020. North District Narwhals @ NAU. Peyton, Tailynn, Bailey, Sophie ♥

Oct 18 2020. Having fun visiting my bff in Flagstaff. Love it here! Have a great day. ♥ - Katie C.   Love having my bff here! - GF

Oct 19 2020. Catlin & Ezekiel. Keep your mind open. 

 Z-dawg, G-dawg, and Stella the human were here. ☺

Oct 20 2020. Dear Mother Nature. I and my baby sitter really respect you and we wish everyone did. I hope you can stay alive after people almost destroyed you. I love your beauty and peacefulness, and they cannot be more obvious than they are here. Yours truly, Evangelina Ledila J___

Oct 24 2020. Become a great artist and own many hermit crabs. 

What did the 5 fingers say to the face? ☺

I want to find peace, happiness and love. I want my family to be healthy, happy, and successful.

Oct 28 2020. Nature is nice and so are you. 

Nov 4 2020. Grateful for family, friendship & opportunity. To walk this labyrinth and express these feelings is a blessing.  Life is good. Aloha, Alicia

Nov 6 2020. Once again JPZ is up in Flagstaff. Went to Grand Canyon and picked pinyons and reset my spiritual battery. Had some hardships but today is one of the best mornings I've had because I've gained insight to what I need to do to be at peace. Righty-o "JPZ"

Nov 6 2020. Might be Nov 7. Oh well. Anyhow, much love to those who have passed this year and those that need love in their souls and hearts. I love you all... 

Nov 7 2020. One day, everything will be OK, You're on the right patch. Biden won the election today. Take your time. Alden

Nov 9 2020. I like to walk while I think. Regular meditation doesn't always help me. The rock border allows me to simply walk a guided path and concentrate on other things and not worry about where I'm going. 

Nov 9 2020. I think I will come here more often. This really hit the spot. 

11. Dear self, I know you are anxious and traveling through tricky divets in the mind but I assure you you are amazing. I promise you will gain what you seek and more. Your perserverence and strength is great. You have faith from everyone around you, and more importantly from yourself. You have such great powers that have he to surface, and when they do, know that you deserve every gift. 

Nov 13 2020. "They were a season, not a lifetime." -Mya Gentry. Everything happens for a reason. God is pushing you to be the best you can be.  

Nov 13 2020. It is what it is. - Ray

May healing and prosperity come to those who come here. 

Nov 13, 2020. Whatever you are going through right now, you are beautiful. Even if you don't feel it, your aura says so. I am rooting for you and your journey. - Blanca T_

Nov 14 2020. I don't know where I am or how I got here. But I was meant to be here. I am alone, I am quiet. I am not afraid. I have never seen a labyrinth before, but here I am. I hope peace may one day find me again. I hope it my find me here.     Thank you.

Nov 14 2020. This too shall pass. Feel the love of the earth surround you and bask in it. We need you. 

My muse is unraveling. I feel present, happy, and attentive. I wish you good health. 

Nov 14 2020. Found on a whim, really glad I did. In 3 words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life. IT GOES ON...  I hope you find peace again. This might be a start. Audrey ♥

It does get better. -Grace. 

You are enough. - Sam S_

Remember to breathe and feel the sunshine on your skin. ☺Isabella S_

Nov 20 2020. I leave and find a part of myself everytime I'm here. Today, I left anonymity. I succumbed to the terror of life that is being known. I found pain. Repressed pain. A pain I had not let myself feel yet. I entered a part of myself I had not yet explored. I have not felt this before. I hope not to feel it again. xx Rose 

Nov 20 2020. Momento mori. love is everywhere. ♥ - Sophie

"Home to people like me is not a place, but all places. All places except the one we happen to be in." Anthony Burgess.   

Nov 21 2020. Self reflection is always OK! 

Be a bigger person than you were yesterday! -RT

Nov 23 2020. "If I don't do it, I can't fail" - My brain, constantly. Came to clear my mind. I always find peace here. ♥

Nov 23, 2020. Someone I care about took me to this spot in a time of sadness and stress. As I walked through the labyrinth I thought about how lucky I am to have her in my life. I would do anything to return the favor. Someday I like to think I will be able to do so. Thank you for the insight and clarity on what really matters in my life. 

Nov 23, 2020. Sometimes even when everything else falls away, a few simple things remain. Nature. Music. Simplicity. Sometimes people are just a distraction. 

Thanksgiving 2020. Isabel and Aurelia Y_. 

Nov 28 2020 Be your own sign ♥

Yay! Hardest labyrinth I've ever done. 

Dec 15 2020. You are always better than you were yesterday and that's enough. - twitter astronomer Adam. 

Skywalker was here. Life hits but it's nothing you can't get back up from. - Diego V M_ 

Dec 5 2020. Marisol and Demitrio ♥ Sister in law told us about it. amazing.

I'm free finally. empowered. ☺ Also high. 

Dec 8 2020. Be kind to those around you and to yourself. Look forward to the little moments and love deeply. 

Dec 8, 2020. Take every moment with a happy heart and savor every breath you take, and every moment of life. These and the labyrinth are special. Walk the path with those you love.  Troy, I love you. -Ella

Live life like today is your last day on earth. If you laugh, laugh deeply. If you eat, eat like it's your last meal. Enjoy every moment. - Ella & Troy ♥

my love / your love /our love /love. you are not alone. I see your suffering. I feel your pain. It will not always be this way. Know this. - Sandy

Dec 19 2020/ I will overcome all obstacles. I am brave. I am kind. I am strong. I am whole with the universe. I love myself and others around me. I will stop doubting my self-worth. Savannah ♥

Dec 19, 2020. I surround myself with a bright light of protection. I am going to be OK. The people around me love me and I love them. I'm going to be OK. I will continue to grow. I am not done growing. I am blooming. - Flora Bloom

Dec 20 2020. Hello. We did the trail together, one person behind with eyes closed, switched at the center. Thanks for the adventure. - Some cute gays. 

Take your time! - Alix, Cody, Mellow

Being gay in public is more top secret than I thought. Time slows down in the labyrinth.

Dec 25, 2020. There's a beautiful stillness and calm special to Flagstaff that I hope is preserved thru all the expansion and building. On this day (Christmas) while I am missing the snow and biting cold, this opportunity has undiminished spirituality. I have finally the peace within to let go of the burdens I've acquired over a few years in my current residence, and I think I'm ready to move on to my next adventure. Thank you for letting me experience this place. 

Jan 1, 2021. 2020 was not the best year. May people died, many families broken. For 2021 I hope for happiness, love, and financial stability. Many people may be left in 2020 but I wish love and light for everybody no matter what life has thrown at them. 2021 is our year, it's going to be better. ♥  Love, freedom, wealth and happiness! 

Jan 1, 2021. hope for a better year. 2020 was not the year for everyone. Reflecting about what I have done good and bad, wishing for a better me, work on me, care for me, and most important love myself ♥ and  be forgiving to everyone who hurt me. 

Jan 1, 2021. I have not been here in a while. I forgot how fun and amazing it is. I also forgot about all the great memories here. I am glad I am back. - Autumn, 4th grade

Jan 1, 2021. I remember walking this labyrinth with my now almost 1-yr-old daughter strapped to my front in a baby carrier. So much has happened since then. So many joys and beautiful memories. And sorrows too. I'm thankful that a place such as this exists. I's so glad to walk it with my daughter who suggested we come here on New Year's Day 2021. ♥ with love and gratitude ♥

Jan 1, 2021. This year has been a tough one. But even through the trials and tribulations, I've had a great year. Graduated, got close to my family, and wen to the Army. If life got you low, just take one step, and once you do, you'll want to take another. Don't give up! 

Jan 6, 2021. Holy! Holy! Holy! Where the ordinary meets the sacred. Thank you. - Stacey W_

Jan 9, 2021. Art is unnecessary, but so is seasoning. Art is involuntary, as is breathing. Art is seeking, finding, delivering, expelling. Art is community and solitude, a blanket and a breeze. Art is nourishment and starvation. Art is an upload and a download raging quietly, for all an none to hear. Art asks nothing of you and requires nothing. Art is fury. Art is joy.  

Jan 10, 2021. What's the purpose of having a partner or companion? What is added to life that one can't achieve alone? What is it about the human experience that wants/needs to be shared? How much is instinctual and fundamentally natural about that need and how much is indoctrinated or learned thru lived experience? The more I learn about myself, the more I realize how much our perspective is a choice. What we tell ourselves shapes our understanding and manipulates our experience of life! 

Sometimes you just gotta give up and it just be like that. 

It is nice to see such a beautiful view when the world we are living in can be so ugly.  The melting snow is creating something new and beautiful. 

Tried manifestation. hopefully it works. ♥  Happy 2021. ∞

14 Feb 2021   Came from Colorado, wife, husband, 2 dogs. Happiness is better when shared. Enjoy existing, be mindful, soak in the love, and don't be cruel. -- Scally crew II

When I was a boy, my fate was certain. I had to become a pickle. I never understood why this became my fate, but such it was. Nah but I really do want to be a pickle. I don't think my dad gave me love as an infant. If you are interested in my work, call me today at Joe's Barbeque and foot massage.   

Forgive yourself. We on drugs, Thank you, I love you. Beautiful words she wrote.

This was hard! I liked it. Could be taller, like a corn maze.

24 feb 2021. Life's good, sun is shining, good people all around, no complaints.

Peaceful and fun! When I saw footsteps I pictured others walking and felt like I made friends. Loved the center. Will definitely return to meditate. 

10 March 2021. Life is what you make of it. We are shaped by the good and bad moments. When we laugh and cry, and all the big and small moments.  Life is beautiful and messy. I want to focus on staying present and enjoying all of it. I want to let go of negative energy. I am free and this is my life. I will attract things that are good for me and release the rest. Let's live a lot. We only got one life, so we must make it count. Don't sweat the small stuff.

16 March 2021. Just like a labyrinth, there's only one way into life and one way out. All you can do is walk as purposefully as possible between the two. The hard part is letting go of what the experience "should be."  Thank you for the safe space you've created here. - Mary. 

Be happy where you are, stop seeking better and live in the moment. Don't live for tomorrow because it might never come. Never stop challenging yourself to be the best version of you. 

25 March 2021. 4:55 PM. The world is kind of ending be we're doing alright. Mica M_, Madison R_. 

28 March 2021. Hi I'm Emily, I'm 21 and I need to pee.

28 March 2021, Saturday. ACE VSP. Spicy Mary HDD, Possibly Tan H_, Christus, Embers.  I can't believe you can sit for 0.05 seconds and relieve yourself. This is just a lower-grade savers. 

28 March 2021. Who knew there could be so much in the forest, makes me happy and excited and relieved. 

Came to Flagstaff for the first time, it's pretty.

31 March 2021. I wish people would stop putting things in the center of the labyrinth. It is trash. Stop littering ! If I was going to make a movie, it'd be called "wAck." 

31 March 2021. People ask me what I'm smiling about... Probably because I've never felt this high before. For one in my life I feel free of the mental manacles that once held me.  Everything is new, the sights, smells, and sounds. It felt like I was in a game and any decision could be done over. But now life is more like a book - thought out, methodical, and often a bit of a bore just before the good parts... better keep reading. It will be interesting to see this chapter unfold. 

4 April 2021. Wow I don't know who I am, which parts of myself to connect with and which to reject. But do I need to know? So I just keep looking forward and doing  my best, but I can't shake the feeling that I need to resolve something inside me.  I salute those who can manage the demands of the world and the complexity of the human brain.  - DTTT

 10 April 2021. In the last 2 weeks I have hugged 3 different friends (outside my household). My first outside hugs in a year. Ahhh... 

Mushrooms are good. Life is god.

15 April 2021. Dear family, be happy and be so kind to other people. Love, Raven (4 years old)

17 April 2021, 544PM.  While walking the maze I felt I was going in circles. I thought I'd never get to the center. But to be honest, to have life is to take small steps toward success. Sometimes you want to give up and sometime you feel you are in one place. Never give up. One day you will be at your success. Jocelyn R_  

17 April 2021. This is a reflection by 2 visitors. At first glance, this looked small and quick. After some time we realize this was longer than we had expected. Mind was empty but felt full by the end. We were shocked that no one else was here. Although a road is nearby, it was very peaceful. We wonder how many people have passed thru this labyrinth. --Andrea R. and Fernando D.

21 April 2021. I am so grateful to be in a place where I'm always discovering. It never ends in Flag. ☺  - Abby

22 April. Very cool. I had 3 cheaters with me, but I enjoyed! 

It was really calming and therapeutic. I never knew when it sould end, but I pushed through. --Bianca R_

Walking the labyrinth gave me peace. I can breathe and allow myself to be in the moment.  Something ancient, hard-wired in the human brain, taps into something deeply spiritual in the spiral shape. Thanks to those who had the wisdom to build this for our community, to those who maintain it, and to those who enjoy it. --Gary L_

30 April 2021. Fresh air on the skin /like water to the lips /All of us see the same /Yet interpret different. /Look outward and you will see inward. Look deep enough, and you will see it within you, too! Life is a sweet symphony these days, I am learning to love myself, and this path I am on. I am grateful for the people surrounding me.  I remember to breathe and listen to the birds... Peace and love to all!  (I love the springtime). 

2 May 2021. Graduation done. Family together now. Happy times ahead. - Sarah, David, Beth, Bekah ☼ Thank you. 

9 May. Came with 3 generations of strong women for mothers' day. Love the time and thought this area offered. ☺

10 May 2021. I found myself thinking of the wonders everyone knows but has never seen, wonders like magic, creatures of myth, fantastical journeys. While everyone knows these as fiction, all myth comes from somewhere. Stories of fantasy ring with truth. And this small reminder keeps wonder alive.

Some people (like my brother S) have no respect for the tranquility other people feel here. But yet, they always leave in a better mood than when they came.  

Don't rape women. Help your friends. Take care of each other. Love one another. Protect one another. Leave the people who hurt you. Sometimes loving someone causes harm. Listen to the sighs your body makes when something isn't right. Love yourself the way you want to be loved. I care for you the way you care for others. Hold yourself up. ♥

Just because you fail does not mean you should end your life. You are better than that. You are worth more than that. Death is not the answer. xoxo

15 May 2021. The windchime at the labyrinth has been repaired... how wonderful to hear so many tones again. What a fine day. Life is good.

15 May 2021. Beautiful, magical, serene experience. I just graduated from NAU. I love Flag and will neve forget memories like this. ♥ 

15May 2021. I first came here about 3 years ago for a class at NAU and I've found myself beautifully stunned and silenced by the the labyrinth's energies time and time again. In the past I've come for peace & clarity but today I came for the anniversary of my relationship and it left me feeling more love than I thought possible.  And our Baby Yoda was adorable in it. ♥ 

Grogu like ♥ 

18 May 2021. There's always a road forward. Even if you don't know the destination. But you don't have to take a pre-made path... you could be like the lizard scurrying from rock to rock, or to a new unknown. But no matter what you do, there will be tight places... don't give up! There is always something to look forward to. Keep pressing forward. Even if the narrow road is huddled by boxing trees or a dark crevice beneath the greatest rock, just keep pressing forward. You'll find something good along the way. 

18 May 2021. Today was a good day because I got to hand out with my friend. We haven't done much together because of the pandemic so today was nice. I will miss her when she goes to Cali. But everything happens for a reason. Today made me happy and I hope summer is similar to today. 

22 May 2021. Didn't ever plan on being here, but somehow here I am. That has to mean something, and that is all I need to keep on this righteous path. 

22 May 2021. I'm grateful for the tears flowing down my face. It means I am alive. What better gift? Thank you Flagstaff for everything you brought into my life. I will miss you... But until then, stay Weird! 

These fungi are sure fun guys.  

23 May 2021. Happened upon this and it was a fun surprise. 1 Samuel 16:7. - Colemans

Hi! My name is Cora and I have a little bid of a cold. I am having a drippy nose right now. I also love mermaids and the color blue and I hate pink and unicorns (mermaids are cooler). I'm a girl and I hate pink. 

25 May 2021. I've been feeling off today, probably because I got zero sleep last night. But my brain fell into a place that I don't like and thought was no longer part of me. It makes me anxious that people may see it an abandon me, but I think I've abandoned myself. From this point on, I will work to get her bac and never let her go. She deserves love and liberation. I deserve love and liberation.  

Blessing for earth-healers. – Starhawk

Each spot on the maze felt like a new type of emotion. Passing it felt nostalgic and at the same time felt brand new.

I was very depressed today, had to leave work. Chose to hike here and relax. Think. I feel at peace. Thank you. – The Wolf

1 June 2021. I am very appreciative of nature and the vastness of its beauty! I pray for protection and safety for me and my family. Thank you, thank nature, and thank god for this experience. ♥

1 June 2021. We got bored.

June 2 2021. Scary from the cliff. Fun and cool. I had so much fun. But I saw the lizards and got a little startled. – Tahlia N_

June 2 2021. I pray that I always walk steadfast in my path, even when I do not know the way. I pray that mother Earth direct my steps as I move through life’s uncertainties. – Rochelle ♥

I want to let go of my depression and anxiety. To live free.

Let go of school because it is summer. Also let go of mean people.

4 June 2021. This place is important to me, but words of the visitors gives the place meaning. There is something very human about this labyrinth, and also very Flagstaff. What a beautiful place indeed! It’s beginning to rain – what a beautiful thing. I leave Flagstaff behind today but will return soon enough. Life cares for us all. Stop. Listen to your breath. Inhale. Exhale. Hear that sound? It’s all we have. (peace). And ♥ Flagstaff.

4 June 2021. 3:12 PM. Glad to leave work today because my depression got the best of me. I’ll be OK. And so will you. Nature and time heal all. I love the smell or rain. Remember! Keep on keeping on. ♥ You can do this. You got this. And so do I. – The Wolf

4 June 2021. So happy to celebrate a return to Flagstaff. So much love, power, and beauty. You have the power to find beauty every day. – Jorge

I lived here 2 year ago and never found this place… so glad someone showed me. Something about this labyrinth helped me feel better, let go of my worry, and be in the present moment. – Lauren.

5 June 2021. What a wonderful place – both this labyrinth and Flagstaff. We just moved here in November 2020 to escape Los Angeles. We are so much happier here. Can’t wait for the infinite adventures Flagstaff holds. I feel blessed we can work from anywhere. Kim. PS. Read “Rich Dad”. Poor dad.

6 June 2021. Tyler, Ali, and baby Jack

6 June 2021. Kylie H. I just read all these notes and I agree this place does something to you. I came to the woods wondering what I want in life, and never did I think he likes me too. Whoever is out there, Happy birthday, I hope you get that degree, I hope that baby comes out adorable, and you (most important) find what you are looking for. Honey we are all to fine to fish. But I found exactly what I want. ♥

6 June 2021. This is my fifth visit to the labyrinth. I invited a cute girl I met a few times. We walked here with drinks and she was wearing a bikini bottom. We shared our first kiss, and at the center we shared that we like each other. S. W_

6 June 2021. There is beauty and value in every moment. Halleluja. Jake H_.

Enjoy and love all that there is. You never know when your last will be. – Tom

7 June 2021. I went into the woods to live deliberately… and not, when I come to die, discover that I had not lived. – Thoreau

7 June 2021. Been coming here for two years now and it’s crazy to think about. I’ve seen this labyrinth in all seasons and colors. I’ve seen many treasures and letters left behind. This has always been my place since the first week of school, and always will be.- AH

8 June 2021. We come here with our pup to rid ourselves of stress. We do the labyrinth when we need to feel. A chapter recently closed for us (graduation) and this is a good place to start again. – J&J

8 June 2021. My best friend brought me here, and I must say she is a wonderful friend. I don’t know what to do with my life anymore. Ever since I was little, I thought I wasn’t made for this world, and this world is better off without me. I still think that. I made many mistakes, like kissing the wrong, getting drunk all the time, and smoking to get rid of pain, but nothing works. At this point I don’t know what to live for.

9 June 2021. Commenting on the last note: I have been experiencing similar feelings as you for 3 years. Recently I realized I want to live for myself and get better. It took a long time, after smoking too much dope, and isolating myself from friends and family. I thought I’d never get to this point of wanting to get better…. I want you to know: you are not alone. Life is hard.  I made may mistakes. Forgive yourself. You are loved and worthy of love, you deserve happiness… this is possible. Don’t give up on yourself. Things will get better. Meanwhile do things that make you happy. Find people who support you. Go on more walks, breathe in the fresh air. Buy the coffee and cute outfits, pet dogs, find a hobby. You can do this. I accept you as you are. Your friend Jackie

Boo! Too easy. I won’t do this again.

9 June 2021. I live near this labyrinth but haven’t been here in quite some time. Nature cures everything. Everything will be OK. – Amor Fati, Kevin.

9 June 2021. To the people who brought the singing bowl: we liked it. We are spiritual. Perhaps we will meet here again. – Jackie.

10 June 2021. The way it is. By William Stafford. There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder what you are pursuing. You have to explain the thread, but it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen, people get hurt and die, and you suffer and get old. Nothing stops time’s unfolding. Don’t let go of the thread.

12 June 2021, 8:21 PM. To all who ponder. I have found many paths in different locations, many outcomes in life, light, relationships, push and pull, unique individuals in the most karma-driven directions. I am thankful for every unique conversation and every savagely sensational person I have ever encountered. -Doughnificent.

11 June. (child’s writing) Hi my name is Letavion. What I learned is never cheat, and never give up.

This was sooo boring. It’s long and there are no split ends! – anne M

11 June 2021. Alexis. 20 years. Step out of your comfort zone – it will surprise you! God is love. Encourage those around you to step out of their comfort zone.

I’m 5 days away from leaving Flagstaff. I reflect on past mistakes and leave them here. I leave a load of my pain and grief here. As I move on, lighter, a better person because of my time here.

My last thing is to let go of being tired, stressed, fat, ugly…

10 June 2021. This place is MAGICAL. I hope all that come here find the love and peace crackling through the air here, and the countless stories this labyrinth hides. This made my day. Another hidden treasure in Flagstaff.

11 June 2021. I feel happy to be here. Everything is opening to me. I feel lucky, content. I also wish my friend a happy birthday. I love you bro. Xoxo gigi.

11June 2021. ♥ ♥ Today is going to be a great day, not only for me, but for you as well! Much love ♥. Abby. J

11 June 2021. is scheduled to go live on September 29. Love is answer. Mark your calendar. – Silvio.

11 June 2021, 6:59PM. Teach my heart where and how to see you, and how to find you. You have given me all good things I possess but I still don’t know you. Let me love you when I find you. You know who you are.

11 June 2021. 7:30 PM. Labyrinth, I walk you close to summer. My footprints were left in the snow in January. These ancient lava rocks fortify the path, and absorb and radiate the energy from all who share this quiet journey. Time to reflect and genuflect to this sustaining place we hold sacred. Namaste. Soraya.

13 June 2021. “The wise man lets his heart overflow, but keeps silent his mouth” -Thoth. David L_

Sunday 13 June 2021, 5:29PM. And blood-black nothingness began to spin. A system of cells interlinked with cell interlined in one stem. A dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall while fountain played. You know who you are.

13 June 2021. Today I walk the labyrinth in silent contemplation to mourn my patients who were too sick and injured to make it through. Sasha (dog), 11 years, hit by car. Lily the cat, attacked by coyote, dog Sophie cancer, dog Lovey cancer, dog Sydney cancer. Last month I walked the labyrinth in silent contemplation for my aunt Rina who finally went to sleep to escape her cancer.

14 June 2021. Today I walk a righteous path, but often I am mis-directed. The trail is bright and clear, back and forth in the breeze I say the sadness will subside. Look for my best self. There is a way. I catch myself asking Why? On my birthday 11 day ago I nearly tumbled off a cliff; my friend put aside their safety, reached out, and I realized that friends and strangers all have light inside. I am grateful to be alive and have this chance.

18 June 2021. Black wolf running through time… an echo howling from a past long long ago… but is now one with this self and all. Black wolf was here in these woods.

18 June 2021. Black Wolf Templar.  I came from the east to Arizona for a new start… a spiritual journey to be one with this sacred land and heavens… so small in a world so big… It’s been a long journey but I am finally healing. It’s so peaceful here. The biggest thing I’m guilty of is kicking myself in the face. Biggest challenge is loving myself. In the end we are all stardust. May people see all the wonderful things in Flagstaff. I will descend to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and be one with Mother Earth.

19 June 2021.  SA + YD ♥  It is never too late to make a meaningful change in your life. J Also, Hi BlackWolf. Good luck! Find Peace! – YD

20 June 2021. I have been so focused on the future lately, it stresses me out and brings me tears. I am finding more ways to be present. Good luck to myself and everyone else.

20 June 2021. Open yourself up to the light. The adventure will be worth it. There will be ups and downs but do not worry, it’s all part of the journey. – Tom B.

20 June 2021. Today is Fathers Day. It has been 4 years since my father passed on. Every year I still write him a card and visit his grave. Even though it has been so long I feel my connection has never wavered. Love transcends time and space. While his loss was heart-breaking I feel love and gratitude. Love is energy and energy never dies. – Jake H_

21 June 2021. Today makes 21 days of living in another’s body… all I see is demons lurking behind every corner and tree. Ceremony didn’t work, we will try to summon more demons tomorrow.

Dying to Live #23. It’s been 2 years since I was last here. It’s strange to be back. I love this place with all my heart. I beat my heroin habit here and learned to live again. We became real. I know myself. I’ve become the magic I was destined to be. Know this. Magic only works for the benefit of the world around us. Submit to a life of service and you’ll know abundance. To be self-serving and shitty you’ll get it back. Meet on the square and leave on the level. So may it be. – Tyler W Kimball

Goey men found. Amen. JK & DD

Alexander P_ stopped here June 26 2021

26 June 2021. Every day is a new adventure and only you have the power to choose the path you’ll take. Love & light to all! Be bold and fearless. – V

27 June 2021. Today we had a lovely date. It’s been a stressful week but I’m so grateful for her. She is light in my life and I appreciate her more than anything. I love her and she helps my love myself. – Gabby ♥

27 June 2021. This week has been difficult for me and my partner. We have stayed positive and held each other through it and I now know for a fact that this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I feel at peace with her here and anywhere else as long as she is by my side. The world is scary but bearable with her. – Lauren


30 June 2021. The blue martini. I have hurt her again. More days pass while enemies twist words that my last loved one believed. Words that never left my mouth. Two lovers... to enemies, to best-friends, to pain. I hurt the one I love always. I don’t think I will let this go, but I can keep distance for OUR healths. Someday I hope you read this to know I am with you in your corner. But 10 days in MXC, too much for anyone. To my favorite Too. Hopes and twin flame wishes to friendship. Signed, Rentarov.

Every rock, like every face, tells a story. And both show through their weathering. 

Dear strangers, I don' t know what to write about other than honestly live your life according to you and what makes you happy. I've been going thru  a lot recently, trying to change myself to make others happy and it exhausting. Writing in the rain right here is oddly comforting, so thanks to whoever built this. Y'all make my heart happy. - Stranger

14 July 2021. Feeling good today! Took my friend to my favorite little spot here (this labyrinth) and she seems to be enjoying it. The rain today adds to the peace. I feel relaxed and at ease for once. I'm so glad my friend is here today. she's made me and my summer a lot happier and fun. I'll miss her once I leave town in the fall. Best. 

18 July 2021. I am here. Sometimes that's all that matters. I am here. You are here. And today I am with you the love of my life. I don't know what the years will bring, but I can't wait to experience them with you. I hope we never lose this love, and that we only grow it stronger. 

21 July 2021. There's something terrifying about not knowing where you're going. You know you'll get there, but still knowing that something waits for you at the end. 

I have a place in the universe. I just haven't found it yet. And I refuse to give all my time to others, I will instead use my time to find alive out my purpose. A little bit of space is healthy.

The labyrinth made me have to poo. 

Let go of labels, they don't own you. You own the labels you give yourself. Cultivate your authentic self and anyone who doesn't like it - you don't have to interact with them. 

Love and forgive. Yes, again. 

I want to let go of the weight of Pleasing people and doing things for other people, putting on a facade that I'm OK when I'm not. I need to let go of always being joyful. It's time to embrace every emotion and be me! 

I love you, friends.

I moved to Flagstaff to start over. I've been on many journeys. This is the happiest for far. I think I love a girl... I'm sober now. This place is beautiful. I will come here often to meditate. - Jake. 

Odd my snap silent blur. I'm 22, always trippy hippy happy.

Welcome home. 

6 August 2021. The labyrinth was really cool. It made me appreciate nature more. And my boyfriend. ♥ - Irving and Adela

15 August 2021. Beautiful reflections in a beautiful place - a chance to connect to my new home. (Please do not leave trash here). 

(child's scribbling with adult comment:) Translation: I miss you, granddad. 

This was such a cute location! We want to return with others to share the beauty of this place. We might plan a group activity where we leave small painted rocks in the middle for others to take. I hope this continues to prosper as the years go on, and thank you to whoever created this! Love, Jerrica 

Distractions and worries do nothing but distract from the beauty and blessings in front of you. Let that sh** go!  You are on the right path - forever and always. - 222 

21 Aug 2021. Respect others. KSC 

25 Aug 2021. peace & love & happiness

Take a moment. Close your eyes. Feel the sun shining on you. Feel the breeze. Listen to the birds and bugs. Fully feel every sense of your body. you are fully experiencing the moment. You are one with all. Peace & blessings. ♥ ॐ

Late August. What's up?  This is a good walk for All. 

28 August 2021. I dropped my girlfriend off at the airport today. I miss her dearly. She will be gone about 12 weeks on eschange to Costa Rica. I will count down the 87 days until I see her. Sadly I don't have anything to leave at the center. Maybe she and I will come back later. 

28 August 2021 I took the path. It was longer than I expected. I got two bug bites. 

I love you all. See you. ☺  I love myself and all

1 September 2021. There was a bug chirping loudly throughout my walk thru the labyrinth. At one moment I realized the noise was coming from the center. As I kept walking, I felt close to the bug. I sat down in the center and listened to it. 

After this walk I felt maybe life is worth living an extra day. 

2 September 2021. I think this structure was interesting. 

5 September 2021. I don't live in Flagstaff any more, just visiting a friend for the weekend but I was adamant that the labyrinth had to be part of our steps around town. It always brought me such peace during a turbulent period of my life. Thank you to the wind and the rocks and whoever built this space. When I walk the labyrinth, I recognize many plants by name, and it feels like old friends are here to greet me. I love the labyrinth. ☺ ♥ 

5 Sept 2021. Plants need to be trimmed but it is amazing~ 1/4 mile! -CM

6 Sept 2021. I came here before and its been something creative to do in Flagstaff. This time I came with my dog and boyfriend. It's nice to see the sun and flowers surrounded by rocks. 

This is my first time here. I've known it was here for a year. Very interesting. I enjoyed the realigned path at the wind chime. 

I think each rock in the labyrinth is one dead person. It's just what I think.

6 Sept 2021 I do not have much other than thoughts about how beautiful Flagstaff is. IT has the ability to put you in a trance. ♥ 

Bob Ross painting in real life. Come at the right time and the sun blends perfect thru the trees. Go outside! Enjoy nature!  

10 Sep 2021. It was fun & interesting. The flowers and weeds were a nice touch.

Family. Connections. Peace - inner peace. Breathing. Acceptance. Allowing. Being.

Arlo and Erez - M&D

11 Sep 2021. Very beautiful. Not sure I felt anything spiritual, but this was a very pretty work of art.

11 Sep 2021. Life is short so live it for you. No one else should direct or correct your life. Love you all.  - Jeremy C

28 Sep 2021, 5:51 PM. Thought it would rain today, but it didn't! Just cloudy and cold. We tried to discover a new trail, and heard screams... Dutch and Sushi joined us! C is doing midterm art project on today's adventure. A is having a great day. B = head empty, no thoughts. C needs to pee - seek medical attention. D feels full of adventures.  

23 October 2021. After walking this maze, I had an epiphany about my ex-best-friend and my husband. They have been screwing around behind my back. Now I going to set his closthes on fire and tell her boyfriend.

27 October 2021. The only reason for me to come to Flagstaff was to walk through this labyrinth. Thank you. ♥ It brought clarity to me. You are Beautiful, Brave, and Bright! Aloha and Mahalo ♥ Bless us all ♥ I feel gratitude.

30 October 2021. Walking the labyrinth is reflecting on the path of life. I started out curious and unable to focus on  any one thing - excited by everything around me. I got quiet. I had to take a picture of everything. Then I slowed down, focusing on what was directly in front of me. Walking the labyrinth allows me to feel different emotions, curiosity, hurry, slowing down, boredom, not wanting it to end. Sometimes I feel I already been in this place and I wonder if I'm going in circles. Once in the center, I trust the path even when I don't know where I am and how much further I have to go to make my way back out. 

1 November 2021. The labyrinth is one of Flagstaff's best kept secrets. I find inner peace here. ♥ Very well maintained. Thank you for the magic. ♥ ☺ 

4 Nov 2021. I am falling for this dumb !@#$% - and there is nothing I can do about it!

You brought me to this labyrinth once. This time I came alone, to think about what my life would be if I set out on my own. I took one step after the next on this path of stones. I thought about my years with you and how time has flown. Although we've been together for years, I now feel so alone.... At the labyrinth today, I came to see that I am already on my own... 

5 Nov 2021. Melissa, George, and baby George (4 weeks old) visited on a fine autumn day. 

Tammy I am so sorry for how I hurt you. But I need to let you go now. Thank you for everything. Love, KG

29 Nov 2021. Today during my path in & out, I was with my partner and we were able to reflect and remember what our love is and why we appreciate and need each other. It has been a whirlwind of emotions for us for the last month and I am grateful we found serenity on our reflective walk in the labyrinth. 

29 Nov 2021. My partner and I have gone thru a lot this last month and decided to go for a walk. Our walk led us right here to the labyrinth where we walked to the center and thought about ourselves and how we love each other. I will always be there for my partner, and I learned how to do that today. 

30 Nov 2021. I only recently discovered the power of labyrinths from my mother-in-law. I am so grateful to have this in our community. Before I started my walk today, I asked "How can I become a happier person?" As I walked I learned "Let go. Stop trying to control everything." this was hard to hear but I know it will do me good. As I looked up I saw a windchime with "222" written on it. 22 is my lucky number, and 222 is an angel number for positive change and new beginnings. - Avonlea

2 Dec 2021. A lot has happened in the last year,  Dad's in jail, Mom is abusive and manipulative, but hey at least my family is still alive. I am grateful that they taught me how blind I was, and not every experience is the same. I like some people and don't like others but when it comes to C I have no idea. I like having sex with him but I don't know... I come here every morning with my dog Rowdi. We love the labyrinth. He's getting good off leash. I did mushrooms the other day; I wish I had gone outside instead of listening to Jesse. I'm mad at myself for not standing up.   Some a-hole kids just threw ketchup over the labyrinth signs - they won't realize how sacred a place can be until their minds grow. - KG

3 Dec 2021.  Tommy, thinking about what we could have had makes my face warm. You could have loved me, but you didn't even know me when we had a young fling on that rainy day. I should've known it was you, and I'm sorry I robbed you of a more intimate first. You might hate me for that. I will happily say I loved you. I couldn't admit to myself what I felt for you until it was too late. You were also dealing with me at start of life-changing trauma. I needed to find myself. Yeah, I slept with a lot of people, but that was then. I wish you could see me now. I wonder how you would react.   

gotta stay hydrated

8 January 2022. The highlights of 2021? visiting Flagstaff. good health. a family filled with love! I put snow for a glittery decoration. with love and peace K2RJ

10 January 2022. You can't change how people are. you can only change how you react to them. 

Know where.

14 Feb 2022. The labyrinth came as a surprise as we took our senior dog on a walk. We walked the labyrinth and at the end I needed to pee and he needed to sleep. Overall, a cool place to b, and brings what you need I guess. -Charlize & Griffin & Chubs

18 Feb 2022. Came from Tempe AZ. 21-year-old girl just trying to find my path by continuing my journey... there's a long way till I succeed but I will leave my mark. Today was fun day, I went to snowbowl with Alonso, my first time his second, it was a blast.

19 Feb 2022. The memories you make with the people you love is the definition of happiness. 

Interactions among consciousness are often seen to manifest as ubiquitous give and take. This is counterintuitive to the intent of the earth. We as humans must acknowledge our nature. all these interactions are temporary. Why perpetuate the proposed requisite negative? 

I am currently here visiting my beautiful girlfriend and her college friend. It is my birthday today and I am so glad I can spend it with her. She is the love of my life. I hope I have a future with her. Other than that,  life treats me well. I hope to focus on people and things that make me happy. 

Things come and go. People come and go.  All that remains are memories. 

13 March 2022. Thinking about observing a lot. Thinking about growth and   endings and beginnings. about art. and rocks and plants and so many things you can notice in one area before you stop noticing. It's nice to walk because you know you are going somewhere. 

14 March 2022. Another year another bounty of memories. You part  was with some people and let others in and receive the blessings or lessons they offer. Bearer of the curse... take the darkness form others, hold them high, and let their light outshine the sun. Their weight is that of a feather because they will take your hand and let you feel the warmth too. This curse is not what it appears, because the path is less treacherous with those who have seen the darkness. They will be your beacon, your lantern, your blessings. - C. H_. 

18 March 2022. Grateful for my hometown and my mom. thankful for Julia that we're friends. Happy birthday Jake you know I love you. I'll keep pushing forward for myself and everyone else. See you again in the summer. 

18 March 2022. Strange how my trip to Flagstaff has made me appreciate the sound of birds. I remember being young and being overwhelmed by their songs and annoying calls. My dislike grew when my phone alarm was the sound of a swarm of birds. I went to Sedona this week, I'd never heard of the city and didn't like their festive commercial streets. I liked the skate park, I don't skate but I liked the presence of skaters and bikers and hikers as I enjoyed crackers and cheese with my Flagstaff friend.  Nice, sunny, mountains,... and the sound of birds! a beautiful moment. In a Gilmore Girls scene, Loreli says she only likes poptarts because her mother hated them. My old house was surrounded by bird feeders and birds. My mother loves birds. 

19 March 2022. I stumbled on this site by accident while on a run. I hadn't run in a while but a Tiktok said if you ain't in a gym, they're f-ing your wife and I can't have that. I'm in love with M_. I 'm so happy when she's around. She's clever and her laugh is  my  favorite thing to hear. Sometimes she'll scratch my head or drum on my arm and it makes me love her more. As I walked the labyrinth I noticed I was getting closer though I seemed further away and I was getting further as I got close to the center but still leaving. It made me think of M_. She is such a free spirit, it felt symbolic. As I get closer, am I pushing her away? Will she just treat me as a friend like she always has? I've tried to get close before only to be friend-zoned. I love being her friend but I sometimes she seems more than friendly, but I can't be sure and I can't be sure and I can't risk losing her by making a bad move. I hope someday we'll be together. I love you M_. Hope you never see this but if you do I hope you feel the same. 

I wonder how these woods and this area will feel after these drug-fueled hazy days are over. sober except the 4 leaf clover, am I ever getting closer? Yes, but what I take dilutes  life. Tried to quit but highs are pinned to other highs. Controlled the one in the middle of my thighs but still I'm here again on an unplanned night. Told my dog I'd be by her side but drugs now reacting inside. Know I'll be fine but I never really make today the day I quit falling into this grip. It's my last step to take my life in directions few people do. I should enjoy food at the same time as people in my house do. Look Another payment for something due. 

Not a suicide note. not a suicide note. not a suicide note. not a suicide note. not a suicide note. Pray for my friend, J&A

24 March 2022. It was a nice walk, and took my mind off my trouble holding on to life. Then some young rich a-holes in a pickup truck truck shouted catcalls at me. But I like this reflection sheet. Next time I will fill one out. If I am still alive! 

26 Mar 2022. Came here with my girlfriend on a spur of the moment hike. We almost walked past the labyrinth when I saw the sign pointing the way. My girlfriend thought it was a curse symbol, but we are glad to see it. I was feeling stressed by school and life, and was nice to be in the moment. I found an unlit cigarette at the end, and picked it up, but then threw it out. This was a great find, will recommend.

27 Mar 2022. I went on a walk with my future husband today.  It is a nice day outside. Wheeeeee!!! I love Jake.

Sky & Mac  ♥  4-ever

I like how quiet it is, and seeing what others left. I left a giant spoon. I did backtrack because I was not paying attention.

I'm working on myself, and that brings reflection. I want happiness and moments like these to provide moments of calm happiness. Than you. ♥♥♥

Be present. It's all we really have. It's a gift (a present) to ourselves.

My new favorite place to come. 

3 April 2022. mindfulness, peace, love, joy, spirit.

Very fun! ♥♥♥

3 April 2022, 6:23 PM. Didn't think of much. It was neat just to walk and not have to be somewhere at a particular time. it's a beautiful labyrinth. 

2 May 2022  ♥, I reflect on my past weekend with Zach. My love for him is beyond all experience. But this weekend I realized I've lost my emotional attachment to him, and he feels the same way. When I got home I cried.  I need to let him go, for my sake and for his. I love you forever. I hope to keep a simple relationship with you. (How I felt this weekend). Goodbye my love. ♥. - Your bulvarian sugar cookie. 

2 May 2022. I've recently been caught up in my Job, alcoholism, and just not living in the moment and being healthy like I used to be. While walking the labyrinth I was more present.  I forgot my problems and noticed the smell of pine, an interesting lizard, the sound of the wind and wind chime, cars in the distance. I should come out more now that the weather is warm.  Grateful for this moment.

4 May 2022. So difficult to clear my mind, but a beautiful location in which to  try doing so! It was wonderful to take a break surrounded by beauty, and to reflect on all I am thankful for. 

13 May 2022. Today I came here with my boyfriend. our first activity being back together. I hope we share many more days together like this.  The air, the clouds & trees , the sun, the breeze, the warmth, everything. 

15 May 2022. Today was great. I f* love everything right now and I am so grateful. - Kayra. 

15 May 2022. Today was a great day. I bowed to a rock. I've never bowed to a person, but I bowed to a f* rock! I respect that rock!  

24 May 2022. when bad things happen to you it is OK to to let yourself cry and deal with it in your own way as long as your remember that you are loved and strong and you can get through it even stronger. 

24 May 2022. Sometimes I forget that outside of my room there is a world of mystery and beauty. Moments where I find peace, moment when you feel love and a quiet happiness in just being alive. I am grateful I am alive and I am lucky to share what it means to live.  

25 May 2022. Magic and wonder are always here. Do not doubt it. Beautiful synchronicities all around us. Enjoy. Slo-o-o-w down... I am ok ♥ 222

25 May 2022 . Here with my sister and there is no one else I'd rather be here with. Grateful for the time an experiences we have together.

There's  nowhere to go because there's nobody to go there. (This is "fake deep")

29 May 2022. Briana, Andrew, and Phineas. My boyfriend isn't very spiritual but he says he feels at ease here and that really means this place is a place of healing.

There's  nowhere to go because there's nobody to go there. (This is "fake deep")

1 June 2022. For the last 50 years I do long trail runs 3 times a week, typically 5-7 miles per run. On the Sinclair Wash Trail and AZ Trail since 2006.  For the last 2 or 3 years, about  10-20 minutes into my run, I look at nature and blurt out loud "I love you." I get the same feeling here. 

2 June 2022. Today was a late start. We had amazing pancakes, Sadie was obnoxious but cute as always. The labyrinth was decent but could have been more traps.

4 June 2022. So on the trip I saw lizards and a letter. So I got so scared I thought Itaxp was a dead bear and I cried. I like the maze. It was a fund tip. I enjoyed finding tree houses and watching my kids get scared.  Fun adventure, PS. Hello yellow butterfly following us along. I see you mom and hear you. xoxo. MS HS LS MD RD 

5 June 2022. Lovely plants, bird song and lots of lizard today. To to break away and walk with intention after too much work. I though of work but able to come back to the present through my walk. 

6 June 2022. GAAP was here!! 

Wer #1

23 June 2022. Love lives by no definition, make your own. Your people will come and go - the right ones will stay. Even so, live in your own. You are supported, you are see - even in the reflection of the gentle breeze. Everything is yours, take the time to listen and you will be heard. All the love, Ava, Andi, Nate.

24 June 2022. On a day when the Supreme Court made a devastating decision, there is little solace in reality. But nature provides reflection. For all people affected by this decision, I am sorry. I believe in the anger, strength, and love we have to continue through. - Rachel L. 

Longest shurest day... trust in the universe, everything will work how it is supposed to.  

3 July 2022. Mind centering, reflecting on family. It was nice, when it is the end/centers always somewhere to keep going hmmm ump brmmm ump hmmm. Thank you for the beauty you have created. For the work - effort, time, expense. Beautiful way to connect to nature and our center - our superior being. I loved doing this and learning about it. I love the peace. 

10 July.  July in Flag. Taking time to reflect on the journey this place brings me. Taking the time to be okay and with all good and bad. To make some life-changing changes!

13 July. It was nice. Ian, Noah, Isaac.

(In early July 2022 this plastic ball, full of rocks, appeared just southwest of the labyrinth, near the "lava chair".  A few of the comments and signatures are typed below.)

Peace out

I'll be over before you know it. 

...and could you keep your heart in wonder of the daily miracles of your life your pain would not be less wondrous than your joy.  Khalil Gibran.  

Marzy's 1000th mile. "Bike Flagstaff" 

Will you be my hippy hippie? 

Take it hour by hour not day by day. Azza and Juliet, July 10

(end of comments written on the red ball) 

Strength beauty love; love beauty strength. We are far unprepared for what we expect. 

24 July 2022. The earth is beautiful..  ♥ Alson, Jackson, Zuko and Lucy

25 July 2022. My friend took me here today and I really enjoyed the labyrinth. It eased my mind off the stress in my life and made  me appreciate my surroundings. Along the way I made a boquet and placed it at the center. I hope everyone enjoys the labyrinth.

25 July 2022. Made flower bouquets! Took my friend here. We got away from class to have a relaxing time. 

Rest in peace. 

30 July 2022. I was not looking for this place. I saw the chalk sign on the rock and assumed some kids put it there so people would look at a cool path they had found. I'm glad I love listening to children. This IS a cool path. I'm here on the first day of adding movement to my life, and I am going home so grateful. With a reminder to meditate naturally too. 

7 Aug 2022. There was a season for me here /it passed some time ago. /Now it seems that season /has returned to me /and I have returned here. /Our seasons change and if we /do not change with them /we cannot become ourselves. - JDC

In the end everything works out. god is great and has the perfect plan for each of us. Thank you thank you thank you god.

19 Aug 2022. Thank you for all the blessings you give us each day. With you, anything is possible. - Luna family

20 Aug 2022. You can learn a lot about a place when slow down and take note of small things. - Hannah

20 Aug 2022.. Stay kind, Stay humble, Lover everyone. Be kind friends. J.AN

20 Aug 2022, 110:30 AM. First time I finally walked a little bit on some trails. Nature & peace. - C__ P__

 21 Aug 2022. I came on a walk with my love monkey today to see this beautiful place with my own eyes, and it'd wonderful.  Can't wait to have more adventures like this with my love. Sarah.

22 Aug 2022. I need to be okay with being alone and I have to find hobbies that I love to do alone. like skating! 

26 Aug 2022. C & A. 222 Two things to work out. (written on a $1 bill) 

The stress and anxiety every day brings to me. I wish to leave it all behind.

I've buried $300 at the base of the tallest tree in a 1 mile radius. Find it.

You are in the most beautiful city in Arizona. Feel the sun shing on your neck, the breeze tickling your sleeves, and the sweet pine scent wafting over. You have nothing to feel sorry for. You are alive on  more beautiful day in this strange world. Joy is everywhere.

24 Sep 2022. I couldn't stop singing "my neck, my back" in my head. 

24 Sep 2022. Stranger friends. Sunshine, laughter, and a good I can bring anyone closer ♥ HAGS. Just vibing with the wildflowers. No one can judge my reflection - it's my reflection. Baby's first labyrinth! 

26 Sep 2022, 10:14AM. I'm back again, with another boy, and I love him, but this time I think he loves me too. Mica

26 Sep 2022. Life is good. Is she the one?

I'm lost. My mind is losing grip. I don't know show I am and I might hurt myself. But one thing I know: life is a labyrinth, what's on the middle is up to us. At times it seems we are getting nowhere but with every corner I round it is good know it eventually leads to the center. Might as well keep going.

I'm holding so much back and it's not healthy. I know I can feel better and happy. I am so amazing.

It doesn't have to be now. It doesn't have to be perfect. Breath into the moment and love yourself. Follow no judgements, no fears, embrace fully how much you have to give and receive. so much love, so much joy, so many connections to memories. to smile to cry to the sky. All is well. 

October, October again rolls around /and when our jaw lines become more profound, /when we grow as tall, as tall as we are allowed, /stuck behind the screen, your voice is still nowhere to be found. /A long walk to find cigarettes on the ground, /a new puppy is born, but an old dog stays put at the pound. /All new friends, all new faces, but the same f_ing town. Growing old as the old dog growing sick of the crowd, Growing sick of October because you're not around.

As most of my wishes have been for about a year, I wish C_ and I a long happy life together. I also wish prosperity for my mom and for Julia

May prosperity rain down upon them all.

Wishing for love light protection, banishment of evil, good health in my life. I wish for him to learn his lesson. I wish for my mother to be healthy. I wish for the sea to call me when it's my time.

Sunday, Oct 9 2022. Charlotte C. in my 10th year of life. The labyrinth was calming and helpful. It let me enjoy nature. The sould of the windchime was calming. I came here in fall so it was nice and cold. The bacground is gorgeous. Me and my family loved it. I hope you love it too.

Oct 9 2022. Have you seen it yet? /That distraction always glinting at the edge of your periphery?  /Have you seen in fully? /You know what that is? /It is the you waiting to happen. - JDC

Flagstaff... the weather changes /almost forever on time /the trees wave hello.

Nov 11 2022 Stay forever humble. We will be 31 and 32 on the 13th.

Nov 19 2022. This past week, I lost belief in myself, that I could accomplish the task at hand. I felt the weight of my disbelief pull be down. In that moment, I was my own inhibitor. BUT I turned it around. I sat with my feelings, not able to put my finger on what was wrong. I left my attitude behind and changed my perspective. Now I'm into creating a business that will others.  It will be incredible because I believe in myself that it will be... and that it already is.

 After years of self-development  I can finally say my journey is begun, and I realize I am my own person who can accomplish any task  at hand.   

Love is infinite! JM

Love is kind JR

I got split apart from my friends.

7 Dec 2022. I didn't mean to fall in love with him, but I'm glad I did. I love you. 

11 Dec 2022. Life is a lot shorter that it may seem. Take time to step back and look at your surroundings. You neve know what you are missing if not looking in the right places. 

Dec 11 2022. I want to be it all. I want of live with intention, change, and spontaneity. I don't want a life of certainty. I want change, inconsistencies, & contradictions.  Because I know one thing will stay the same. I will trust myself to carry me me through life with contentment, living to my full potential of kindness, peace, and love. ♥ Chlo

It is what it is till it ain't. 

19 Dec 2022. AMazing how much path you can fit in so small an area. I wonder how long this too to make. What if it's a magie fairie ring that transports me to another dimension when I get to the middle. 

(13 feet of snow in winter 2023, few visitors)

(child printing): It was good - Ian. I felt happy - Isaac. (adult printing): Happy kids, peaceful mom

13 May 2023. Live life a little slower and look around once in a while. 

14 April 2023. Kind of weird but I feel good. 

15 April 2023. Life has come full circle in the best and most unexpected way. 

1 May 2023. Pain is inevitable in life no matter your social status. Pain helps us grow and is temporary. We learn from pain and use it to grow stronger. Take each moment in stride and improve yourself and the world. Don't let opportunities pass. Live fully. It's up to you. 

1 May 2023. I liked that there are no forks in the road. I like how my friends were at their own spots in the labyrinth, but we would get close to each other at times. I liked how even though you go backwards at times, you are still always moving forward. 

12 May 2023 I feel so thankful as I feel myself stepping more and more into who I am. I am learning to speak my truth without fear of being "unlovable" or "unworthy." I can feel a lifetime of expectations melting away as I become aware. I see it so clearly when I'm present enought to take a step back and ask "Is this what I want or am I learning to love and embrace who I am." 

I am strong. I am bold. I am worthy. I am so thankful for who I have been and I am so in love with who I am now and who I am growing to become.  

22 May 2023. Magnificent experience. Quite spiritual and low key. Dominic

30 May 2023. This is a fine nice art. 

Carpe Diem. Taylor H_, Robert P_ 

Choose your path wisely. - Alex C

Two dogs was here

Jak G_

Love this place! I really enjoyed it. - Omi Y.

I love mom.

Broad paths So that you may fly over Earth by the plans of the sky.

I'm happy that they made this place and this trail because it is super fun for kids. Whoever made this: it is super exciting! - Raven

We are thankful for Flagstaff, nature, preservation of nature, our community, bananas, pickles, and animals.

9 June 2023. The path will wind. You may feel so far from your destination at times - so close to where you began. But that is is simply the path. Trust. Breateh. Smile. You will get there. And this it will be over so quickly. I love Ian and I am so excited to marry him. It will be a wonderful time. 

I found myself walking the labyrinth after deciding to go for a walk. Today I went this way by chance, sending me thru the spiral of rock and flower for the first time in a while. I'm happy. Truly happy. - Elise. 

13 June 2023. I am grateful for my friends. 

 Be content. Stay open. Nothing is wasted. This is for you. Specific to you.

19 June 2023 (child's printing) I'm Naomi. This was my first labrenth . It was so much fun, This place is awesome.  (drawing of spiral)

The coming and going are siblings

27 Jun 2023. It made me feel very calm,

27 Jun 2023, Humans cannot gain anything without first giving something of equal value. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed this was the world's one and only truth. - Brandon T_. 

27 June 2023. Don't allow the oder that life requests to falsify your actions and make you unhappy. The incessant forward marching of time will be your enemy. To achieve a great life, give to people and enjoy your time here. It makes life worth living. 

27 Jun 2023. The labyrinth wants me to recommend Gakuryu Ishii's 1995 film August in the Water. You can find  it free on the internet archive and probably YouTube. 

Love and light. - Snow bunny, Sleepy Lev, Baby Mel.

6 July 2023. I wonder what the world would be like if I grew up in a place as peaceful as this. Would I have grown into a more lovely, calm, centered person? My parents did the best they could, they raised their children with their own demons and whatever love was left over. What can you if your father was a child molester? Nothing but release excessive analysis and start anew. I pray for the well-being of all children, women, and plants. Thank you, Flagstaff

11 July 2023. Life is incomplete without animals. Our dog Kane has taught us to love unconditionally. Animals should be revered and loved. Flagstaff is wondrous. Enjoy the beauty. Don't take it for granted. Peace & Love - Ben, Raquel, Kane 

So Groovy. Far out.

My house is on fire. But I am not on fire. 

Grateful for family and friends. ♥ Thank you. P___ family. Alli, Dreco, Rochelle & Paul 

20 July 2023. ♥ I feel like I found myself here today. My life partner, B, had their first labyrinth visit today. Then stayed quiet for the longest time I've ever heard them be silent. This experience deepened our love and will be in our thoughts forever.  Amaste

20 July 2023. I am awoken! My journey this afternoon has left me with a new set of eyes. Entering the labyrinth today my mind and my judgement were clouded. I had no idea where to go with this life I was given. Now, having exited and given my time to the beyond, I now SEE where I am supposed to go. Thank all for this opportunity. 

30 July 2023. This felt nostalgic to a childlike wonder and peace. Felt like magic again. 

1 August 2023. What you put out comes back to you. Treat others how you want to be treated. Love yourself first and always. ♥ xoxo

 5 August 2023. First cam up and didn't see the path. Once I saw it, my feeling towards it felt awe. I started the walk but didn't realize the amount of paths in the path. I was really peaceful. 

5 August 2023. I feel a bit disconnected today. Tired, dry, but content somehow. I'm grateful for my life as it is. I'm afraid of starting a new relationship and of my new job. But everything is going to be just fine. I just have to stay in the present and cotinue to be gratefully in love with life. ♥ Thank you for this time to reflect...  

6 August 2023. I miss my dad, Aug 5 2018. My boys are the most important in my life. I pray I find love in the coming year, and find my soul mate.

18 Aug 2023. I  ♥  my GF.  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ 

18 Aug 2023. Although life has many changes and our path may seem unclear, as long as you have a clear goal or destination, you will find your way. 

19 Aug 2023. Sometimes we dance around the point. but we can just skip to the heart of the matter. 

21 Aug 2023. I know I am going to have a good school year after this journey with three - eventually four - friends. 

21 Aug 2023. The labyrinth is very cool and fun. I planned dinner with my roommates in the center. Chicken... macaroni... salad...  ♥ mmmmmmmmmm. 

23 Aug 2023. I brought my oldest friend Brenna. We walked in silence. We left with rose hips and good vibes  

24 Aug 2024. Life is so much more than what we experence in a single moment. It is a collection of moments, and we are so much more than how we feel in that moment. 

Life is exactly what we experience in a single moment.  

25 Aug 2023.  On my weekly visits, I have always enjoyed hearing and seeing the windchime in the tree on the southernmost circle. Today it is gone. I feel sad that some person was motivated to climb a tree to deprive us of this amenity. Public spaces remain public assets because everyone does their part. Public spaces become public nuisances when a few people behave badly. I am sending good energy to the bad actor in the hope they will bring back the windchime. 


I love showing new people this secret spot. I appreciate how respected this place remains. ♥  Rachel 

I love funny macaroni. I love Charlize!  ♥  I love ,,,

25 Aug 2023. I leave wondering about the great unknown. I have questions for humanity. I am afraid will never be around. But I have hope. The beauty leaves me scared.

G 11 will happen again

Matilda age 6. I want to be japne's and mu room to be japne's 

2 Sep 2023 Adelee Julie Rodinson. It's so fun! It's like a real labyrinth. From Eliana. 

I'm a fungi 

Zoz in the maze? Zaza hit diff here. Look behind you. Best of my life. 

Purple was here. r smash  ☺ Why did you listen to a piece of paper. This is a crazy smoke spot. Hello Random People. 

Be good to one another. Take a walk, ride the bus. Eat bagels with who you love the most. Life is short but god life is long... 

Beautiful day for a bike ride. Love your labyrinth! Deb, Chris, & Motim, Philadephia. Enjoy every day!

I'm sad my best friend is leaving to study abroad but I'm happy for them.

Flag's beauty is unmatched. Go Jacks. 

It's quite a long trail. - Mark. I feel like a walked a mile. - Me. I'm so excited - what's going on? - Paola. It's very long - Siridean. "Speechless. I'm free! - John. There's no greater attraction in the Southside neighborhood - Siridean. Thankful there's no minotaur in the middle. - Malcolm.  Life has its twists & turns but you eventually get to your goal. - Ryan. The way back it much shorter than the way there. - Paola

1 Oct 2023.. I've been down this trail for years, and I always thought the labyrinth painted on the rock at the bottom of the hill was the labyrinth. Much to my surprise I followed the side trail and discovered the actual labyrinth! lol. Whoever reads this I hope it finds you well & happy. Colin C_, Ann Arbor MI

1 October 2023. Taking a nature walk with my friend after graduating college  is quite enjoyable and less stressful than the last time I walked this path.

1 Oct. I recently stopped being with the person I love most. Im now sitting in midpoint of between our homes. Two nights ago I went to see him and he didn't look familiar. I love him still but now is the time to let him go. He isn't mine anymore. Although I will haturally always fight for him, I need to let it be. 

6 October 2023. Lately I've been losing the people I love most. I saw The first loss coming, the last one I didn't expect for a year. It hurts. I'm trying to be grateful for this change. It's hard to learn something new.  

6 October. I'm glad this took so long, gave me long to think and love how long it was.

8 October. Relief  Peaceful ♥  Look up! Serenity now!

I'm so pretty everyone here sucks unless you're also pretty. Love you ♥ ★

11 Oct 2023. Two years ago I asked the labyrinth to change my life for the better. That very night I found my boyfriend was cheating on me. Now I walk this path after breaking up with my latest boyfriend. I came here for advice from the universe but ended with an empty mind and a sense of stillness. The only thing that can heal me is time. I forget what it's like to sit with Gaia. I struggle with having no friends in this town, but here I feel safe. Life will get better. ★ I find myself at this stage of womanhood and 19 years, a genius, a thief, a liar, a moral vagabond, a fool more or less, and a peripatetic philosopher. I also find this combination cannot make me happy.    ♥ Prophet girl /chosen by the sun /Do you hear the goddess whisper? /Silent stardust words? /cursed daughter uttering insanities no-one believes /Do you regret taking the vow?   ! Divinity will stain your fingers and mouth like a pomegranate, it will swallow you whole and spit you out. You will reach for it again and again, greedy human fingers. The divine will curl thru your veins and take you over. I feel divinity in my bones like aching, like fire. my favorite feelings.  - Alora

Not only was the labyrinth epic, bt I had my first kiss here and was was rad.

Pretty sure i'm better than everyone else. I so cool and pretty and spectacular. Yahoo.   ♥

Amazing class field trip. So many beautiful 3rd and 4th grade reflections. - Mrs B__

The maze was fun and took a while because my gf didn't want me to trip.

Hello and Smile. Sobriety is the way to go. First time here and it's very cool. Smile. Michael #1 

22 Oct 2023. A long and winding path. I stubbed my toe, but is was okay shortly. A beautiful day. 

28 Oct 2023. It is so hard to be a human and to feel. Sometimes taking a walk is the most immediate therapy. Talking things out with myself in nature - a safe space where I am unafraid of how my inner thoughts might sound if I voided them out loud to another human. 

30 Oct 2023. I did my best. God did the rest. Love all.

Finally found it.  -- Dennis & Nancy

Life is short an you should do what you want. I know it's not always easy but you can do hard things! When life gets hard, look around. See the trees and the sun and know this too will pass. Love, Me

How beautiful we are. K & L

6 Nov 2023. A bit of peace in our chaotic world. A hidden Flagstaff gem... my husband and I celebrated 24 years of marriage walking this as part of our day.  ♥ He always finds the labyrinths for me. Thank you for placing this here. 

7 Nov 2023. Death becomes us all!

10 Nov 2023 Hello

12 Nov 2023 Thank you for this beautiful place of reflection in nature in the city. Thanking god for all her blessings and praying for peace in the world. Remembering our departed family and friends. Our lady of akita, pray for us.  

15 Nov 2023, Wednesday. Following the 19th I was very mindful of the steps I took and being in the moment. I came across a fuzzy caterpillar and a centipede and I didn't want to step on any bugs. Entering the center I saw things other people left behind and found a 10 peso coin. After that I retreated back inside my head and got on my phone. I realized that I abandon everything including this. I took some breaths and made my way back out. I saw some more bug friends. 

17 Nov 2023. Iris. Okay. Fine. Good.

In the labyrinth I realized I used to be so mom-like and I was annoying. And I've changed and it's good... because of drugs.

At the end of they day if we don't try new things, we don't grow. Got to live life with no regrets and try every opportunity. Yolo! 

Reflected on restoring peace and intentionality. Stacy, Oklahoma

22 Nov 2023. I reflected on life

17 Dec 2023. A good 2 months in Flagstaff. In November 72% of Voters rejected the plan by the millionaires to move the hospital out of town. And this week a packed crowd in the City Council Chambers spoke loudly in favor of keeping our Climate Action Plan and rejecting the proposal by climate change deniers to defund it. When asked how many people in the room favored keeping our Climate Action Plan, EVERY PERSON stood up. Not one of the climate change deniers spoke or showed up.  

I walked through the labyrinth, hopelessly in love. When you are real, you don't mind the pain. 

Happy New 2024 

Happy 2024 Thank you. 

Date: The Present Moment.. Momento Mori. everyone you know will dies, including yourself. The past we cannot change. The future we have no control over. All we have is the present moment. 

2 Jan 2024. We had a wonderful time. Our friend Landyn was the one in the middle, a sexy xx. We added our very own prizes in the middle: a one of a kind vanilla bean and body works hand sanitizer, It'll be gone by the time this note is found because it's so exclusive. Sincerely, the weird Wilson 3rd Floor Girls. Mwah! 

17 Jan 2024. A bit linear and we felt a little out of options. However it made for a great snowball fight. (Note to myself: don't play with a handball player... yes it hurt!)  Sincerely, Ya MOM (but seriously, 3 from Germany) Auf Wiedersehen!  

19 Jan 2024: My girlfriend and I just walked the Flagstaff Labyrinth together for the first time! It was super muddy and icy but we made it work. Did you know you can make an ink pen work again by heating it up with a lighter? We drew some magical unicorn oracle cards in the middle. Stella got "One step at a time" and I got "Finish what you started." I had so much fun walking in and out. It's just what I needed today. - Carson

22 Jan 2024. Isabela (illegible) 

26 Jan 24, 6:03 AM. Guacamole. 

30 Jan 2024. Big John was here. Join@Flagstaff_Element! Fox

26 Feb 2024. After the Corps of Engineers put the Rio de Flag in a concrete tube, very little water will flow in the canyon below. What will happen to the willows and aspen and dogwoods and maples that live there now? Will they die? Will it take 5 years to die? 20 years? Will anyone notice?  

26 Feb 24. life is short. live it to the fullest. 

28 Feb 24. Take a moment to look around at all the beauty around us. You are a gift, so is this life. Smile more! Love more!

This labyrinth holds ancient magic of my ancestors. It made me cry tears of beauty and connections to my bloodlines. These tears healed my soul. 

10 Mar 2024. Let's rock and roll with monster brusks, and repeat. -Ezra, Age 5

16 Mar 24. Outside is beauty and peace. Go outside more. - Dio 

12 Apr 2024. Carried with the wind / light as the crow's call / laughing secrets. - Tempest. 

12 Apr 2024. Ambient & traffic mixed with the cawing of crows. Find myself, centered. - j. wiss

10 May 2024. Found a nuthatch nest today. Life is good. 

5 May 2024.I want enough. I want to pay enough attention.  I lost the person that meant everything.  All due to what I failed to do.

Hope. Love. Light. 

4 May 2024. Hello! ☺ 

1 May 2024. I have been traveling alone for a while. On my own journy I the labyrinth a gecko appeared next to me. And the leaves waves hello, as did the breeze. I felt witnessed for being in Flagstaff and happening on this labyrinth, alone. Then I felt witnessed by god. And by ancestors, I am not alone. Feeling witnessed is important. At the center, I felt complete, whole, present. 

3 May 2024. My experience was great. It was the best. I'll come here again and again. 

3 May 2024. The walk was aa=mazing, It really made me think about my friends and how much they mean to me, and how well they support me. 

3 May 2024, This was great.

It's cool songs, it's fun and ya

Thank you for this spot. I felt the need to get outside and follow my feet, and they took me here. I took a moment to be grateful for my life, miss my borther, and be grateful for the love I'm consumed with. I listened to 2009 by Mac Miller, simply the best by Billianne and mammal talk by Prince of Eden. May the unlimited blessings of the universe be with you! Let's go somewhere far, somewhere real bizarre."

It was fun.

22 May 2024. Life is good. I spent 3 hours dancing, totally in the moment, feeling the music, looking into the eyes of each dance partner in my arms for a few moments, feeling the connection, moving on. 

23 May 2024. I have to change myself so that I can change the world with my soul and my music. I know it was true love because I am healed and I no longer long for him but I still love him and I'm at peace without end and I wish him the best. Haley Rose

27 May 2024. First time here. Makes me wonder why it's here at all. Lots of questions about the past. - Paul V

27 May 2024. (5 notes on one page) I love Flagstaff. Never do I want to leave - Kaura.    I love the trees and being in nature. Flagstaff is my fave place. - Tristan.     I miss Flagstaff and hope to be here next year! 2025.     Really cool labyrinth! Just no cheating - Jacob.    Cool beans!   For the love of the trail! 

(child's writing) 29 May 2024 . Rosie manny Karle. (adult writing)  fun hike and beautiful scenery! Rosie is 5, Manny is 3, Kalley (mom) is 30. ♥ LOVE. 

2 Jun 2024. In the journey of life, we all trip and make mis-steps. What does it help you learn? Trust the process... just when you think you messed up or missed something, remember you are on the path. As I walked my journey alone today I was "interruped" by several kids chatting a mile a minute. But the most amazing thing came when I was curious about my feeling.  The wise little souls echoed the lesson -- dont give up, just keep walking!

3 Jun 2024. There are times when you get so close to the end goal, only to get re-directed in a new direction, Trust the path. You will get there. -Caleb

Says I saw love, this means I am (5 illegible words) happiness... Notions of love. 

I ♥ hot moms.

Stop for the journey

5 Jun 2024/ I am at an important stage in life, facing a difficult choice. This helped me make a decision and do the right thing for my beautiful daughter E.A.R.  

9 Jun 2024. I hope this upcoming year is filled with success in self-growth, friendship (new & old) and believing in myself. PS. Drones are kinda scary. -- Your mom

16 June 2024. fun walk... my girlfriend loves chhese. You should put cheeze in the middle (of the labyrinth). Also this thing I'm writing in is gonna five me tetanus. The same way rats walk thru mazes to get cheese. ☺. I love her so much. She is my heart. ♥ - J&N 

It was my first time here. I'm fro Tucson and explored today. It was an awesome walk andI'm very glad I experienced this. I love Flagstaff.

22 Jun 2024.  1PM. I stumbled on the labyrinth on a short Saturday run. I saw the ide of Doing It then writing a Reflection. So I did it. I ran it (as best as I can) so I could see and remember the pattern on Strava [running app) later. It was fun and reminded me of the careless innocent fun I had as a child. As I grow up and get ready for the real world, I will stop and have fun too.   

Jun 22, 2024, Labyrinth. It's fun. I liked it very much. 

24 June 2024. Reflectful morning. Birds, wildlife were jumping for joy. Butterflies black & yellow.

Labyrinth, I liked it. You know you are close to the center when you are most outside. Isaac. (age 5).  

companionship. peace. love. honesty. to be at peace. all from within me. 

4 July 2024. I am donating my pen. Hope nobody steals it. I had a good day today. Hopefully I get another job soon so I can afford another pen. Smooches, hug, kisses. Missing people! See ya!

4 July 2024. Shorts feel good on my legs, Plants graze my calves as I walk this labyrinth. I thank the majestic girls who provided this pen.

10 July 2024. The trees blend in the white eatable clouds.

10 July 2024. I think this is a good pen and smooth paper. But where is the end of this maze? To keep people from jumping over the rocks, it needs electric fences instead of rocks so no one cheats. Hola!

12 July 2024. Awesome experience! 10/10 would recommend! - Sus & Abe

 It was hard to reflect with the half-dressed man in the bushes. But it was quiet and good to take a moment to get away.

14 July 2024. My immediate impression after the first few turns was an allegory of my life. The first few turns were uncomfortable and disorienting, but my feet soon learn the feel of the ground, the pitch of the path, the tickles of grass. After a few more turns, I realize I've walked the path the left... or was it the one on the right? Eventually the distinction between past and future became irrelevant. What matters is the current moment. Love always. ♥. Thank you.

16 July 2024. After 21 years of life, I am not close to answering "what does it take to become a good person?" How can I make a difference? I will keep searching for answers, but I hope I never find them. My life is a never ending process of trying to find impossible answers in unusual places. 

Flagstaff is so much cooler than Phoenix. Also, I need to work on my patience. ♥ - Thei. 

19 July 2024. While I walked I thought about time. Not only knowing how old the rock is. Also imaging how this area looked long ago. The time and energy put into making this labyrinth. The broken glasses on the center rock helps me think of many people who went here before me. 

Super cool activity. Never seen before. I loved the experience. Yours truly, Tony the Cheif. Thank You.

21 July 2024. Michael & Paki took a long walk and spoke about current election candidates. We plan to leave the US and travel together. First stop: Spain.

24 July 2024. I have been struggling with sobriety, depression, loneliness for weeks. I was sent to Flag for medical reasons and decided to do a quiet reflective walk when I stumbled on the labyrinth. Though things are very tough now, sitting quietly in nature tells me that the world is not against me. There is much to live for. There is even more to love. Stay strong.

I want to write something but there are no words to describe...

I felt such an amazing energy walking around it. I thought about who I am and how I can be better for myself and people around me. 

27  July 2024, During the first part of the walk, all I could think about was how angry I've been with someone who used to be a friend. I've been angry for months, unable to let go of my hurt and betrayal, but when I got to the center I realized I forgot I was walking with my best friend, and I decided I can think about it next time I walk this maze. 

30 July 2024. Basically... Don't Stop Dreamin! 

31 July 2024. I should buy a boat. 

5 August 2024. I took my dog and we walked together (on leash) to the center. Then I unleashed him to see how he'd walk back. At first he followed me. Then he got lost and sat down and gave up. Silly experience.

7 August 2024 . Speak my mind. Be honest with myself and those around me. Be unafraid of tough conversations. Trust thow who care about me and love me. 

7 August 2024. I thought so many things while walking the labyrinth. They've all gone away. They don't matter. The mosquitos are relentless. Now I remember... it is so uncomfortable to stay in one place. I'd rather walk all day till my feet bleed. The plants that grow between and around these rocks have been here since they were born. Will I find enlightenment at the perfect place and time? The sunset is pretty now. Maybe I should let the mosquitos have their way with me. 

7 August 2024. Mountains are not moved alone. It takes a village, a will, and a borrowed power. Bring those who see a need to move that mountain... whose desire for it burns like your own. - D.G. 

10 August 2024. My voice is the one that can guide the lost and blinded. The grass can be hard. The rocks can be soft. Rocks, walks, and Toby... lemons, pine cones. Crunch. Pinecones, Crunch. Take me back Toby. The voice of loved ones will always lead you correctly. Sincerely, Bois

I reflected that I love my boyfriends and he is the best. I hope he feels the same way. 

(child's writing) I like the maze. Love.   

17 Aug 2024, Every path leads to love.

17 Aug 2024. My anxieties are my own. Flagstaff brings me peace. Hayley's birthday weekend trip

17 Aug 2024.  I'm going to marry ♥ Haley ♥.  I'd be my life on it. -JB

17 Aug 2024.   I found a black bead in the center of the labyrinth. I am reminded that there is darkness. I believe light will overcome it, but sometimes I am in darkness, and that is hard/ Be a light, look for light, wait for the light. In the darkness I will be still when I don't have strength. I will push with my light when I feel strong.

When I entered I was greeted with wild flowers. I think of the girl I used to pick flowers for. I will see her tonight at a welcome-back event. I haven't seen her in 7 months so I spent my time thinking of what I want with her. I wish her well. I'm glad I came here to think it over and realize I am really OK. Keep Flagstaff weird. 

 The labyrinth was peaceful. I bvv the stuff in the middle. I thought about my life a lot. 

17 Aug 2024. Maybe loving yourself isn't just about self-care. I'm taking myself out for dinner, picnics, bubble baths. But the way I do it would make a boring date if I were with someone else. Maybe I need to enjoy my company instead of accepting it in lieu of someone else.

I walk in the labyrinth is whoou life is hard past to make. 

17 Aug 2024. Every year I glow older, the more I realize I know nothing at all and that everything I know is only my experience with age. I've chipped off parts of stone that I was sure was part of me. Sculpting away rock to reveal my true self is a painful process, but I must forgive myself. The future is what I make it. 

2- Aug 2024. I'm from Minnesota. In 2 days I return to Minnesota to go to the State Fair, where my favorite thing is the Butterfly House. One time 15 butterflies landed on me! I enjoy Arizona and maybe I'll go to college here. Maybe you can come to Minnesota too.  

22 Aug 2024. Too many mosquitoes :( 

24 Aug 2024. It was cool. 

25 Aug 2024. Thoughtful. Peace. 

30 Aug 2024. I left the most at peace I have been in a long time. Grateful for my life and the people I share it with. Thank you, labyritnh. 

30 Aug 2024. This was my first time here, a truly beautiful experience, I felt very calm, I will be back again.

30 Aug 2024 @ 18:30. visited the labyrinth with my best friend Sara. We are so blessed to live in sucha beautiful place with so many mysteries and hidden wonders, Flagstaff amazes me every day. - Amy

1 Sep 2024. It's strangely natural to follow the flow of the path. It's calming. It's fascinating to know that I'm following the footprints of thousands before me, both physically in Flagstaff and historically across cultures and times. 

One day far in the future, these will be considered fragments of ancient pottery...

I am scared of what the future holds, both soon and far away. I want it to be good, and to be what I decide, but I don't know.

We followed followed markings on rocks that led us here. We didn't know what to expect. I can feel the energy of others who sat on this same bench, walked the same path, and felt the same calm I do now.... 10/10

Blue. I love blue. 

Don't look back. You are not going that way. 

20 Sep 2024 ♥ Thank you for this healing resource. / ♥ Blessings arrive with every step. / ♥ The path is nonlinear and abundant.. / ♥ New perspective emerge with time and direction. / ♥ Community everywhere / ♥ We are pure love consciousness. / ♥ Our bodies are dsigned to regenerate. 

27 Sep 2024. The last day of our honeymoon. We wanted a labyrinth in our wedding ceremony. Life didn't allow it and that's OK because our wedding and reception were prefect. It is also perfect that after an amazing trip thru AZ (we're from CA) we find this labyrinth. So symbolic of our relationship. The twists and turns of our lives, same place, different time, different place, but we we meet and walk out together. Thank you Flagstaff... Dane and Megan D_. 

29 Sep 2024. Came here lake at night, feeling lost, alone, between jobs. directionless. fell off my career path. Feeling numb. no future? 

Too easy. Need secret passages and more than one path. and traps

2 Oct 2024. thank you to all the people who care to make beautiful things like this. The world needs it & always will. Thanks for reminding me to be still. 

3 Oct 2024. Life is short yet beautiful - take the winding path. Jessica (almost) P_

15 Oct 2024 This might be the best time to enjoy nature before it dies in front of us. Hike and breathe in nature while you can. To live means we are always near death. Even if we don't know it.

Caleb, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Love you with all my heart. ♥ PS my favorite tree is Family Pinaceae, Genus Picea, Species Abies. Common name Norway Spruce